Micah Sannan (hot no matter what)
Jason Dunn (with the long hair, but he's hot with short, too)
Jessy Ribordy (when he's blonde. when he dyes it black, no)
Brian (from Stellar Kart)
there's more....but i'm tired so can't remember the really hot ones...
Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written
yep...def watch viva las vegas....it's my fav snickers moments (well one of my top three)...
hawk nelson, falling up, thousand foot krutch, superchick, underoath, lucerin blue (they broke up *cries*), pillar, skillet, relient k, toby mac, john reuben, kj-52, paul wright, chris tomlin....and so many more.....
if the spoilers become reality...it will def be the cathdrama that makes the show jump the shark....way to go was extremely mild compared to the cath rape/lindsey kidnapping/sam death stuff......tptb need to stop reaching for a grey's feel and go back to how csi was in season 1 and 2....
so tptb have moved on from making nick the vic to cath...great....what's next, sara gets pregnant with grissom's lovechild?.....not sure i'm gonna like all the cath drama....and for all those bad things to happen to her at once, it's possible, but it doesn't seem likely.....i just hope that if...
Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..
you feel like throwing up and your first thought is that if you do, sara's gonna have to sift through your stomach contents...
yes....more about sara...but i was getting worried about greg but then i remembered...nick didn't have many consequences after grave danger...so even though tptb say that greg will have consequences, past events lead me to believe that they won't be as severe as the article leads us to believe....
here's a little somthing i like to call falling csi....it used to be the band falling up and me...but now....well...see for yourselves....
Falling CSI
P.S. I'm doing the Zoolander face with Joe (or Jorja in this pic) so that's why my face looks funnier than usual....