Search results

  1. L

    Cath /Sara /Sofia Slash - No Boys Allowed!

    1> Cath could be a greatleader as we know. 2> Sara could be an excellent inverstigator. 3> Sophia could be a responsible cop.(She is a cop, right?!) So...could the whole lab be controled by girls? :D I would love it if Eckle was kicked out... :lol: :lol:
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    Crossover : Horatio and Stella

    Sorry, catwarfan, if my word made you unhappy... I didn't mean to ruin the ship. I do think it's okay! Just Joking! :D Well, if you let me kill someone first, I'll go with the ship~~ :lol:
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    Horatio & Megan - So Close Yet So Far Away...

    Re: Horatio/Megan-What did u think? :rolleyes: What should I respond? :rolleyes: What about Jack?
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    Crossover : Horatio and Stella

    No way! Our Stalle should be matched to Mac or Flack! :D
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    What will you be looking forward to...?

    If Megan wasn't written out, that would be Miami; but in condition that I dislike the guy who plays H though I like the fictional H character, that would never be Miami. So...LV!
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    Six Degrees To CSI

    1> Michael Imperioli plays as Det. Nick in Law & Order with Jorja Fox. 2> Jorja Fox plays Sara Sidle in CSI. Next: John Spencer
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    Adrien Brody

    Really?! "Amazing"--it's the firt feeling I have for him... To get clear where I saw him for the first time, I checked my stuff and found "The Village"! Yes, it's the first movie I noticed him; then back to "Pianist"; then "Kingkong"... I heard of he once stared in "The Jaket", right? I haven't...
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    Six Degrees To CSI

    1> Mara Wilson acts as Nikki with Doug Savant in Melrose Place. 2> Doug Savant acts as Paul Brandy in episode Swap Meet from CSI. Next: Geena Davis
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    you know you're addicted to CSI when...#2

    Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2 when I watched a new movie but refeclting our CSIs... :lol:
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    Adrien Brody

    I like this man! AMAZING MAN! And like your avyys for him, Hummer!
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    The Closer

    Re: The Closer *possible spoilers* Yes! I like that guy Fritz! I never conidered him for Brande's boyfriend until this firt ep, when Fritz told Brande that he didn't trust Pope... It really scared me and I was frozen for seconds just becoz his words?! Anyway, it is the first permission I give...
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    The Singles Thread!

    :D You guys know what I get when first reading this thread... :lol: Joy 2/2 :lol: Well, I am single...and I enjoy this rela... My roommate was always complaining me for not staying with her around; but when she got a boyfriend, she is crazy happy to have me being her rommate... :lol: You...
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    Names for their kids

    :confused: :rolleyes: :lol: Any reason? :D
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    Horatio & Megan - So Close Yet So Far Away...

    Re: Horatio/Megan-What did u think? For their kids??? You have supposed that they were married??? Jesus! YOU ARE jumping too fast!!! *dizzy*
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    Megan Donner Appreciation Forum(Bring her back!!!)

    Thankgodness that hiccup doesn't favor I am still staying here with my id... :lol: sienna~ :) First, THERE ARE fictions about Megan in FanFiction Forum; and you COULD get them by searching her name... Second, is another website I prefer haunting around...
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    Bones *Spoilers*

    Re: Bones Tip: not in Bones :D but still our Brennan
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    The 4400

    Re: The 4400 *spoilers* I've watched for an hour... The idea is good, but the story could develope farther... Miss Lili, who knows love much better than her daughter... I don't wanna offend anyone, but I really think her daughter(forget her name) shouldn't survive!
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    The Closer

    Re: The Closer *possible spoilers* I thought I had watched the premiere for season two... Yes, I have watched...they found officer died in a warehouse... I like the way Brenda solved the case... Has she learned blitzkrieg from Hitler? :lol: It's extraordinary! I think it's as excellent as the...
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    Movies that Traumatized You!

    It's a good movie!
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    What's on their answering machines....?

    WOW!!! If it is his answering...I'm sure it will scare the whole lab :lol: