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  1. C

    Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

    The hair! I don't know... I SLIGHTLY prefer season 4 hair, cause it makes him look older and more perfect for Calleigh. Season 3 hair makes him look like a boy and a little like Greg from CSI Vegas, which I guess isn't all that bad ;). Oh well, I'm off to watch that Miami episode where Mac from...
  2. C

    Nick/Sofia - Cruising the SoNic

    Re: New*** Nick/Sophia Wow, I thought this thread was deleted already! Anyone got caps from the later part of season 6? Any scenes near the finale? I'm only up to "Daddy's Little Girl" here :(.
  3. C

    Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

    Hey all... Dutchie, am I in that 13, or 14, you counted. If not, count me in. I finally saw "Deviant" and "Driven" :D *GLEE* Eee, "Deviant"... When Aaron Peters was talking to Ryan... Ryan said something about how he doesn't want to comment on Calleigh's business, but then Aaron said, "It's...
  4. C

    Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

    cinegirl, OCD is usually most noticeable in their excessive neatness/cleanliness or in their fear of germs. It's called Obsessive Compulsive because you feel the compulsion (the need) to obsess over certain things (cleanliness, germs) or doing certain things (cleaning, arranging things in...
  5. C

    Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

    Cool wallpaper, dingbat! Can I play the favorite moment game again? In "Nailed," when Ryan went, "You can take the girl out of firearms... but you can't. Because it's you." So much love for that moment. He just knows her. He was the one who asked her, "Did you quit firearms because Hagen...
  6. C

    Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

    Ha ha, yeah, the legal age in Canada is 19, isn't it? I seem to remember that somehow. It's 18 in Australia so I've been 'legal' a while ;). Speaking of which... "Legal". That's another GREAT C/R episode. He teasing her about "bad boys." It seems like he was testing her, to see if she was one...
  7. C

    Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

    Yeah, that was "Shootout" - the one with the shoot out in the hospital. There's this really cute shot of Ryan holding the kid. Happy birthday dingbat! Many happy wishes! How old are you, btw, if you don't mind me asking ;)? Landmark age? And someone asked about Emily Procter saying, "Not with...
  8. C

    Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

    How far are you up to? I haven't watched every one obviously (cause Australia's only up to "nailed", but I've seen 4x12, 4x17, 4x22, 4x23, 4x25 after that through my own resources ;) ). Those ones I mentioned are all good. And I've also heard that 4x16 ("Deviant") is the best with 4x19...
  9. C

    Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

    (to Dingbat) Favorite C/R quote would have to be the one in "Shock" -> their whole conversation about H/Marisol's wedding gift, which I already transcribed in page 3 of this thread. Ryan (to Calleigh): "You're fantastic." How awesome is that! And I just watched "Open Water" and "The Score"...
  10. C

    Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

    I can't seem to go to bed yet (almost 4am here!), so I made this. Feel free to use (but if you could credit me, that'd be appreciated :) ). ... because that image just BEGGED that caption, really. Okay, sleep now.
  11. C

    Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

    Calleigh DuCaine, that's what I'm talking about! Yup, I had a similar idea, but you put it so nicely, you should continue it to a fic ;). Hee hee, so I'm not the oldest, cinegirl? But, hey, like we say about the C/R pairing: age doesn't matter! We are joined by our great and devoted love of...
  12. C

    Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

    (to Dutchie) Aw, rats. My dutch is beyond crap, ha ha ;). But 15! Wow you're young. Am I the oldest person here at 21? *feels old* Anywhoo, here's a little present: Calleigh's mental note: Must. Resist. The. Urge. To. Jump. Him. Ryan's mental note: Must. Not. Jump. Her. During. Office. Hours...
  13. C

    Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

    Does anyone feel like they're reading each other's minds a lot? In "shock," *points to scene above* she knows what he was referring to before he asked her. In the season finale, he called her about the missing money RIGHT when she figured out who took & reported it. Dear CSI:Miami writers...
  14. C

    Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

    Hee hee... Couldn't help myself. Favorite part from "Shock", plus pics: Ryan: Hey, let me ask you something. Do you have plans after work tonight? Calleigh: *smiles* Yes, I heard about the wedding. No, I'm not going. I'm really happy for them. Ryan: Don't you think we should do something for...
  15. C

    Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

    WOW! I just watched "Shock" and CALLEIGH AND RYAN ARE SO GOING OUT! C'mon, he asked her what she was doing after work (implying, would she go to the boss' wedding with him) and she put his name on her present! That screams 'couple' to me. Dutchie, Happy Birthday! You're not a kinder anymore...
  16. C

    Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

    Woot! New thread. "That's hot" -> yes they are ;D. Guess what. I SAW "COLLISION"! Not many C/R scenes, but LOVED the jewel shop scene of course. How funny was that pause before... "We're from the crime lab." But I just love how she's generally happier around him than with any other person. She...
  17. C

    Danny/Aiden #4 - DnA - Getting All Freaky On Me

    I'm pissed about the way NY's been doing so I added to that Round Robin to remind me of better days... Come on people, we can do this! DnA is unbreakable remember?
  18. C

    Danny/Aiden #4 - DnA - Getting All Freaky On Me

    Hey DnA-ers... *feels numb from the bad news* Though there are good things DnA-wise from the episode, I don't think I can bear to watch it. I don't know... Should I? At least with the things Danny said, that proved that we were right, right? We weren't just seeing things? *smiles hopefully*...
  19. C

    Danny/Aiden #4 - DnA - Getting All Freaky On Me

    OMG! What a reunion! Sorry that I haven't been back for AGES! Been busy, hee hee... But how can I ever forget DnA! May 10th huh? Wow, so far away... Anyone got a new fic or icon to parade? And feel free to add my LJ: Caderyn ;)
  20. C

    Nick/Sofia - Cruising the SoNic

    Re: New*** Nick/Sophia Hey, hey! Guess what! I finally produced a fic. Nick/Sofia, obviously. It's up at fanfiction, called "Observe". Can't link since it's not up yet, so check out my LJ if you want here. Hope you liked. Hi Elanor! So glad you've joined this ship! :D