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  1. drummergurll

    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    down: the people below me have decided to blast their music at 11 pm yet again....
  2. drummergurll

    Photos #4 - Please Snap 'n Share!

    Re: Photos #4 Jessy from falling up...front row rocks! Josh and Micah from falling up... Josh, Me, Micah and my sister....I'm the one in the hat.... Hanging out at the hotel after the concert....
  3. drummergurll

    Weird Dreams

    i've been having star trek voyager dreams...which is weird cuz i haven't seen it since the finale....yeah...captain janeway is not a nice person in my dreams....
  4. drummergurll

    NCAA Football

    yeah...i think i'm going to have to watch that usc coug game...could be interesting...
  5. drummergurll

    "Built To Kill Part 2" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    every time i look at that pic i bust up roommates are going to think i'm the next episode, sara should be arrested for crimes against fashion.... and would the guys in the car that hit cath know exactly where she would drive by....
  6. drummergurll

    NCAA Football

    his name is brady....and dixon is a way better qb....leaf did horrible for the drive that Bellotti put him in for....and as for USC....we'll have to step it up a bit...
  7. drummergurll

    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    up: weekend is here... down: have music theory homework... up: joined a madgrical group.... down: the food here sucks....badly....
  8. drummergurll

    P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

    Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When.. ^third the homework theory...but i'd rather be doing this....
  9. drummergurll

    Madison M/ Kay P: Lindsey Willows

    Re: MR-KP/Lindsey *Possible Spoilers* yes...madison looked more like marg, but kay (in my opinion) had a better handle on the part....she did great....
  10. drummergurll

    "Built To Kill Part 2" Discussion **SPOILERS**'s even funnier the second time you see it.....
  11. drummergurll

    P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

    Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When.. .....when you're doing your can't help but wish that Sara Sidle was around to lend a hand.....
  12. drummergurll

    "Built To Kill Part 2" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    i almost choked on my m&m when i saw her....i was trying so hard not to crack up laughing....
  13. drummergurll

    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    up: i watched btk part 2 tonight down: someone in the next dorm over is blasting music and i need to sleep cuz i have class tomorrow.....
  14. drummergurll

    CSI: Hangman #5

    S please....
  15. drummergurll

    NCAA Football

    yeah....go ducks....haha...i think we'll end up in the top ten....just don't put leaf in!!!!
  16. drummergurll

    "Built To Kill Part 2" Discussion **SPOILERS** this episode...i thought it was going to suck, but i was wrong....i think the reason that lindsey sat in the back was because the back door was closest to her when cath pulled up or because she was mad and didn't want to sit by her mother....kay did an awesome job and i no...
  17. drummergurll

    Season 7 Pictures *Possible Spoilers*

    dear, God, please no..... :eek:
  18. drummergurll

    "Built To Kill Part 1" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    honestly...didn't care too much for the episode, but the ending with cath kept me watching...but the whole thing with her not getting the heck out of there after she woke up...hmmm....
  19. drummergurll

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

    ^ thanks for the tip...i'll have check that out....
  20. drummergurll

    Trivia game

    Re: Re: Trivia game i'm going to have to say 5.....