Hey, did any of guys play (dare I ask this :p) pokemon?
I used to play all the games nonstop. I had every single one for GBC (red,blue,yelow,silver,gold,crystal) and all for GBA (saphire,ruby,emerald,firered,leafgreen) but I stopped playing it....
Thanks for the tips guys :). I got my hair to curl like hers, then I found a turquoise tank top and put a navy cardigan ontop :D.
Do you know when that episode will be on again, CSI_Watcher_8? I always miss seeing Anna in other shows..
I'm dressing up as Anna for a "dress up as a celebrity" day at school tomorrow :D. Does anyone have any suggestions for what I should wear as a shirt? I know I'm wearing khakis (no jeans allowed :( ) and I'm curling my hair...but other than that..I'm lost. :lol:. But I want to be her because she...
Thank you :). I hope you do well too if you haven't already taken it.
up: latin test was easy
up: it is spirit week this week!!
up: tomorrow is celebrity day and I'm going as Anna Belknap
down: a ton of homework
up: 3 of my favorite shows are on tonight
Next weeks preview can also be found on the website used in the show www.tobitnet.com :). I haven't seen the whole episode yet but I always go on the websites that are shown onscreen :p
up: went to the mall today
down: didn't get to go to the one store I wanted to
up: super bowl was tonight
up/down: OK commercials this year
down: criminal minds started late
down: latin test tomorrow
^^Wow. I thought it said Linday was supposed to be 18 when the murders happened..
But maybe they are just looking for a young actress to play an 18 year old Linday, because of how Anna looks when she plays a 28 year old?? I mean, I know like 5 18 year olds that look like they are 14....
Damn me for not being able to read cursive handwriting *headdesk* :rolleyes:. I wish I knew what Grissom was writing to Sara; I did see the "I'll miss you" part though.
I liked Sara's scenes; I love how we see that "flirting" voice, like we saw in Rashomama.
I'm more excited about the promo...
Oooooh! I understand now :lol:.
I thought you meant she was flying, like on a plane. Haha, but yes I saw that clip of her :).
I think it's very good that Lindsay is still in the promos, even if she will be gone for a few episodes.
I love all the wallpapers and banners that were made :).
I am completely oblivious or something? :rolleyes: In the 2 promos I've seen I didn't see Lindsay in it at all.
I made a new DL video :). You can find it under the username spriteandcola on Youtube :)
Oh, I forgot to add. I love Dark Cloud 2, and The Sims also :D.
Today I had....5 free periods! :lol:. 2 of them were studyhalls, but the teachers let us go anywhere we wanted....and one was actually science class, but our teacher showed up 40 minutes late :rolleyes:. I should've been productive...
I have always used Windows, until I recently bought a mac laptop. I use both computers equally (and I even downloaded windows onto my mac, so I have an option of switching between OSs) and I find that thought mac is easier to navigate and has less viruses, windows has many more programs...
HeroHeroine----by Boys Like Girls (great band BTW :D)
It's too late baby, there's no turning around
I've got my hands in my pocket and my head in a cloud
This is how I do
When I think about you
I never thought that you could break me apart
I keep a sinister smile and a hold of my heart...
Lindsay----by Billy Klippert
Another sunset is gone, another place I don't belong
If you could hear this song oh, Lindsay what went wrong
One thousand long and lonely nights
Can someone out there save this life
You've always been my light, oh, Lindsay something's wrong
Some day far away
I used to be obsessed with videogames. But then CSI came along...hehe. I have n64, gamecube, ps2, and all the handheld gameboys/ds. I loved to play Zelda games (for GBcolor, and gamecube). Also, Harvest Moon (for GC) was like my favorite of all times. And mario games....and DDR. :D. That is one...