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  1. Jenna_Caine

    The Bachelor (CSI Gameshow fanfiction)

    Yaay, Delko chose me! :high-fives SpeedsDaughter: Alright! :lol:
  2. Jenna_Caine

    Road Trip! The Final Frontier.

    :lol: :guffaw: :guffaw: I totally agree!!! :dies laughing: :miraculously revives: So, uhm, anyway... Great work as usual, Geni!!! :thumbsup:
  3. Jenna_Caine

    Caption Game *puts on sunnies* Miami Style

    #3 for me! :lol: :guffaw: Wow... I'm hyper, don't mind me... :sweatdrop:
  4. Jenna_Caine

    FanFic Poetry #2:Warning...May cause Passionate Combustion!

    Oh my God, I love that one... :sniffles: Kinda makes me think of my songfic I did... Great job, Linda! :hugs:
  5. Jenna_Caine

    Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Hot

    Welcome! ...I don't know what more to say... *sweatdrop* :lol: Enjoy your time here!
  6. Jenna_Caine

    Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

    Omg, I love the Hummer KITT! *dies laughing* That is too funny... Nice job, Wolfca! :thumbsup:
  7. Jenna_Caine

    Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...'

    I agree. Bruce Willis! Er, I mean, Rory Cochrane! Lol, also Famke Janssen. I'm pretty sure she's the one who played Jean Grey/the Phoenix in the X-Men movies... :lol:
  8. Jenna_Caine

    Road Trip! The Final Frontier.

    Whoa... Fun. Can't wait for more! :thumbsup:
  9. Jenna_Caine

    Road Trip! The Final Frontier.

    O.o Okay, aside from laughing my @$$ off, I most likely would have punched Colton... Just cuz I'm a pretty violent individual... :lol: Okay, I LOVE the part about feeling like a sumo wrestler... :guffaw: Aww... Poor Delko... Lol! This is so much fun! Thank you so much for bringing me along...
  10. Jenna_Caine

    Wallpaper Thread #8: Showcase, Links, and Requests

    Oh, man, Lambchop! I loved your Alexx Woods one, and have definitely snagged. ...You hardly ever see any good Alexx Woods wallpapers out there, do you...? Nice job! :thumbsup:
  11. Jenna_Caine

    The CSI:Miami Picture Game Thread #1

    Uhm... Slow Burn?
  12. Jenna_Caine

    Caption Game *puts on sunnies* Miami Style

    :lol: #3 for me!
  13. Jenna_Caine

    The Bachelor (CSI Gameshow fanfiction)

    Just making sure. I get confused relatively easily... :lol: Thanks lots! XD
  14. Jenna_Caine

    New Game Thread: Who Said It And In Which Episode?

    Spring Break? :confused:
  15. Jenna_Caine

    The Bachelor (CSI Gameshow fanfiction)

    :guffaw: I know the feeling, trust me! Don't worry about it. The only problem is, I'm just a little confused as to how exactly this is supposed to work... Is it going to be kinda like an RP, or something? As in, each of us girls types out what our character does? Cuz that's how it seems to...
  16. Jenna_Caine

    FanFic Poetry #2:Warning...May cause Passionate Combustion!

    Nicely done, Speedsdaughter! I wish I could say I've got another one, but my Muse has been curiously absent recently... *looks around suspiciously* And I can't find her!!! >.<# Hopefully she'll come back soon, cuz I'm definitely feeling the lack of Eric Delko poetry... *sweatdrop* :lol:
  17. Jenna_Caine

    The Bachelor (CSI Gameshow fanfiction)

    Yup, I'm Sophie, a "perfumer"... I think that means a chick who sells perfume...? I could be wrong, though... Lol
  18. Jenna_Caine

    The Bachelor (CSI Gameshow fanfiction)

    I agree! If Eric or Speed chose me, I'd quite possibly simply pass out from joy/shock! XD
  19. Jenna_Caine

    Road Trip! The Final Frontier.

    I totally agree... :lol: Kenny Chesney is awesome!
  20. Jenna_Caine

    CSI: Miami horror stories

    Okay, I was actually a little creeped out by The Caruso Statue... :lol: Nicely done!