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  1. F

    NFL - National Football League

    How 'bout them Bears? Whoo! times infinity.
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    Cow Thread - Moo Moo Here and Moo Moo There

    Holy crap. Milka. I miss you... Okay, so I used to live in Vienna (Hi inge! *bounces uncontrollably* You're the first person in Austria I've seen on these boards!) Anyway, long story short... I'm now back in the home country of the US of A, where *GASP* they don't have Milka. So I haven't had...
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    Cow Thread - Moo Moo Here and Moo Moo There

    Yay! A cow thread! :cool: (Where has this been all my life??) Unfortunately, I do not live on a farm; therefore, no moo pictures to contribute. :( Moos are so cute. :D However, I will go change my siggy to support the cows. There. Purple cows rule. ;) Oh, yeah.
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    From the Mouth of High School

    I've had some multicultural issues from high schoolers in my day... Me: I lived in Austria. Dork: dead seriousWait, you can speak European? Me: :headdesk: Me: I lived in Austria. Other Dork: Do you have kangaroos in your backyard? Me: What? Other Dork: Do you... Me: Are you serious? Other...
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    NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

    Whoa... where was Palmer in this episode? I love him! :(
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    Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

    Did you see the promo for next week's episode... Flack's :mad: again, and Mac has to intervene. Poor guy. This isn't his season for non-conflict relationships.
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    Grade 'Consequences'

    Well... I really liked this episode, but I'm left with some huge questions. What on earth happened to the paintball dude? Is he dead? Am I blind and missed something big? I thought Flack was a homicide cop... why would he be doing a drug bust? I wish the ending would have been a little more...
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    NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

    I loved tonights episode! :D I love Tony more and more with each episode. RE: Poison Ivy. Priceless. McGeek is the perfect probie. Ziva shows off her super cool skills. Gibbs had some Control!Freak moments. Abby was her perfect goofy self, and Ducky is talking to corpses (again). Starting to get...
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    One thing that annoys me the most...

    Yup, yup. Never tired *shakes head*. I've never really seen a TV show where the characters aren't perfect looking, so I guess I've gotten used to it. What REALLY bugs me is when they pick up on big leads in random ways. "I was in the grocery store, and I just happened to see a porn DVD of our...
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    Crossover Ships: Mix and Match

    So, I was watching CSI last Thursday and I actually paid attention to the minor characters this time (:rollseyes:) and I was like, Holy Crap! Flack and Sofia are so much alike! I can either see them hitting it off or bugging each other to death. Either way, of course, would be funny. About Flack...
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    Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

    Blue Eyes and Fugly Ties... :lol:dies laughing:lol:. Going back to the Edmund thing... I love it! Okay, maybe it's because I'm a HUGE Narnia fan and Edmund happens to be my favorite book character in the whole wide world...
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    One thing that annoys me the most...

    ^^ I would laugh SO HARD. Just thinking about it makes me giggle!:lol: When Mac tells a very lame joke and the others laugh. One-liners don't happen to be Mac's speciality...
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    Grade 'Murder Sings the Blues'

    hmmm. I'd give it a B. Mac & Hawkes: Hawkes, you stupid idiot. As soon as he saw his phone number on that piece of paper... I thought Hawkes was a little smarter than that. Mac had a right to be mad at him, but he didn't have to chew him out in front of all the lab rats. Mac & Peyton: Gag me...
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    Election Time.

    Yep, MacsGirlMel, I totally agree...Chicago area sucks around election time. If I could vote, I wouldn't vote for Roskam or Duckworth, because I'm sick to death of their stupid ads :mad:. Can't wait 'till they're over. Just the thought of it makes me grin stupidly. :D
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    I lurve Halloween! I empathize with you guys who live in countries who don't do it... I lived in Europe most of my childhood, and now that I'm back in America I'm making the most of trick-or-treating!! Actually, we had Fasching so we could dress up in crazy costumes, but it just wasn't the same...
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    Why Lindsay Must Go

    Hey you guys... I just started reading this particular thread (it took me and hour and a half, by the way) and I totally agree with most of the anti-Lindsay things said. I would give my opinions, but then someone would probably make another comment about people on this thread saying the same...
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    Flack #6 - Your Handcuffs or Mine??

    Re: Flack #6 - Your Handcuffs or mine? I like the way they've kept the story open for changes. Like in the episode where the chick in jail asked him if he had a girlfriend, he just blows her off. So that leaves the writers plenty of options: girlfriend, no girlfriend, or (heaven forbid) married.
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    Grade 'Oedipus Hex'

    Re: Grade 'Oedipus Hex' Lindsay's secret It seemed to me that she was sad about the girl in "Stealing Home" because she reminded Lindsay of herself. And "Not What It Looks Like" could have been Lindsay being selfless, or Lindsay wanting to play hero. It just depends on how you take it, I guess...
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    Flack/Monroe #2 - It's a Block Party Thing!

    It's funny that no one has considered calling him his real name....Donald. :eek: I could picture Lindsay calling him that when she's really mad, but never in seriousness. Whenever I hear that I immediately think of Donald Duck. :p Which brings us to another nickname... Ducky! :D Me likes this one.
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    Crossover Ships: Mix and Match

    Catherine and Mac....meh. I dunno. I just don't really like Catherine that much. That never really occured to me at all. I always forget about Mac when I'm coming up with ships. I do think that Catherine and Hammerback would be funny, because I looove him. :). And I think he'd make any...