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  1. L

    **Spoiler Lab** S8 - Check Out What's On The Horizon!

    isn't the actor who plays Delko not employed anymore since Ugly Betty is going off the air? why not stay employed at CSI MIami? wonder what more dangerous place Calleigh could be in except at a crime scene-she's not safe at work ever...
  2. L

    Where is Kyle?

    oh yeah! Now to figure out the DVR I just got! it's about time we had a Kyle centered episode since it brings out all kinds of good qualities in Horatio-and with such great casting Evan plays his part really well..can't wait either-will circle that date on the calendar...thanks for the heads up..
  3. L

    Where is Kyle?

    Hopefully if they can manage just 3-5min of father/son moments then they will have alot of fans back on track w/the show...miss the character and what he brings to Horatio's life...
  4. L

    Get Your CSI:Miami Pictures Here! ***Possible Season 8 Spoilers***

    please show concerned H and when he is on the computer w/his son Kyle-I could use a new background on my computer-it's Kyle empty right now...
  5. L

    Episode 8x14 - "In the Wind" - **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    am loving seeing Kyle again-he looks so grownup and poor H looks so concerned...but proud papa. Loved the twists on this s/l-the tree growth thing had me thinking as well and how confused that older woman could be but then if she did witness a murder it would affect someone forever I guess. Am...
  6. L

    **Spoiler Lab** S8 - Check Out What's On The Horizon!

    Yeah some Kyle moments coming soon-the fans were heard at last...any idea what date to expect that epi???? will learn to DVR for that one...and AMH is the bomb..
  7. L

    Episode 8x12 - Show Stopper *CONTAINS SPOILERS*

    loved seeing Stets but can't believe he would 'notice' some small gasoline/mileage discrepancy thing unless he spends his days looking for ways to bust everyone in that lab..liked the Phoebe girl but can't believe she was doped up for 3mths-seems she'd be even thinner than shown. Reminded me of...
  8. L

    Where is Kyle?

    am still hopeful they can make room for Evan Ellingson (Kyle) in all future S/L with his relationship w/his dad NOT always being about his mental case mum-Kyle could have been in school or something and interact sometimes w/his dad-but the writers are dropping the ball and losing the opportunity...
  9. L

    **Spoiler Lab** S8 - Check Out What's On The Horizon!

    wow thanks for the photos-weird seeing Horatio sitting in a jail cell to talk to a killer-he's got such a nice suit on and yet the place isn't as dirty as I'd expect-tv jail sure is pretty! wow AMH as a bad dude-cool..
  10. L

    **Spoiler Lab** S8 - Check Out What's On The Horizon!

    OK, 2 cheers for some kind of resolve to the Kyle s/l I sincerely hope they bring Evan E back for just a few minutes...glad to not lose another Caine family member into the abyss..also big cheer for the awesome special guest stars-Totally thing Anthony Michael Hall is the bomb-he's super...
  11. L

    Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

    Yeah don't you just love it when grown men are having fun at work like a couple of teenagers? cracking me up to see them laugh that much-too bad CSI 'work' is murder most of time and they have to act 'serious' ...these guys are cute when they smile! I could see them doing other work together...
  12. L

    Get Your CSI:Miami Pictures Here! ***Possible Season 8 Spoilers***

    any screen caps forthcoming from episode "bad seed"? they had some group action going on there that would make a great wallpaper..
  13. L

    Get Your CSI:Miami Pictures Here! ***Possible Season 8 Spoilers***

    fantastic-love to scoll thru a folder of H pics and other faves-am loving this season already..thanks for posting the caps!
  14. L

    8x02 - 'Hostile Takeover' **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    Sorry about info on HT-guy is from ER- Dr.Michael Gallant NOT from soap opera GH..and Eric must have doing much better or his parents are staying w/him? didn't catch any mention of him or did I miss something? kids here too noisy maybe I better watch CSIM on the computer w/headphones at midnight...
  15. L

    8x02 - 'Hostile Takeover' **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    I really am liking Jesse cop guy-he's growing on me alright...seems like H and him are still comfortable. close buds so maybe they been emailing each other for the last 12 years?haha Liked the episode alot and loved the HT actor-he was once on GH soap and he's really talented...liked seeing...
  16. L

    Season 8 **Spoiler Lab** - 'Feast Your Eyes...'

    am I the only one wondering why Kyle isn't around anymore? maybe he got sent away to college up north? or left town? another disappearing Caine family member-
  17. L

    8x01 - 'Out of Time' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I agree that in that other episode it was revealed Ryan was from Boston so that's why he wasn't in the past memories scenes but also maybe Jesse referred Speedle to work there but Megan was named head of CSI and Horatio and Speed were 'under' her at work...I liked the flashback scenes just...
  18. L

    8x01 - 'Out of Time' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Okay it was different and I like seeing flashbacks to how Horatio's detective abilities were back in the day...About Ryan-isn't he originally from BOSTON? so WHY would he be in FL 12 yrs ago? liked bubbly blond Calleigh-more clever than the old boys club cops hanging around...Poor Eric, always...
  19. L

    Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

    Re: Horatio/DC #15: I asked this on another thread but nobody had any comment so I'll ask it here: A little OT but if some spoilers said Sgt Rick Stetler is referred to as Lt. now that's cool and all but after how many years as LT. Horatio Caine when does he make CAPTAIN??? I mean he's been...
  20. L

    8x01 - 'Out of Time' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    yeah they could just mention Horatio saying " I got to go to dinner w/my brother Raymond and his new wife(or fiance?)" whatever to show some continuity but that's not going to happen given time restraints on the premiere..less than 24hrs to go..