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  1. A

    Big Season Finale Spoiler *MAJOR SPOILER*

    Something tells me you're right Faylinn. You often are, lol. I just want to know already, dammit! This has me more interested in the show ... it was starting to wane for me due to meandering storylines, spotty character development, etc. One less person on the canvas might help.
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    Big Season Finale Spoiler *MAJOR SPOILER*

    I'm finally thinking it's going to be Lindsay, although my money was on Hawkes for awhile due to Hill's busy life outside of the show. But last night, as everyone said, with the rushed happy-happy-joy-joy with Danny and Lindsay, I definitely think it's her. I'm trying to remember ... did they...
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    CSI: New York--'Help'

    I really liked your review. It was brilliant, especially since I agreed with every word, ha ha. Hill Harper and Mac were particularly good in this eppy, but I also found the ending sadly empty after such emotion. The Lindsay thing. I actually cringed. I felt bad for Anna Belknap, because I...
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    CSI: NY--'The Triangle'

    Well, for anyone who has read my posts (not as many lately, but ...), they know that I actually like Anna/Lindsay. All the same, I enjoy Kristine's reviews. For those of you who don't know, reviews are the opinion of the writer, and that's how I take it. Do I agree with her all the time? No. But...
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    CSI: NY--'The Triangle'

    As always, great, insightful review. This case had 3 intriguing parts: The case was interesting with equal parts intrigue and Flack snark, which is always good. The whole Mac/FBI story. The Danny/Lindsay stuff (not everyone likes them, but it does interest many). By mashing them all together...
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    Carmine Giovinazzo

    Great job on the interview. How cool was it that he actually referenced an article you wrote. Score!! Anyway, very probing questions, lots of areas covered, nice job.
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    Grade 'The Box'

    Well, I definitely had my issues. On the plus side, I was very intrigued with the first scene, Danny speaking alone. Carmine did a great job in those scenes. Also, I love how they transitioned from this goofy men-with-toys game to the murder. Going from silly to sad and gruesome was...
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    CSI: New York--'Sex, Lies and Silicone'

    Great review. I also enjoyed Mac stepping off his high horse to show empathy for Sinclair. Everyone seemed to play off each other well. I love Adam - AJ Buckley simply disappears into the role of lovable dork. Stella's slightly puzzled reaction worked well, too. As for Lindsay, I also enjoy her...
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    CSI: New York--'Page Turner'

    Great job on this review. I really enjoyed this episode, especially because of Sid. CSI NY is also at its best, IMO, when it shows the main players rallying around each other. Also, up until now, Sid has been an appreciated member of the team, but not necessarity part of the group - the kooky...
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    Smith Replaces Fox

    I'm wondering if they put the Santero character on hold in case Gary really cleans up his act and can return. I think it's interesting that on the finale, they showed the one shot went kind of through his neck area, with him still breathing, and didn't show where the other shot went. In my mind...
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    CSI: NY Season 4 Spoilers! Discussion in the Big Apple

    I must say I agree that we don't know where the DL relationship has been, other than they've been sleeping together and have some sort of thing. Lindsay's comment about being mad at herself for falling in love with him makes me wonder if it's been an undefined thing and she's annoyed with...
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    CSI: New York--'DOA For A Day'

    Great review. I think we had a mind meld on the Danny/Lindsay issue. While I'm disturbed that the CSIs do so much police work, I do agree that Mac's chase was thrilling, more so than the big production numbers that dominate Miami. A lot of it, IMO, is Gary Sinise. He just delivers - was...
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    Grade 'DOA For A Day'

    Well, since the episode is fresh in my mind, I will indulge in some free flow thought: -Like Mac's new potential chickie ... she's a good actress and seems to be an equal ... -Flack/Angell seems very natural to me, and I like the pacing ... -That poor girl kept shackled, bed sores ... lordy...
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    Why Lindsay REALLY Must Go (Pt. 2)

    Just so you guys know, I know that the whole Katums thing was her "deep/dark." It was just when they brought the character aboard, that was part of her descripition, and I think at that point they didn't know what the secret would be. I have a serious issue with the lack of planning.
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    Why Lindsay REALLY Must Go (Pt. 2)

    It's funny you should mention this, because I've often thought back to that episode. Anyone who knows me knows I kind of like Anna/Lindsay for reasons I won't explore here (you're welcome! :lol:). But, I do believe the writing for her has sucked (whether you like Anna or not, I find this...
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    Grade 'Child's Play'

    Want to add that while I'm undecided as to whether Danny should have just told Ruben to hurry home or not, I believe Ruben was actually shot before that. I think it was the shot that prompted Danny to tell Ruben to get home, and by that time the damage was already done.
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    Grade 'Child's Play'

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    Grade 'Child's Play'

    I guess I didn't see it that way. I saw it as Lindsay trying to think of a way she could help Danny with his grief, and not knowing how to do it. I think her concern was Danny .... how to be there for him and not make things worse. That said I get sick of the Lindsay-as-emotional-cripple stuff...
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    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 3

    Don't know if this is the rigth place for this (please move mods if not), but,
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    CSI: New York--'The Thing About Heroes'

    What a great review, and speedy as always. It made even better for me because I agreed w/ all of it. ;) I really enjoyed Gary Sinise here. He showed a lot of subtelty. I was a bit annoyed that it took Mac so long to figure things out, but the end result was worth it. Much hay has been made...