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  1. fastfoodjunkie

    ~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

    Or The Time Warp! I read this one just now, it's from a couple of pages back and I've missed a couple of pages so sorry if someone's already said it. :D
  2. fastfoodjunkie

    Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

    Woo! New thread! *throws olive oil and ties* You know, I just had a thought. When we started thread 7, everyone said that the fact we started it on the first day of 2007 meant it should be a good year for SMACked. Since then we've had the hug in "The Ride In", quite a few other scenes and now...
  3. fastfoodjunkie

    Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

    Darn those glass walls in his office! :devil: Then again, imagine if Peyton had walked past about the same time that that picture was taken!
  4. fastfoodjunkie

    Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

    Nice! That pic reminds me of the Season 2 Part 1 DVD. It's not the same but it's similar!
  5. fastfoodjunkie

    QUIZZES--How much do you know?

    5/10. I guess I'm just too disbelieving(sp?)! :D
  6. fastfoodjunkie

    QUIZZES--How much do you know?

    5/10 in World Capitals. Ah well, a few of those were lucky guesses but I did know some! :p
  7. fastfoodjunkie

    Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

    LMAO CalleighWolfe! They're great! Gotta love the olive oil! :devil:
  8. fastfoodjunkie

    ~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

    This made me laugh so much!
  9. fastfoodjunkie

    ~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

    LMAO EmeraldEyes06! That was great!
  10. fastfoodjunkie

    Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

    That was me, thank you! :D
  11. fastfoodjunkie

    ~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

    I remember seeing that advert! No can deny the mighty powers of the Sunglasses! Yeah, I don't know where that came from either. . . :D
  12. fastfoodjunkie

    ~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

    These are great! Horatio, Ryan and Calliegh are in the lift at the lab. They stop at a floor along the way up and lots of people pile in. Horation starts to look uneasy. Calliegh: What's up, Horatio? H: I'm claustraphobic. Ryan: What does that mean? Calliegh: It means he's afraid of Santa...
  13. fastfoodjunkie

    Thread Titles Rules - UP'D 10/01/08 - PLEASE READ!!

    Re: Thread Titles - All Posters Please Read and Respond!!! Read and understood! :D
  14. fastfoodjunkie

    ~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

    Here's a quote you won't hear: Horatio: I made a mistake. Sorry, it's just popped into my head!
  15. fastfoodjunkie

    [SMACKED] Since that Cold November Day

    *sobs* That was really sweet and so cute! And it definately didn't fail to live up to my expectations! I love how you ended it with Stella thinking about the first time she met Mac right up to what's happening now. *applauds* This was really great! :D
  16. fastfoodjunkie

    Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

    I was just reading through all the posts I've missed and I found this: Does anyone know if there's a transcript of this scene anywhere becuase I think I might have to miss this episode. :(
  17. fastfoodjunkie

    ~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

    OK, this isn't that good but I'm in school and inspiration isn't really that available. Alexx, Calleigh and Ryan are standing over a dead body. C: So ALexx, did you collect a Sexual Assault kit? *Ryan starts to giggle* A: What? R: You said. . . SEX!!! *Ryan runs away giggling insanely* Bad I...
  18. fastfoodjunkie

    Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

    I think it's best if I don't comment on that . . . :devil: And chaostheory08 I love your fic, it's really good but I can't review at FF.Net because my computer won't let me. :mad:
  19. fastfoodjunkie

    Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

    I just found this on Wikipedia. When you click on Mac's name it comes up with a page and then I clicked on "Relationships" (:devil:) and it said this: I think whoever writes the stuff on Wikipedia is a SMACked shipper! :D