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  1. Axelsonfire

    The Last Movie You Saw - Thread 4

    Despicable Me. I went to go see it yesterday and I loved it. It's the story of a villain named Gru who plans to steal the moon but his plan involves adopting three little girls and then leaving them. However, he ends up loving the three girls like daughters. It was really, really cute :) There's...
  2. Axelsonfire

    Let's Talk Toys

    Oh geez, I totally blanked on this when I first posted. When I was about 6 or 7, I got this mini Beanie Baby from McDonalds. It was of this purple bear named Millennium. I thought he was the cutest thing and I really wanted the real bear. I read this guide to them one day and I found out that...
  3. Axelsonfire

    Summer Fan Art Gift Exchange 2010

    YAY!!! I'm very glad you liked them Raynn :)
  4. Axelsonfire

    Summer Fan Art Gift Exchange 2010

    Sent mine last night. I really hope they like them.
  5. Axelsonfire

    Signature Banner Challenge - #26 - LV- In The Lab - Results!

    Re: Signature Banner Challenge Thread #2 I am so entering. Stella's my favourite CSI character and Melina's my favourite actress.
  6. Axelsonfire

    Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

    I've given it some thought and I've realized that we shouldn't give up. I mean, we can keep this in the memory of the ship that never was. There's still Flack and Angell shippers out there writing fics and stuff. Why can't we do the same? Anyway, my favourite SMACked scene (and I have a lot) is...
  7. Axelsonfire

    Let's Talk Toys

    When I was really young, I used to have this giant stuffed Elmo. I loved it to bits.
  8. Axelsonfire

    Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

    My heart is breaking but I think it's time to say goodbye. I loved Mac and Stella more than any other pairing. They were so amazing to me. But this has driven a stake through my heart and this time, it won't recover. I'll miss all those moments between them. From Stella worrying about Mac in...
  9. Axelsonfire

    Misc LIMS #3-Challenge 6-Decades. Final Challenge-VOTING!

    Re: Misc LIMS #2: Challenge 7-Pysch-Comeback Challenge Just sent mine in :)
  10. Axelsonfire

    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    I feel like crying too. Melina's my favourite actress. Stella's my favourite character. CSI:NY is my favourite show. Mac/Stella is my OTP. I feel like curling up into a ball and crying... I can only imagine that most of you feel the same.
  11. Axelsonfire

    Melina Kanakaredes Leaves CSI: NY

    I can't write about this without coming across as crazy, so I am just going to say that I will not be watching this show anymore. Simple as that. Melina's my favourite actress, playing my favourite character who's part of my favourite pairing on my favourite TV show. You can figure out how I...
  12. Axelsonfire

    Misc Fan Art Exchange-Summer 2010

    Teddy Bear Dr., I don't mind, but you might want to ask fo_poozle first since she made them.
  13. Axelsonfire

    Misc Fan Art Exchange-Summer 2010

    I just got my gifts from fo_poozle and they were all so great :) Icons: Run Lola Run One Week Reba Lady Antebellum New York City Frog Forrest and Forrest Forrest and Jenny Forrest Gump Lt. Dan Forrest and Jenny 2 Christopher Chance Sandra Bullock Sandra Bullock 2 Melina Kankaredes...
  14. Axelsonfire

    Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

    Okay, I just have to say CSIz_4_H, I LOVE your icon :) Anyway, I watched Snow Day last night and my inner SMACked fan came out. That episode was just so great and it really showed how much they will protect each other and trust each other. He tells Stella to be careful before they split ways...
  15. Axelsonfire

    Baseball 2011 Season

    Re: Baseball 2010 Season Yeah, I've read the Rockies' wikipedia page. I have to know my team's history. It's pretty much a mandatory thing with me. Plus, I have to see if their mascot's cool. I love mascots for some odd reason. And I've gotta say, Dinger's a pretty cool mascot. The Phanatic's...
  16. Axelsonfire

    Other Fandom FanArt #5-Showcase & Requests

    I made 20 Criminal Minds icons for a challenge: Rest here @ my lj
  17. Axelsonfire

    Baseball 2011 Season

    Re: Baseball 2010 Season Hey! Umm, well, I don't follow baseball all that often, but I'm starting to follow it a bit more. About 3 or 4 years ago, I used to turn on my local sports station to listen to the hockey games and after the hockey games, the station would have Fox Sports Radio on, and...
  18. Axelsonfire

    Schedule changes in the fall - what do you think?

    I'm really not happy about the timeslot changes, especially the Miami one. The New York one I was initially unhappy about, but I have another reason to watch TV on Friday (Human Target's on right before on FOX), so it's helped a bit. However, the Sunday timeslot is bad for me, because I have to...
  19. Axelsonfire

    Which CSI series is your favorite?

    CSI:NY is my favourite for sure. I love it mostly, because it's more character driven. Plus Gary Sinise is one of my favourite actors and Melina Kanakaredes is my favourite actress. Oh, and I love the city of New York. Yeah, that's about it. I like the other two as well, just not as much.
  20. Axelsonfire

    Best villians

    From LV, I have to say my favourite villain is the Dick and Jane killer. He's just so creepy and awesome. From Miami, I have to say the best villain is Ron Saris. He was just a thorn in Horatio's side and Kim Coates was so good at playing him. From NY, the best villain is Shane Casey by far...