Re: GSR, Miniature Killer, Sara in Peril: Jumping the Shark
Yeah, but if that was the only reason to watch it, doesn't that mean the show has jumped the shark?
Isn't CSI about cases not just the personal lives of a couple of co-workers? I guess not.
Re: GSR, Miniature Killer, Sara in Peril: Jumping the Shark
I believe tonights ratings will tell us if CSI jumped the shark or not. If there's a loss of viewers, its safe to assume that some people watched the premiere just to see if Sara lived.
Re: Paul/Brass #2
Yeah, I liked the Brass and Drops interaction. It was amusing.
Somehow it doesn't surprise me Beaujolais wants Annie and Ellie back. Tee hee!
Re: Photography Competition: Serie shoot & Abandoned
Wow! Thanks everyone. Great work to all the other "abandoned" enteries.
BTW, whoever took photo number 6 (the basketball hoop) could you PM me? That pic is awesome!
Now, my votes for the series shoot:
Re: Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1
Because people get tired and irritated seeing the same thing over. It bothers some people more than others.
I agree with everyone who says its a rip off of GD. It is.