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  1. slower

    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    Well it may be a manip; I still say they are adorable together.LOL
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    WOW!!! Thanks Theresa for the pic. Jon and Eva look absolutely stunning together.
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    Ryan/Natalia-- The unwanted love?

    I liked the idea of C/R for quite a long time; but around season 7 it started to wear off. I felt the writers wrote her relationship with Ryan badly and where once they had a cute and flirty turned sour at that point. I was not at all fond of Calleigh after that. I started to realize...
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    Ryan/Natalia-- The unwanted love?

    I really think it is possible. They are so adorable and show a very real concern for each other (esp. Ryan). They are just close friends at this point; but it starts right there for so many couples, and IMO that is the best kind of relationship. I really think that down the road it is going to...
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    Adam/Eric #9 - 'The Perfect Diversion'

    I never post here; but could't contain myself. Great job Adam!!!! Who knew? It was written and directed to perfection. :beer:
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    Ryan/Natalia-- The unwanted love?

    Oh my gosh!!! We got so many cute scenes between them tonight. Haystack to needle.:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:She was so amused and then the leech, the comment she made to travers about being likable. They seemed to be having fun just being in each others company. I have had such a drought with...
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    Jesse/Eddie #1 - 'Today's My Last Day...'

    Congratulations Eddie!!!! Best of luck. BTW!!! Did anyone see that Wes Ramsey (Dave Benton) is a co-star?
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    9x16 - 'Hunting Ground' - **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    Bravo Adam !!!! Great episode; has to be my favorite of the season. I was a real skeptic. But now...... made a beleiver out of me. Tons of Ryan and looking hot as usual. I have to say I don't know how to feel about H taking Ryan down that road with him and I haven't exactly been a fan of the...
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    While I agree that Molly is cute and could be a nice addition to the lab. I don't want to see anymore than a small amount of her; more Travers instead. The first time I saw her with Ryan it was a very cute and awkward scene; but in "Blood Lust" just appeared business as usual. For me Ryan/Molly...
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    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab** - Take Two

    Calleigh is a big part of Miami - glad to have her back; but this has been an exceptional season; some of the best episodes. I don't want it to revert back to the same old mess. However, I am looking forward to Adam's episode; looks pretty interesting.JMHO:)
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    Ryan/Natalia-- The unwanted love?

    Unfortuantely we have seen very few scenes between them. Now I know the Hipphugger frustration:lol:. I think eventually it will happen; but it is sure discouraging b/c of this Molly joining the lab. Then again....maybe it will make Natalia jealous.
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    9x13 - 'Last Stand' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Loved this episode!!! The best (IMO) of the year. Testosterone driven or not it was exciting from beginning to end. Loved Ryan's funny moments, excellent time for everyone (except Cal), and the ending was appropriate. To me it was symbolic (H letting go). I agree that this whole Mala Noche thing...
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    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab** - Take Two

    IMHO Ryan has gotten bits and pieces here and there and the rest of the time he disappears. Sure he has had some good scenes; but something is off. I am however; enjoying the repore between Ryan and Eric (its about time). I like the idea of Natalia getting some good stories; but (IMO) not liking...
  14. slower

    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    Thank you everyone for the well wishes. You guys are the best.:adore: The surgery went well and the doc was pleased.:thumbsup:
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    Love the pink shirt idea; he is so hot in that color.:drool::drool: I still read the Wolfepack's posts and try to contibute occasionally. With Medical Assistant classes and some medical issues of my own (I had surgery today); I think a few of my brains has leaked out of my ears.:lol: But, you...
  16. slower

    You top favorite ships in the entire CSI Franchise?

    Ryan/Natalia!!! I use to ship Ryan/Calleigh (but that was completely destroyed; even the frienship). I also at one time liked Eric/Natalia (thought they had great chemistry); but now the connection I see between Natalia/Ryan is fun to watch. There was some great chemmistry between H/Yelina. As...
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    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab** - Take Two

    I think you are exactly right! It shouldn't just be about the team that was there from day one. They have all had their issues and gone through some rough times. I really think it is time for team unity and forgiveness. They all need their time to shine.
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    Calleigh & Ryan #8 - Give Me A Chance.

    Solitaire you have hit the nail on the head. They had to (IMO) had to destroy that friendship/connection in order to promote another. I don't really ship them anymore; but would like to see their close friendship return; Jon and Emily had/have a great onscreen chemistry. They only interaction we...
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    Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

    I love the whole Retro-Ryan theme. Here's my contribution; don't know why it has always been one of my favs. Of couse all of them are my favs. Ah...the age of innocence.:lol: He sure was a cutie and then he just got smokin hot.:drool:
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    CSI Miami cast.

    Sorry to butt in; but I think most of them are flawed. Eric is pouty, angry and judgemental, Calleigh is self-righteous; so what if Ryan tends to be a little arrogant at times, he has a more forgiving nature and Natalia she's just plain sweet. We're not all going to agree on our favorite...