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  1. ThumpyG42

    Baseball #2

    Saturday night's game was certainly a wild one, wasn't it? Also I'd like to say congrats to Kevin Youkilis of the Boston Red Sox and to Aramis Ramirez of the Chicago Cubs for being awarded the Hank Aaron Award.
  2. ThumpyG42

    How Much is Gas Where you Live?

    It's down to $2.49 in my area. It had been 10 cents higher for most of the week.
  3. ThumpyG42

    Baseball #2

    I just hope that the series lasts awhile, whatever happens. I love it when they go the full seven games. Makes the season last just a tiny bit longer. ;) Jacquie...I tend to keep a closer eye on the Jays than some of the other teams due to the fact that AJ Burnett is from Arkansas. I just wish...
  4. ThumpyG42

    Baseball #2

    Hey y'all, Red Sox fan here. I just wanted to say that I thought both the Sox and the Rays put on an exciting series. A very well played series on both sides. :) I'm so proud of my team, to even make it to the post season with the extensive injuries that plagued them, not to mention the whole...
  5. ThumpyG42

    CSI:NY Season 5 Spoilers Discussion - Start Spreadin' The News!

    Drat. I'd forgotten about that. Thanks. :) However...the 'Danny sees Lindsey leaving a clinic' spoilers were for episode 509, right? My theory could still hold water, maybe. I'm gonna cling to it for now anyway. ;)
  6. ThumpyG42

    CSI:NY Season 5 Spoilers Discussion - Start Spreadin' The News!

    I have a question, and I apologize in advance if this has already been asked. I may have over looked it. Do we know how much time has elapsed between last season's finale and this season's premiere? I'm wondering because if all of these baby spoilers are true, could it be possible that Lindsey...
  7. ThumpyG42

    Parties and Presents! The Birthday Thread #5

    Happy birthday, my dear Lucy! *hugs* I hope you had a fantastic day!
  8. ThumpyG42

    Fishburne In Talks To Join 'CSI'

    I guess I'm one of the few who doesn't necessarily see this as a bad thing. As sad as I am to see Grissom (and Billy) leave, I think Fishburne could be an interesting addition to the cast. Depending on how it's handled naturally. Though, the existing cast is certainly capable of carrying the...
  9. ThumpyG42

    JUMP THE SHARK!!! In What Way(s) Do You Think CSI: Miami Has Jumped.

    Re: JUMP THE SHARK!!! In What Way(s) Do You Think CSI: Miami Has Jumpe For me, the show first jumped when Raymond Caine came back from the dead. It was a relatively small jump when compared with events of later seasons to be sure, but for me it's the one that makes me the angriest because of...
  10. ThumpyG42

    Old Styles

    I never thought NY's first season was that similar to Vegas at my opinion, of course. ;) But yes...I definitely miss the darker, grittier look and feel of the first season. I never cared for the blue filter, though, but I liked the old sets, especially the morgue. I also liked the...
  11. ThumpyG42

    A Fond Farewell From Mrs. G

    Sorry to hear you're stepping down, Mrs. G, but I definitely understand your reasons for doing so. I've been around long enough to remember the 'old' Mrs. G, and all I can say is, "Look out NY forum!" ;)
  12. ThumpyG42

    Khandi Alexander Departs CSI: Miami

    Apologies in advance for the off-topicness Geni and Wyoming. ;) Thank you so much! :)
  13. ThumpyG42

    Khandi Alexander Departs CSI: Miami

    Thanks! I've been a fan since way before he moved into NASCAR. *coughs* Back, on topic now...:alienblush: Agreed completely, although with the way the writing has been on this show over the last few seasons, I'm really doubtful that will happen. Here's hoping they surprise me.
  14. ThumpyG42

    Khandi Alexander Departs CSI: Miami

    This news makes me very sad, but I can't say I'm surprised, Khandi was woefully underused on Miami. I wish her all the best in her future projects.
  15. ThumpyG42

    Did Danny Cheat? *416 Spoilers*

    I voted 'no', for the simple reason that, in my opinion, I haven't seen anything up to this point that indicates to me that the relationship between Danny and Lindsay consists of anything more than friendship. I think the hookup in 'Snow Day' was just that: a hookup. I suppose it's possible that...
  16. ThumpyG42

    Fehr Becomes A Proud Papa

    What a beautiful baby! Congrats to Brendan and his wife! :thumbsup:
  17. ThumpyG42

    Carmine-What is Cessau?

    I feel your pain. I'm sitting here wishing I didn't get the cheapest--and therefore the slowest--shipping possible. :lol: Has anyone checked out the Top Sellers page at CD Baby lately? :thumbsup:
  18. ThumpyG42

    Carmine-What is Cessau?

    I love the emails from CD Baby! Here's the full text of the 'your order has shipped' email that lookaboomerang mentioned: :guffaw: ETA: lookaboomerang beat me to it!
  19. ThumpyG42

    Carmine-What is Cessau?

    It should be right at the top of the page. My account page has three sections on it: 'Your Orders", "Your Albums" and 'Your Info". btw...has anyone checked the album's page yet today? It seems it's out of stock already, but more are expected back in stock soon.
  20. ThumpyG42

    Carmine-What is Cessau?

    When I placed my order I received an automated email confirmation and then later that day got another email from somewhere there reminding me that th cd was on pre-order and that it would ship as soon as it was available. What you could do if you didn't get the email confirmation is check your...