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  1. L

    Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

    AliGtr, nice Monday pic! You can really see how much muscle he's got. He got a chance to show off his enormous strength when he slammed Dan to the wall in One of Our Own. For some reason, seeing him wearing red is a little weird...he hardly wears bright, angry :mad: colours. I'm starting to...
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    Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

    Hehe, don't worry. We all made it up. If you're the alligator, be nice to him ok? That is, if he's in the water drowning. You should save him. But even if you try to, Calleigh might shoot you if she's there. :lol: I voted for Ryan because he's got a more interesting personality, & he doesn't...
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    Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

    Whoa drowning's not a bad idea! :eek: Calleigh or Horatio can shoot the gator (before it tears up Ryan's face!), & Delko can dive in & show off his swimming skills. Brilliant. I think I've mentioned this before, but if he got hurt again, I'd want it to be getting beaten up by some Miami...
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    Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

    Yikes...:eek: (about your spoiler, Dutchie) least it isn't confirmed yet. Yeah I feel quite uneasy when it gets chatty in here...remember that this is a forum, not a chat room. bout another QUESTION for everyone to answer? If Ryan getting nailed in the eye isn't 'good'...
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    Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

    I'm 20 posts away from getting my avatar - woohoo! I've emailed him 3 times so far, & he did reply 1 out of the 3 messages. He said something like, 'We're now MySpace friends forever. U rock, Asia rocks, ur sister rocks!' It was a short reply, but good enough for me. My 2nd & 3rd messages must...
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    Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

    Haha :lol: That pic of Ryan & Eric in leather is so hot, I can't stare at it for more than a second. If I do I'd probably be blinded by the 'heat'. It's just like the bright sun on a hot day. My sis loves using this pic to give me a good scare whenever I come back into the room after getting a...
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    Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

    Welcome churchmouse! I too had a dream of Jon last night...for the 6th time I think. I was watching SU2 - in my mum's room! I was like, 'Hey, it's SU2! They're finally showing it here!' But it was a little scary. Jon was in this rock-like cave & looking for a creature. Medussa, I think. While...
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    Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

    Nope. I will soon. :) Just a reminder - I think you should put more content in your posts, Lathaina. I really have no idea why, but all the cute guys (at least for me...hehe :D) in all 3 CSIs will get REALLY badly hurt at some point. & all these 'CGGH' (cute-guys-get-hurt) episodes are super...
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    Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

    It is possible that they'll make a movie...all 3 CSIs join up to stop a life-threatening mega crime spree, with some new cases to solve. Cool. :cool: But it would need A LOT of careful planning. & they won't be able to squeeze all those cases into a one and a half hour film. Maybe 3 hours is...
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    Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

    OMG!!!! This thread is so picture-rific now!!!! I was 95% close to falling off the chair looking at THIS one. His eyes are certainly an eye opener. :eek: & THIS one REALLY, REALLY looks like the conductor of the orchestra I play in. They've both got the same smile, & my conductor chuckles a...
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    Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

    Ryan's hairdo has changed every season! Season 3: Long, S4: Short & neat, & S5: Spiky. Wow, I wonder if it'll change next season...Sure there'll be S6 for Miami in the future, because there is S7 for CSI (Las Vegas). The S4 haircut is my favourite. :) Muahahaha!
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    Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

    Erm...Need4Speed, aren't his eyes brown in colour? Sometimes they have a golden-yellowish glow, like a real wolf's eyes (maybe a little something like this?). Oooooooooooooo! :eek: Welcome, hot4jontogo! I suggest you go here to hunt for some Wolfe pics...
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    Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

    Yeah it's nice watching Eric swimming underwater. Hehe, what if there's a case that involves dolphins, or at least has something to do with them? Maybe Eric will have to go further out at sea & find some dolphins to collect evidence on them. That would be really cool. But that's just my...
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    Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

    Yes, a BIG thank you from me. This whole spanking thing is getting a little out of hand.
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    Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

    Wowz another birthday already, Happy Birthday ILuvJonathanTogo!!! Here come ur prezzies - chockful of SU2 goodness for a change: 'Sugary' sweet Have a great birthday I'm in the mood for some birthday cake! :lol: Hope you like them. :)
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    Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

    I think most of the users here use software like Photoshop & Paint Shop Pro, but I made my current banner using different software. I'll try to help u, I send u a PM soon. Watch for the flashing letter. :D Happilyhappy, your signature is classic Ryan! I have that pic too. I soooo love the sweet...
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    Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

    I'm a 'late bloomer' Togoholic, you know. :lol: I only fell in love with him in S4. The first time I saw him in S3 was in a scene when Horatio called him Mr. Wolfe. I was like, 'Oh, nice catchy name.' I didn't even think he was cute at all (not ugly, really! just a normal guy with normal looks)...
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    Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

    'Under The Influence' was enjoyable last night! Not only Ryan's 1st episode, but also one of his funniest. The Calleigh/Ryan scenes were the best. But this one made my mum & I giggle: Calleigh: 'I'm ten feet away.' Ryan: *shakes head* 'Eight and a half...' :lol: The scene when Calleigh says...
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    Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

    Wow no one's posted anything here 4 a few hours. That's like unusual, for this thread. :lol: athlov, the SU2 caps are hilarious. He seems to be pulling a lot of faces in that ep. I like this cap, & this one too. The angry Jon reminds me of Johnny Storm in the Fantastic 4 movie. I think Johnny...
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    Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

    No probs, asiagirl. Marns , that 'Shattered' pic is so sweet that I've saved it on my comp. Muahahaha. After coming back from a holiday from Brisbane, my sis dreamed of Ryan. Not only that, she said we were still at our Brisbane hotel in her dream, & she saw Ryan having a drink at the lounge...