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  1. D

    Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

    Thanks for posting, Catey :D. Damn it....I can't look though. I've never been SF and I'm just going to try for 2 more hours :lol:. I'm just saying thanks in case my finger slips or my will power fades. haha two.more.hours. I liked your last fic, mercy :)
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    Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

    I have a question..sorry if it's already been asked. Is Anna's hair naturally straight or wavy? Because I remember there was an interview with her a long time ago about how people don't recognize her because her hair is different than it is on the show...and I was wondering what was different...
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    Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

    Excellent fic Chelliyah :). I love that cap, Mercy :D. I come with gifts. I saw this commercial for M &Ms and I went onto the website and made this: Danny and Lindsay as m&ms :lol: I also wrote a oneshot fic. It does CONTAIN SPOILERS though. The End Only a few more days :squee:
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    Your Ringtones?

    Right now I have The Office theme song for most calls, but I have Who Are You for out of state calls. :D
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    CSI: Miami Picture Thread ~Possible S6 Spoilers~

    Re: CSI: Miami Picture Thread ~Possible S5 Spoilers~ Thank you so much, vegaslights! :). Everyone looks great with a hint of green
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    CSI: The Movie?!

    If CSI was made into a movie, I could see some comedic moments thrown in. :D. Like especially in the previews; something to do with Greg. I would love if there was a crossover between all 3 movie, but for the nonviewers it might be too many people/names to keep track of... Until there is an...
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    Recent Purchases #2

    -green tea -Half Baked and Phish Food ben and jerry's frozen yogurt -Blood Drive t-shirt -TV Be Gone remote control (I lost my old one :rolleyes:)
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    The Office

    Last night's episode was HILARIOUS :D. -Creed's fake Id bussiness :lol: -Toby spending all night winning Pam the duck -Dwight sitting in the rocking chair when the kid wakes up "good. you're awake." -Dwight popping up at the end of Michael and Jan's conversation. Amazing.
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    Grade 'The Ride In'

    I really liked this episode. Melina is an amazing actress who should be given more scenes like she had tonight. great. :) I loved the character interactions. I really enjoyed seeing Flack. I loved that Flack worked both cases and there was no signs of Angell. :p I'd give it a B+ because the...
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    Celebrity News

    Liev Schrieber and Naomi Watts are expecting :) link
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    Eric/Greg: Pic Thread 3--This Guy's Too Hot!

    I found this pic of Eric from the GM Fashion Show on Feb. 20th. Not the best qaulity (or is he centered for that matter :rolleyes:) but it's the best I could find. here
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    Birthday Wishes To LV Stars #2

    Happy birthday, William Petersen :D
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    Recent Purchases #2

    -Adobe Premiere :D!! -2 new binders -2 blouses -one striped shirt -Aveda shampoo (wow..i've been buying a lot of this stuff :lol:...I swear its not all for me) -episode of The Office on itunes
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    TV Flops

    I'm really sad that 3lbs got canceled.:(. I really liked it and thought it had potential. The characters/actors had great chemistry, and I actually learned things about the brain that I thought were really interesting and didn't know before :D. I heard that it was canceled because it was too...
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    Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone? :(

    Re: Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone? I was watching Letterman last night, and Jim Carrey was on, and he did this pretty funny impression of David Caruso. (I do like David Caruso..this is just jokingly funny). CBS posted a clip of it on Youtube, so I hope I'm allowed to link...
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    Our Danny & Linds Soundtrack

    I can really not remember if I posted this song before..but I doubt I have :p. If you change a few lyrics(Ie. "california" for "montana"), I think the song fits great for Danny and Lindsay. Heels Over Head by Boys Like Girls I got your runaway smile in my piggybank baby Gonna cash it right in...
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    CSI:NY Picture Thread #3- Bring on the Pictures!

    Thank you so much :)! Carmine and Josh radnor..*swoon*
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    Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

    Hey everyone! :) Happy birthday Smiliee!!!err tiny bit belated..sorry Welcome to our thread, dl_shipper34! :). Thanks everyone for the comments on my wallpapers :).
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    your top ten pet peeves

    I'm adding one more to my list: -Uptalking. I can't stand it. When someone asks you a question you answer in a definitive tone. Not with another quesiton. If you aren't sure of the answer...say "I'm not sure"..don't have your answer be a question..
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    CSI:NY Picture Thread #3- Bring on the Pictures!

    Thank you so much :). Carmine..Eddie...Hill.. *swoon* At first I thought Eddie was holding a cigarette, I was like :eek: