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    The Off-Topic Thread.

    oh thats sweet
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    Forensic Science Trivia Game!

    where does the word forensic originate from? I know its lame, but it is interesting
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    How tall are you?

    when i go to france everyone seems tall but thats probably 'cause im short
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    Fashion (or Lack Thereof)

    oh my shoes i own everything from next shoes to Gucci im not fused on the brand as long as i like them and they look good and comfort doesnt come into it when its down to shoes (I know its bad)
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    Teenage Thread 3- We Are the Tomorrow

    lol blair bush's lap dog I hate him, I dont like Labour but the minute the conservatives come in people will lose there jobs that always happens I think its about time Lib Dem get in see what there like
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    Internet Terms Help ~ Updated 16th March 2006

    my spelling may not be very good but i like to use 'proper English' to but im not from England im from Wales as you can probably see from my avatar
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    Teenage Thread 3- We Are the Tomorrow

    no there is a choice in uk but i think i will
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    Fashion (or Lack Thereof)

    im happy in jeans and t-shirts or patterned shirts Next,geaorge dsnt really bother me but shoes now i love shoes and I have to confess i spend too much on them
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    How tall are you?

    i like that game too "sorry i cant reach that" there reply "no prob ill get it for you" *thay reach up and i drool* lol
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    Around the weird:news of the bizarre

    ha ha ha that sounds amazing bad films but you wont care 'cause your high lol :lol:
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    How tall are you?

    lol beeing short is fun you dont walk into things like signs or low branches on trees
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    The Off-Topic Thread.

    oh never drank red bull on its own only with vodka made me kinda hyper lol :lol: I love starbucks weve got one in Borders in the retail park lovely jubbely!
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    How tall are you?

    We are learning alot about one another what we hate, what we look like through photos what we bye and where we shop there is even one for blood group so what about how tall you all are, Its one of the first things we look at when we meet people is how thay look and how tall they are so here...
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    What do you hate?

    lol ye I will make one about height I hate that my gerbils keep kicking out the sawdust from there cage
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    What shows did you like as a kid?

    yes i did did not find it as good though
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    Re: Introductions hello OsirisSwe I thought you name related to Osiris king of the afterlife in Egyptian mythology first time I saw it sos, but thanks to DaWacko i know what it means now. So do you speak two languages English and sweedish
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    What shows did you like as a kid?

    friends rule, I used to get rows from my mam for drawing on the walls to lol :lol:
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    Movie Quote Game

    omg cant believe i didnt see this thread erlier
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    Recent Purchases

    Lavender bath oil (it smells so good)
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    What do you hate?

    maybe I should start a new thread for people 5'5 and under im 5'2 but my mum is 4'11 lol zippy im gonna help you find that girl i just decided i hate her