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  1. SaraxGrissom

    photo manipulation fun

    AHHAAHAA!! These are so funny! Great job! XD LOL!!
  2. SaraxGrissom

    what is your favourite Csi episode and favourite character

    My favorite episode(s) are "Butterflied" and "Lady Heather's Box". My favorite chatacter(s) are Grissom and Sara! =^w^=
  3. SaraxGrissom

    How old are most CSI fans?

    I'm 19 and only have been into CSI for about a year and a half... ;__; sad to say I cant remember the first episode i saw! (I SO wish I did!) But I'm TOTALY obsessed!!!! =^w^=
  4. SaraxGrissom

    Best Sara/Grissom song

    OMG! It has SO got to be this one!!!! "Please Forgive Me" by David Gray. I first heard it as a short sample of music that was in my computer and as soon as I heard those first lyrics I thought "Sara and Grissom"! Anyway, here's the lyrics! Enjoy =^w^=! Please forgive me If I act alittle...
  5. SaraxGrissom

    Favorite Sara quotes.

    God Sara's got some great kiss-ass lines! LOL!! She's awesome! Jorja, you rock!! ^___^
  6. SaraxGrissom

    Best Sara/Grissom song

    Oh man! All of these songs are great! XD they all fit Sara and Grissom to the capital T!! ^_^
  7. SaraxGrissom

    Who do you think SARA should be with??

    (Like my name) I say Sara NEEDS to be with Grissom. They would be so good together! *sigh* I love the love between them. I keeps me coming back to watch CSI to see if they come out... maybe in season 6!