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  1. C

    New Shipper Central Mod

    Woohoo! Welcome back MiamiDade! :D
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    Best Pick Up Lines

    "Get your coat mate, you've pulled." :lol: Classic british pick-up line; it's happened to a bunch of my friends at school. :)
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    Tea and Scones ~ english thread

    My dad comes from Portrush in CO. Antrim; when my family isn't in our hectic schedule of drinking tea, eating scones and quoting philosophers in Oxford, (<--don't live there but most non-british people are of the idea we're all like Giles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) we occasionally go over...
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    Icon Challenge #19: Ice Dancing - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Icon Challenge #19: Ice Dancing Beginner: 11 15 05 Advanced: 01 07 06 All of the icons were very well made in my opinion, it was a hard job choosing just 3 for each. :D
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    The Poll Thread - #3

    I don't really eat popcorn but when I do it's sweet all the way!:lol: However, on occasion I am a bit partial to the salty stuff. :D
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    The Rest In Peace & Remembrance Thread

    Re: The Rest In Peace & Remembrance Thread RIP Anna Nicole Smith. :( May she now find peace.
  7. C

    Thread Titles Rules - UP'D 10/01/08 - PLEASE READ!!

    Re: Thread Titles - All Posters Please Read and Respond!!! Read and understood. :)
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    The Poll Thread - #3

    Pen- mostly because when I was in year 6 they told me I had to write in pencil neatly until I proved to them I was "worthy" of the pen :lol:. I had scrappy writing so I wasn't allowed it; therefore I HAD to have it. Four years later....I was using biro. Ha! I beat the system! :lol:
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    How do you think the planets were created?

    I picked "other" because (in my opinion) none of the theories have substantial proven, absolutely beyond reasonable doubt evidence. You never know, the actual cause may even be an amalgamation of ALL theories! :D
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    Teenage Thread 3- We Are the Tomorrow

    In England, some schools do a modular GCSE from AQA; including mine and I took the modular for chemistry 1.a and biology 1.a. We also do something similar for modern foreign languages. Here are mine: Chemistry: B <--my best subject generally! (:lol:) Biology : A German : A French : A I'm...
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    The Poll Thread - #3

    Let's just say that I need to have some organised chaos (:lol:) to keep my mind stable, however, the rest of the house is pretty much spotless. :D
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    The Poll Thread - #3

    I prefer still water and have a custom built PC. :D
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    Icon Challenge #17: Buffy - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Icon Challenge #17: Buffy Count me in! :D I absolutely adore BtVS!
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    Celebrity Crushes

    I now have to add Leonardo Dicaprio and Mark Wahlberg to my list because of The Departed. I never really knew why people had 'Leomania' when I was younger; but now i can't get him out of my head! :D Wahlberg has been a little hottie in my mind since The Italian Job... Damn these teenage...
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    The Poll Thread - #3

    Yes the Christmas fuss starts all to early for my liking however, it does give me sufficient time to prepare things. I LOVE BBQ's, i dont like getting up and dancing in front of people, and the barbeque food always tastes nicer! :D
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    Icon Challenge #15: House M.D - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Icon Challenge #15: House M.D Beginner 01 18 05 Advanced 09 17 21
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    ¿What is your favorite movie of ALL TIME?

    My faves would have to be: Cruel Intentions -(Sarah Michelle Gellar, Reese Witherspoon, Ryan Phillipe) Big Fish -(Ewan McGregor, Billy Crudup) and The Star Wars Saga. :D
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    CSI:Las Vegas - Who's Your OTP??

    My OTP is Snickers. I also like: Grillows Yo!Bling
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    The Buffy Thread

    I'd like to see the Firefly movie Serenity, it looks really interesting but I havent had the time, money or effort to go get/see it. I'm not really a fan of the show, but then again I can't actually say because I've only seen little snippets. I think this thread would be more properly named "The...
  20. C

    Icon Challenge #14: Brokeback Mountain - WINNERS UP!!

    Re: Icon Challenge #14: Brokeback Mountain I'll have a whack at it! :)