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  1. fastfoodjunkie

    Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

    *cough*and nothing*cough* I didn't say anything. . .
  2. fastfoodjunkie

    Jokes Thread

    OMG! These jokes are too funny! I read this one on the front of a birthday card (I have no idea what is has to do with birthdays!). There is a terrible flood. To avoid being drowned, Johnny climbs onto the roof of his house. As the water level rises, a boat goes past with two men in it. One of...
  3. fastfoodjunkie

    Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

    I think so because wasn't the other guy in the picture in "Supply and Demand"?
  4. fastfoodjunkie

    Looking, looking, looking for that song

    Thanks! :D
  5. fastfoodjunkie

    Looking, looking, looking for that song

    Hi! Does anyone know what the song at the end of "Silent Night" is called because it's really good! :D
  6. fastfoodjunkie

    Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

    Great spoilers! :D I think I first started liking SMACked when I saw Recycling! The scene at the end of that episode is one of my favourite SMACked scenes!
  7. fastfoodjunkie

    CSI:New York - Who's Your OTP??

    My OTP will always be Mac/Stella. I just think these two have great chemistry and you get the feeling that they might be a bit awkward at first but then they'd settle down. Well, mostly. :devil: I've been spending waaaay too much time in the SMACked thread! The only other ship I like is...
  8. fastfoodjunkie

    Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

    From what I've read in the spoiler thread, I think she is.
  9. fastfoodjunkie

    Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

    Wow they're really good! You're really good at that! :D
  10. fastfoodjunkie

    Caption Game - Shipper Central Style

    Griss: So I got the results back from DNA and. . . Cath are you listening to me? Cath: Sorry I was just looking at. . . hey, since when was there a picture of you and Lady Heather on the wall and. . . is that a whip?! Griss: Yeah, so I think we should go and look at the body! *grabs her and...
  11. fastfoodjunkie

    Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

    Wow, that's a great fic, I've just read it now! :D
  12. fastfoodjunkie

    Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

    :eek: Wow he looks hot in those shots! A hot sunny day just got a lot hotter. . . :devil:
  13. fastfoodjunkie

    More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

    I think that's right but I'm not sure! :D In the promo, what does Stella say just before the body lands on the car?
  14. fastfoodjunkie

    Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

    Woo! I just found a video of the kiss on YouTube! If you search "stella dna" you should find it! :D
  15. fastfoodjunkie

    ~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

    ^ ^ LMAO! For some reason, I can just see Calliegh (or hear her) singing really high pitched!
  16. fastfoodjunkie

    The Naughty Picture Thread-Ny Style!

    LMAO! That's hilarious! :D
  17. fastfoodjunkie

    More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

    :eek: That looks so good! Looks like we're going to get a lot of action in the last few episodes!
  18. fastfoodjunkie

    Happy 30th Birthday to Top!!!

    Happy Birthday Top ! *gives you Carmine in a parcel*