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  1. C

    Wallpaper Challenge #11.5: ~ "Reruns" - Winners Up!!

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #6: Truth ~ Voting Open! Beginners: 10 13 14 Advanced: 09 07 03
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    Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

    I'm puzzled by the recent spoilers about Ryan, but I can't help having CaRWash (angst/comfort) hopes about such news... I just can't help wondering what TPTB have in store for our two lovebirds. They seem to be very confused about what to do with my poor Calleigh. They brought in Jake to give...
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    Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

    *cough* No one-line posts, guys! This thread is for d-i-s-c-u-s-s-i-o-n, remember? ;) Anyways, I completely agree. That wasn't an overreaction at all, imho, and I did love how she dealed with the whole thing. Angry!Calleigh was great to see and I'd love to see her so fuming again, someday...
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    Dislike a Ship?

    Re: Dislike a ship?? The only one I really can't stand is Talleigh, both because I don't see any chemistry between the two characters and because I strongly dislike him. A ship I just can't see is PureJoy... I like them both, but they just don't work as a couple.
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    Signature Banners Challenge - # 12 Winners Up!!

    Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #8 Voting Now Up! Beginners: 01 12 06 Advanced: 18 13 02 Animated: 09 07 01
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    CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    OMG, Bullet_Girl, that's so true! :lol: Great icon and STUNNING banner! Keep up the good work!
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    Caption Game - Shipper Central Style

    Warrick: What do you mean by "I thought it was you"?? Cath: Oh, c'mon Rick, it was dark and I thought it was your new attitude after reading "Kamasutra for dummies"...
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    Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

    That would be freaking awesome to see. :lol: And very welcome to CaRWash_Cutie, nice to meet you. :) You know, your nickname makes me think of Curse Of The Coffin, somehow... Cause it was CaRWash and Ryan was such a cutie... :lol: Truth is that she really really wanted to touch his muscles and...
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    Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

    Oh yeah, that's one hell of a race if Emily's in there. Here's more info about the whole event: Toyota Pro/Celebrity Race @ Leela's Forum. Enjoy! ;)
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    Caption Game - Shipper Central Style

    I've already posted a pic, so for this time csi_fan_uk can have my turn. :)
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    Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

    Collision is love. :lol: It really cracked me up when Kaiser said that, cause it was exactly what I thought as soon as I saw them looking around... "Look at them, just like weds-to-be!" Every CaRWasher loves that scene, because it was one of the biggest teases we ever got. It was like they were...
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    Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

    Now, guys, we have to do something about this, because I don't think Emily would be pleased if she read all of this. We should really at least try to talk about HER and not just her undeniable beauty. :) Please, let's do this, and everyone will be content and happy (Emily above all :lol:). Now...
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    Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

    Now, isn't that the sweetest thing of you? :lol: I totally, completely, thoroughly agree. :D And hi RYANisHAWT, welcome to the CaRWash family! :) I have a present for you:
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    Caption Game - Shipper Central Style

    Hawkes: Hey, that looks like Mac... I didn't know he can do yoga. Stella: You little innocent boy, that's not yoga...
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    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #4: A Beautiful Soul

    You bet! I actually like veggie burgers better than the "normal" ones. :) And Jorja's incredibly pretty. She's skinny indeed, but she also has that lovely belly. I have a friend who has a body exactly like hers and she's gorgeous... But only one in the world is Jorjeous. :D
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    Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

    I love her outfits, she's always so stylish! It's like she's a model undercover. :lol: And that one in A Grizzly Murder was great. I mean, she really looked great in it. I wish TPTB could do that also in the other two shows. Calleigh's style is always the best.
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    Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

    Heyz y'all, I'm not gone! :) I just have very little time to spend for my beloved Talk, so I'll be here quite rarely in the next few days... But I'll soon be back. Nikki, I love that scene in the CPOTD, you know I do and why. :lol: Great choice, for once it's not all smiles and eager looks but...
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    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #4: A Beautiful Soul

    I've been a vegetarian for nearly 8 years by now, and I'm not even remotely as thin as her. *sighs* But, skinny as she is, she has this lovely beer belly that I adore. ^^
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    Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-ch #15~ Lab Techs - Voting Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #8 Voting Open! 22 07 26
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    Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

    Alrighty everyone, Luna is back and guess what she has? Talk EMILY #2 - Even Southern Belles Have Hobbies Out of her job, Emily is a full-time decorator and spends the most of her spare time roaming in flea markets and antiques shops in search of a new exclusive piece for her Southernly...