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  1. SpeedleCSIMiami

    QUIZZES--How much do you know?

    Top Video Games of 1980-1984 I got 6/10
  2. SpeedleCSIMiami

    CSI: Hangman #9

    I would like an E please.
  3. SpeedleCSIMiami

    New Game Thread: Who Said It And In Which Episode?

    Natalia in Double Jeopardy??
  4. SpeedleCSIMiami

    Wallpaper Thread #6

    oooo that is really awesome Mac/Horatio wall!! Great job!
  5. SpeedleCSIMiami

    Other Fandom Fanart #2 - Showcase & Requests

    Re: Other Fandom Fanart #2 dstined4gr8ness :eek: I LOVE the Blaqk Audio one!! I wanted to drool over it, but I would have probably left a puddle on my computer. :lol: :lol: that_girl1 I like the Chester Bennington one! Thanks a lot!
  6. SpeedleCSIMiami

    Other Fandom Fanart #2 - Showcase & Requests

    Re: Other Fandom Fanart #2 here is my attempt at your request ILuvJonathanTogo I decided to add her name on there If you want something different I can do it for you.
  7. SpeedleCSIMiami

    Other Fandom Fanart #2 - Showcase & Requests

    Re: Other Fandom Fanart #2 I have another wallpaper request if someone could do for me please :D I would like these pics used please: Chester Chester2 Chester3 The last pic, if you could please remove the words from it. I would like the wallpaper to say Chester Bennington. Thanks in advance!
  8. SpeedleCSIMiami

    Sleep with, Marry, Date , or be friends with

    I would sleep with Eric ~ He is just so darn cute I would marry Speedle ~ He seems like the marrying type and I love him anyway I would date Dan Cooper ~ He just is so cool I would be friends with Horatio ~ He seems really easy to get along with.
  9. SpeedleCSIMiami

    What is your favourite movie?

    my all time favorite movie is The Rocky Horror Picture Show, but I also love the following movies: The Three Musketeers All Pirates of the Caribbean movies All Lord of the Rings movies all Star Wars movies any Johnny Depp movies any and all Rory Cochrane movies
  10. SpeedleCSIMiami


    not a problem. by the way. Welcome to Miami.
  11. SpeedleCSIMiami

    Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #2 - Ch#24: Muscles ~ Join now!

    Re: Sig Banners Challenge Thread #2 - Ch #15: Voting! beginners: 07 16 19 Advanced: 02 06 24
  12. SpeedleCSIMiami


    for future questions you should try and post your questions here instead CSI: Miami questions thread I don't believe there is a website to view all the full length episodes from all 5 seasons. You'll have to buy the DVDs.
  13. SpeedleCSIMiami

    Signature Banners # 5 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    oooo I really like those mitzi962000
  14. SpeedleCSIMiami

    Other Fandom Fanart #2 - Showcase & Requests

    Re: Other Fandom Fanart #2 oooooo I really like!! Thank you so much!! I am up for more ideas if anyone still wants to take try at it.
  15. SpeedleCSIMiami

    The Last 10 Songs You Listened To ... #3

    1. Blaqk Audio ~ Stiff Kittens 2. Blaqk Audio ~ Semiotic Love 3. Blaqk Audio ~ Bitter for Sweet 4. Julien-K ~ Technical Difficulties 5. Julien-K ~ Kick the Bass 6. Julien-K ~ Spiral 7. Julien-K ~ System de Sexe 8. Orgy ~ Pure CHC Remix 9. AFI ~ Love Like Winter 10. AFI ~ Miss Murder
  16. SpeedleCSIMiami

    Other Fandom Fanart #2 - Showcase & Requests

    Re: Other Fandom Fanart #2 I would like to know if someone would please help me out here. I was trying to make a wallpaper with these pics and I just didn't like the way it turned out, so if someone could make me a wallpaper with these pics, that would be great :D Blaqk Audio Blaqk Audio2...
  17. SpeedleCSIMiami

    Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

    A Scanner Darkly is an amazing and interesting movie. I loved it!! It made me laugh quite a bit. Rory did an amazing job in that movie.
  18. SpeedleCSIMiami

    Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

    awww I don't mean to torture you. Even though this has nothing to do with Rory, but Michael Keaton plays in this show and everytime I see him I keep yelling "Batman!!" because he played Batman about 10 years ago :lol:
  19. SpeedleCSIMiami

    Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

    I am watching it right now and let me tell you it is a very good show. I am hooked!!!
  20. SpeedleCSIMiami

    Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

    here is some stills of Rory in "The Company" The Company1 The Company2 :lol: Look at the fur coat. :lol: :lol: The Company LA premier enjoy! :D