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  1. TallyHo

    Horatio & Yelina #7: "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quote)

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quot Hrockz, hoping all will very soon be well for you and the baby. The hospital's probably the best place for you and baby to be just now. Take care.
  2. TallyHo

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

    lizanator112890, you may have EITHER one banner OR one signature. Your two banners are excessive so please decide which banner you want to keep and edit accordingly with immediate effect. Thank you.
  3. TallyHo

    Horatio & Yelina #7: "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quote)

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quot Indeed. Outstandingly vulgar that whole scene. Brings to mind those "Superman" lyrics: "It may sound absurd...but don't be naive Even heroes have the right to bleed I may be disturbed...but won't you concede Even heroes have the...
  4. TallyHo

    Horatio & Yelina #7: "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quote)

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quot :lol: That is spot on H in that scene! Are these reviews available online? If not, be a dear and please transcript for moi. How I WISH Jacob would do a Miami review. pusher, you're more than welcome. I'm repaying the...
  5. TallyHo

    Horatio & Yelina #7: "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quote)

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quot Thanks for answering the "git" question , Luce. Was going to get to it but alas real life etc. drgnldy", "git" can range from "unpleasant" to "contemptible", so depends on the situation. "tiwt" is pretty standard all around. And...
  6. TallyHo

    Horatio & Yelina #7: "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quote)

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quot I believe we all appreciate just how much Sofia has done with the two-bit part she's been given in Miami. Her fortitude is quite remarkable, all rotten double crossing tptb things considered. As for Horatio v. 4.0 & 5.0, please give...
  7. TallyHo

    Horatio & Yelina #7: "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quote)

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quot Me twice over as well! Simply MUST have my daily (thanks to repeats) serving of Jeremy, James, Hamster and of course, the Stig! Not shy about expressing their opinions now are they? :) I learn from the Maters. You're embarking...
  8. TallyHo

    Horatio & Yelina #7: "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quote)

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quot You are SO NOT alone. :rolleyes: Crikey! He truly said that? To quote our dear Richard "Hamster" Hammond, ""Now that's just stupid!". You know it's bad enough to have tptb behaving in clueless fashion but to have him echo similar...
  9. TallyHo

    Horatio & Yelina #7: "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quote)

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quot Smashing pic, Luce. Such a looker, our Sofia. :) Fair dinkum' on the commentary on how long is too long to wait for THEM to get their act together. *sigh* You KNOW how this continued wallowing in superficiality bores some of us to...
  10. TallyHo

    Horatio & Yelina #7: "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quote)

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quot Poor dear Sofia. Sounds like she STILL can't get a straight answer out of tptb about her character's role. Typical tptb...... they hit rock bottom and STILL they dig. Mind you, they continue to deprive a village somewhere of a...
  11. TallyHo

    Horatio & Yelina #7: "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quote)

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quot Thanks for the Sofia info. No, I'm currently not in the UK. Quite a few of the car dealers in the UK have cabriolets in their line up and "cabriolet" is common use terminology (check out the UK websites) e.g. Audi A4, Volkswagen New...
  12. TallyHo

    Horatio & Yelina #7: "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quote)

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quot You're welcome. I'm of the "cabriolet" persuasion. :) I'm terribly busy with real life so I can only can visit sporadically. Good for the thread to be sustained. Any news of SM's future Miami involvement? Ciao.
  13. TallyHo

    Horatio & Yelina #7: "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quote)

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quot :) Cabriolet was a light two-wheeled horse drawn carriage with a folding calash top, seating two persons facing forward, one of whom was the driver. Modern usage of cabriolet is now for a car body style with retractable roof and...
  14. TallyHo

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

    Hi sarahSidle1981. Thank you for limiting your pic URLs to 6 per post; however I need you to refrain from double and triple posting. Please wait until someone else has posted after your last post before replying or putting up a new post. I suggest you please read the "Help Guide...." thread...
  15. TallyHo

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

    No worries. It's easy to get distracted by J/S goodness and forget about the rules regarding image size requirements. :) Thank you for acknowledging the mistake. I appreciate your courtsey. Cheers.
  16. TallyHo

    Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

    Another Reminder to all: Please focus on the topic of this thread. If there is a need to discourse at length on the attributes of vegetarianism then please take this particular discussion to the Miscellaneous forum. Thank you.
  17. TallyHo

    Horatio & Yelina #7: "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quote)

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quote) Cheers, dear one. I may be unable to post as often as I would like due to the exhaustive demands of real life but I will always have time set aside at least once a week to do a quick visit. :)
  18. TallyHo

    Horatio & Yelina #7: "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quote)

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #7 - "So Much Unresolved Love" (we quote) Truly inspired thread title, Swanny, and spot on the H/Y money. :) Congratulations everyone on the new thread. :)
  19. TallyHo

    Horatio & Yelina #6: A Sense of Belonging - So Say We All!

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A Many Happy Returns of the Day, MD. Wishing you good health and peaceful times, dear one. *huggles* Brilliant pic, Luce! LOVE how this stunning image makes it so that where H ends, Y begins and vice-versa. Lovely symmetry. :)
  20. TallyHo

    Horatio & Yelina #6: A Sense of Belonging - So Say We All!

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #6 - A Sense of Belonging - So Say We A My vote would be for anythng that does not have the word " 'ship" as H/Y is truly canon i.e. straight up Coke aka "The Real Thing" and not the fanon where the rest can blissfully go "ship ahoy!" Song lyrics are a great source for the...