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  1. L

    Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

    the last part of the interview is interesting: Is there something in your life than to repent? Everyone has regrets, in their life, but I think I have personally gone through very difficult times that cost me overcome. I think at some point I regret not having done more movies, having given...
  2. L

    10x12 - 'Friendly Fire' - ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    episode had lots of twists & turns-keeping it current with the occupy movement and the release of smart phones being $500! Now as to the Kyle scene-I think Horatio wasn't SKyping at that moment just viewing old a reminder that his son is out there in danger 24/7 and with the...
  3. L

    Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

    Feliz Cumpleanos Senor David Caruso! Happy Birthday Mr David Caruso! hope he had a good one wherever he might be? love ya lots man!
  4. L

    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    still hopeful for even a glimpse or occasional mention that H does have family...he gets such a sad, emotional face when he sees or talks to Kyle-a world of regret yet happy..
  5. L

    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    what a s/l-Julia died and left a million dollars to Kyle so now he's turned into a club hopping, highly unlikely..maybe if they showed her leaving town and Kyle standing with his dad waving buh-bye to the woman who abandoned that's a good storyline..
  6. L

    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    maybe Kyle gets a medal or some kind of commendation and it's a ceremony that Horatio gets to attend? wishful thinking I know...still wish they'd have a nice airport scene "hey dad I"m home for good!" would be better than a phone call "dad, I'm in jail again send bail money!" HA!
  7. L

    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    thanks for the update on 10x15 but why no confirmation of the return of Kyle in January-would have thought they'd filmed that episode already..well as for No Good Deed wonder what else Horatio will be up to?
  8. L

    Episode 10x11 - 'Crowned' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    good episode all in all; creepy seeing little girls dressed up like call girls. Agree about Horatio not needing to bend over backwards to save someone who's hanging over an edge-God or fate obviously put the pedophile in a position to end his evil ways so H just let it go naturally; he did not...
  9. L

    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    checked schedule for AMC and it's continuously 5pm and on-like a marathon BUT not in order just random..good way to revisit some faves...if they won't on demand the whole 10 seasons at least this is something..I still believe enough fans exist that would love to pay for that privilege-just...
  10. L

    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    best news this month! will CSIM still air on A&E? would be wonderful IF AMC tv broadcasts the show in correct order starting season 1...that'd be truly awesome to DVR and watch...some of us can't afford the dvd collection. Outstanding if this means now CBS will have enough money to...
  11. L

    Episode 10x10 - 'Long Gone' - ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I don't know why but I had an almost deja vu to the ending...wondering what was going thru Horatio's mind as the son lovingly held his mom after all they went thru together and the look of gratitude on the boy's face as he saw his mom breathing again...wonder if Horatio was having memories of...
  12. L

    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    my only concern for the miami taunter s/l is that someway Horatio will kinda snap and take these guys out for a long drive into the everglades...not looking forward to those repercussions..well interesting ideas of casting such iconic beautiful stars but am still holding out that CSIM producers...
  13. L

    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    or if the random officer is actually an old school friend or somebody from church to one of the regulars so he/she is 'affected' by it? sounds cruel but love those dramatic moments..the talented regulars do a great job at portraying that kind of stuff...
  14. L

    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    bet they are keeping it under wraps-did they mention him in that episode where H video chatted with him while he was in afghanistan? the one with the killer on death row that had a son same age..last few minutes was a surprise of Kyle appearance so why not now? still hoping they bring Kyle back...
  15. L

    Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

    wow that news just made my day....thought all hope was lost on that front..Great for Horatio to have his son back and can't wait to see his face when he greets his son home from the war...good storyline possibilities all the way around...
  16. L

    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    sounds like another take on the reality shows-so hope the team talks about the emotional 'child abuse' that CAN happen at these pageants with little girls crying or wearing inappropriate outfits,etc...about Horatio going to the dark side like that I"m sure that isn't the final scene-maybe the...
  17. L

    Episode 10x04 - 'Look Who's Taunting' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    decent episode-liked that Horatio got to be all tough cop barking orders for help and kinda proud of the girl for being tougher and surviving torture from that creepy professionally, profoundly psychotic doctor! yikes makes a person think twice about those free clinics..he pulled a...
  18. L

    Episode 10x01 - 'Countermeasures' ***CONTAINS SPOIILERS***

    on re-watching this episode-I think maybe the reason Eric grabbed Toller and made SURE he was captured and didn't escape again was that he saw Horatio's sacrifice in not giving up or lying down in his hospital bed ..he knew if he they let this guy go again Horatio will still keep going after...
  19. L

    Episode 10x01 - 'Countermeasures' ***CONTAINS SPOIILERS***

    What an emotionally deep and fast paced ride this was! loved the make up on DC as he was coping with his pain-yeah his lungs weren't working right so he couldn't breathe well but he kept going for the bad guys like a personal responsibility since Toller escaped from him & Frank on that plane...
  20. L

    Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

    loved how he was sweating and had dark circles under his eyes-yeah he wasn't super cool and handsome but in serious pain..and still wouldn't give up on stopping the bad guys. Every movement was agony but he kept going on and he was amazing! I loved this episode and if this is what we can expect...