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  1. Wild_Blue_Gil

    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

    I love the beard! Thanks.
  2. Wild_Blue_Gil

    Who is world's favorite CSI character?

    Not sure if I answered this again. It would be: Grissom Sara/Hodges/Greg/Brass (it depends on the day Nick/Warrick
  3. Wild_Blue_Gil

    CSI preview song

    I love this Kate Bush song. It's great for the preview!
  4. Wild_Blue_Gil

    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

    Lucky! I have yet to see them. :( Niiiice pics. I love the last two. Eh, I love all three. :D
  5. Wild_Blue_Gil

    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

    Thanks rhcp. And great pics you are posting. :D Yeah, that song in the clip isn't my favorite or anything but it fits the mood of this thread. :lol: I do like Darren Hayes though I'm more of a Springsteen, Dylan, The Who, Pearl Jam, Clapton, Bright Eyes, etc. kind of fan.
  6. Wild_Blue_Gil

    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

    I forgot to post this link here. It's a little 30 second clip of Grissom/Petersen I made.
  7. Wild_Blue_Gil

    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    I hope it's ok to post this. I made a little 30 second clip of Grissom/Petersen set to Darren Hayes' "Creepin' Up On You" though initially I wanted to use "The Seeker" by The Who.
  8. Wild_Blue_Gil

    Wallace/Hodges: Full Experience #3

    Grissom is my favorite character (and the hottest), but I really like Hodges. He might be tied with Eric as my second fave nowadays. :)
  9. Wild_Blue_Gil

    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

    Aww, these are great! I can definitely never, ever get enough of the first one in the last post.
  10. Wild_Blue_Gil

    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    It didn't scare me. I actually laughed when the guy was singing it, but it sure was weird. The creepy part was her with Grissom.
  11. Wild_Blue_Gil

    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

    Thanks hhunter! :) Oh yeah, love those pics of Grissom. :P Thankfully, I finally saw the season finale. I missed it the night before I left for Jordan by getting ready for the trip. :( When I watched it I was freakin' out. I can't wait until next week.
  12. Wild_Blue_Gil

    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

    Thanks grissoms_gurl! And great pics you posted. :D
  13. Wild_Blue_Gil

    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    The end of the finale freaked me out with Grissom and Natalie when she hallucinated the attack! :(
  14. Wild_Blue_Gil

    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

    Thanks grissoms_gurl. :D
  15. Wild_Blue_Gil

    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

    Ah, beautiful picture. Thanks for the welcome. I actually was posting here over a year ago for a bit then when I moved to go to Missouri State I didn't have internet for a whole semester and never really got back here until tonight. :/ Eric is my favorite too! Great taste we both have. :D
  16. Wild_Blue_Gil

    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

    Those are fantastic! Thanks! Actually thanks to everyone. :)
  17. Wild_Blue_Gil

    Songs for the Characters

    "You Got Lucky" - Tom Petty I could just see Catherine singing that to someone or wanting to. :lol:
  18. Wild_Blue_Gil

    News Bullets

    I agree. Go Pete!!! :D And, uh, no Greg and Sara relationship.
  19. Wild_Blue_Gil

    Rock/Alternative music

    You should hear the original by Huddie Ledbetter. :) I'm not a fan of sticking so many labels on music. I just listen to what I like and that ranges from Robert Johnson to Marilyn Manson.