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  1. GoodLittle Wench

    The Warm Welcome Thread #3

    Like Eve, I was once an active member. But, I got distracted by life and by my writing. And I haven't been around for awhile. I recently stumbled back upon the forums, and decided to rejoin.
  2. GoodLittle Wench

    Grade 'It Happened to Me'

    All in all, I loved this episode. It had some slow moments, in regards to the case. But I was able to overlook them. Count me in as one of the millions of people who found Flack's 'what you are doing is very dangerous line' to be supremely amusing. And his reactions to the sploshing party...
  3. GoodLittle Wench

    Grade "Battle Scars"

    I gave it an A. I feel like the old CSI:NY is back. It was great to see Danny and Flack interrogating together again. Those two have some really amazing chemistry. And I don't feel like we have seen enough of it since Danny hooked up with Lindsey. I know, I know. He's married. He has a...
  4. GoodLittle Wench

    Your Blood Type?

    Very true. But nowadays there is little to worry about. There is a drug called Rhogam that can be given to the mother that counteracts the problem. It can be given either before delivery or immediately after.
  5. GoodLittle Wench

    Your Blood Type?

    I am A+. I have never been able to donate blood, because my iron count is consistently too low. I am an organ donor. I am also registered on the bone marrow donor list.
  6. GoodLittle Wench

    Grade "Dead Reckoning"

    I was bored to tears. The plot seemed so disjointed, haphazard, and not well thought out. My first inclination was that the victim was actually a woman living as a man. Probably would have made for a more interesting episode. The scene with Danny at the end threw me off. It just seemed far...
  7. GoodLittle Wench

    What Books Are You Reading?-#3

    Re: What Are You Reading?-#3 I am reading The Road by Cormac McCarthy. "It is a post-apocalyptic tale of a journey taken by father and his young son over a period of several months, across a landscape blasted by an unnamed cataclysm that destroyed all civilization." It's pretty good, but a...
  8. GoodLittle Wench

    Grade 'Blacklist'

    I gave it a C. Don't get me wrong, I am a huge fan of Mac. But even I am getting a little bored with all the Mac centered episodes. You have an ensemble cast for a reason, they shouldn't be relegated to set dressing. And I felt like that is what happened in this episode. I am glad to see...
  9. GoodLittle Wench

    Gary #6: Renaissance Man (cause he can do everything)

    Just a little something before I head off to bed. Enjoy.
  10. GoodLittle Wench

    Mac #7--Once a Marine, Always a Marine

    Like fine wine, that man just gets better with age. And I agree, he does look super hot in blue. But, in all honesty, I miss Mac in a suit and tie. No one wears a suit like Mac Taylor.
  11. GoodLittle Wench

    The Official Pet Thread pt2

    I have two cats and a dog. They all came from shelters. This is Stella. Half Collie. Half something else. She is a little embarassed in the photo. It was taken right after she got her hair shaved for summer. Stella Cara. My oldest cat. Queen of the known universe, at least in her...
  12. GoodLittle Wench

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When... [#2]

    Thank God I am not the only one who did that. :lol:
  13. GoodLittle Wench

    Flack #9: An Officer and a Gentleman

    Thank you, Luciana! Those pics are awesome. I must say, Flack was looking exceptional in last night's episode. I just wanted to grab him and hug him.
  14. GoodLittle Wench

    Gary #6: Renaissance Man (cause he can do everything)

    God, I have missed this place. Glad to see that the Gary love is still in full effect. Here is my contribution to the cause. My favorite Gary pic ever.
  15. GoodLittle Wench

    The Warm Welcome Thread #2

    Hi folks! I am not exactly new. But it has been ages since I have been on the boards. Like has this odd, and intensely irritating, habit of getting in the way. But, I am back. And I can't wait to dive back in!
  16. GoodLittle Wench

    Who has a LiveJournal?

    Love the show, just love it. I really should update the LJ.
  17. GoodLittle Wench

    Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

    Go ahead Fay, tell us what this idea is; I am dying to hear it. As for me, I am from a small Irish town in Tennessee. Yeah, I know....seems like an Irish town in the south. But it is indeed just chock full of people of Irish descent. It even has an Irish name, Erin.
  18. GoodLittle Wench

    Your Ringtones?

    My current ringtone is Smoke on the Water.
  19. GoodLittle Wench

    The Last Film You Saw? Thread 2.

    I finally broke down and watched The DaVinci Code. It wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting to be. It was actually pretty good. I plan on watching Black Dahlia tonight.
  20. GoodLittle Wench

    CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!!!

    Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it! A. Spanks B. Hodges