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    George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#31

    Congrats on the win, Bookgirl. This is an interesting theme. Hopefully I don't have any duplicates here... Smiling See the tie? Nick 'n Griss What?? *Sigh* So Serious
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    Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Hot

    Speaking of shirtless...
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    Caption Game #2 - Shipper Central Style

    Mac: Horatio, you should see the pictures I just got! Horatio: Wait! That's Eric... and Calleigh! And they're doing WHAT?!
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    Add a Line- Miami Style - Part Three

    Calleigh pulled the hummer to the side of the road and watched as...
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    Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Hot

    Boy is he hot, in fact, of the two men I'd take Adam any day of the week and twice on Sunday:p
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    Caption Game - Miami style pt.2

    Calleigh: What! Eric, you can't be serious; he's gonna kill you! I can't believe you stole Horatio's sunglasses!! *pretty lame, but oh well*
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    Eric and Calleigh #32 - Seven Years In The Making.

    You got it. *Passes over one VERY LARGE Mojito* I spent the entire day (when I should have been working I might add) thinking about Eric and Calleigh and what this season will mean for them. At the rate we seem to be going, I'm hoping for a CSI Wedding. An engagement during the Season...
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    George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#31

    First Set: Neck #1 Neck #2 Neck #3 Neck #4 Neck #5 Neck #6
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    George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#31

    Hey girls! Sorry I've been away for so long. I'm getting ready for surgery in a week or so. Nick spent all this time looking for me, and here I was hiding out in Athens, GA. Congrats Yoshi. For all of those in the ice and snow, it was 60 degrees here. Well, Nick was impressed anyway.
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    **Spoiler Lab** Season 7 - Get Your Daily Fix!

    I'm guessing that Delkolover got this from where ever she gets her super secret spoilers (try saying that three times fast) from. I'm just grateful she's willing to share them with us...;)
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    Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Hot

    Let's be honest, anything that Eric Delko does is cute. The man is perfect. At least I think he is. I mean, he's a keeper... He's thoughtful and sensitive (a recent change but welcome) Not to mention SMOKING HOT! Here is some Eye-Candy for your viewing pleasure... Need I say more?
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    Eric and Calleigh #32 - Seven Years In The Making.

    *Passes Fresh Mojito* This scenario works for me and is really close to something that I had envisioned as well. :lol:
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    Eric and Calleigh #32 - Seven Years In The Making.

    I don't know if anyone has noticed, but we are totally over 700 posts. I suspect by the end of the episode on Monday we MAY need to start thinking about #33. If you think of any great names then file them away. We'll need them for the poll on the next thread.:)
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    Eric and Calleigh #32 - Seven Years In The Making.

    If I were Calleigh and lying there sick, I'd so want a solid wall between me and all of the strangers walking through the hospital. I guess Miami has never heard of HIPPA...:wtf: Now, how is Eric gonna kiss her with a clear glass wall the only thing between them and the prying eyes of the...
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    Eric and Calleigh #32 - Seven Years In The Making.

    *passes fresh drink* ;) BTW, what is it with the glass walls in the hospital? They're that way on House too and it drives me nuts. I don't know about you guys, but I like my privacy when I'm stuck in the hospital. :eek:
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    Eric and Calleigh #32 - Seven Years In The Making.

    Can I interest anyone in another Mojito?
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    **Spoiler Lab** Season 7 - Get Your Daily Fix!

    I think Kyle was 16 when he started on the show, so I suppose he would be 17 now. Well, he could be 21 if they're using "Soap Opera Years":p
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    Eric and Calleigh #32 - Seven Years In The Making.

    Well, I take the evening off and go to bed early, and I wake up to the new spoilers. All I can say after reading them is: MOJITOS FOR EVERYONE! :beer: :D