Search results

  1. SpeedleCSIMiami

    Photography Competition: AmusementPark/FunFair - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Photography Competition: Theme-/Amusement- Park/Fun Fair 2 6 8 I really love all the pics!!
  2. SpeedleCSIMiami

    CSI: NY icon competition-Ch.#18-Black, White & Color- Now Up

    Re: CSI: NY Icon Challenge #13 Now up! Woohoo!! New challenge! I will enter this one for sure!! Great theme to use.
  3. SpeedleCSIMiami

    CSI: Hangman #9

    YAY!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!! *hands over chocolate cake* good job. you're turn!!
  4. SpeedleCSIMiami

    CSI: Hangman #9

    It is in the first post of this thread. It has always been 2 guesses per game. It is 3 letters in between updates. since no one has guessed another letter I will update it even with the letter that wolfesgamergirl posted, but it the only time I will let that go. It is from NY this time. C1: No...
  5. SpeedleCSIMiami

    New Game Thread: Who Said It And In Which Episode?

    yup you got it!! *hands you chocolate cake* Your turn!
  6. SpeedleCSIMiami

    CSI: Hangman #9

    Wolfesgamergirl sorry you already 2 letters for this quote so I can't accepct your letter.
  7. SpeedleCSIMiami

    New Game Thread: Who Said It And In Which Episode?

    Woohoo! I got it! *dances* Ok here is the next one. X: "Just go to the address, Eric."
  8. SpeedleCSIMiami

    CSI: Hangman #9

    It is from NY this time. C1: No --r- -ea-es her ho-se ----o-- her -e-- -hone, at -east not at t-at a-e. C2: --S the -hone n---er. C1: --- --t -t. T---an-'s! No- -o-'re ta----- -- -an--a-e. C2: -o- -an te-- -ro- a -a-? C1: Are -o- -----n-, - -an te-- -ro- t-e -oon. - -ove those --tt-e ---e -o-es...
  9. SpeedleCSIMiami

    New Game Thread: Who Said It And In Which Episode?

    Delko in Fade Out
  10. SpeedleCSIMiami

    CSI: Hangman #9

    It is from NY this time. C1: N- --r- -ea-e- her h---e ------- her -e-- -h-ne, at -ea-t n-t at t-at a-e. C2: --- the -h-ne n---er. C1: --- --t -t. T---an-'-! N-- ---'re ta----- -- -an--a-e. C2: --- -an te-- -r-- a -a-? C1: Are --- -----n-, - -an te-- -r-- t-e ---n. - ---e th--e --tt-e ---e ---e-...
  11. SpeedleCSIMiami

    CSI: Hangman #9

    It is from NY this time. C1: -- --r- ------ h-r h---- ------- h-r ---- -h---, -t ----t --t -t t--t ---. C2: --- th- -h--- -----r. C1: --- --t -t. T------'-! --- ---'r- t------ -- --------. C2: --- --- t--- -r-- - ---? C1: -r- --- -------, - --- t--- -r-- t-- ----. - ---- th--- --tt-- ---- -----...
  12. SpeedleCSIMiami

    CSI: Hangman #9

    I took a me awhile to remember the episode, but I finally rememeberd it. Here is the next one... It is from NY this time. C1: -- ---- ------ --- ----- ------- --- ---- -----, -- ----- --- -- ---- ---. C2: --- --- ----- ------. C1: --- --- --. -------'-! --- ---- ------- -- --------. C2: ---...
  13. SpeedleCSIMiami

    CSI: Hangman #9

    C1: Yeah well how's your spanish? C2: Rusty. Some days I can't tell if I'm in South Florida or North Cuba. C1: Yeah, guy lost his business and nearly got killed. C2: I got as much sympathy for Mr Lopez as the next guy. I'm just saying if he tried to fit in a little bit it couldn't hurt. C1...
  14. SpeedleCSIMiami

    CSI: Hangman #9

    For my last guess may I please have an M
  15. SpeedleCSIMiami

    CSI: Hangman #9

    T please :D
  16. SpeedleCSIMiami

    Last Photographer Standing #2 - Final Results Now Up!

    Re: Last Photographer Standing #2 I have never done anything like this before. I think I would like to give this a try please.
  17. SpeedleCSIMiami

    'Miami' Goes Mobile

    oooo sounds very interesting.
  18. SpeedleCSIMiami

    CSI: Hangman #9

    I would like a Y please
  19. SpeedleCSIMiami

    Quiz Thread #3

    NCIS 5/10 I really don't watch that show too much.
  20. SpeedleCSIMiami

    Caption Game *puts on sunnies* Miami Style

    Natalia: Ok which one of you stole my lipgloss? Ryan: Don't look at me. Pink is not my color. Frank: Yea pink isn't my color either. I am more of a purple type of guy. Natalia: Well, if neither of you did it then maybe it was Eric. *walks away*