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  1. Bella363

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    *Bella runs into the thread to show off her new DL banner* Woohoo - I have a shippy banner at last :D!!! The lovely CSI Kat made it for me and it rocks! I struggled with the text but loved it when Lindsay said that 'they were going old school' in YODO. So as theirs is an old fashioned love...
  2. Bella363

    How many non-US peeps here?

    Dawni - If you have the channel, FiveUS have just started Season 1 on Sunday nights 10pm. This will hopefully last us till really close to the start of Season 4. Has anybody watched the S4 episodes on CBS Innertube? I have tried to watch one episode but it keeps sticking.
  3. Bella363

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    Not only is it Hump day but I have the day off work :D lucky lucky me! A day off in the middle of the week is like skipping school, or my very own snow day :lol: Now I should be trying to make my pile of ironing disappear but ....... I recorded that episode and skipped right to the end of...
  4. Bella363

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    Ok so I only have time for a quick post but wanted to join in the shippy chanting: Kiss kiss kiss kiss!! I will take any kind of kiss for our lovely couple - hand, forehead :D, cheek, lips :devil: I am not fussy, any kiss will do! I will send positive thoughts across the pond... And as for...
  5. Bella363

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    I think some of the pink fog has left this lovely little thread and infiltrated the rest of the board :devil: I read the Grade the Episode thread and a lot of people who are not huge fans of our ship enjoyed the Danny and Lindsay interaction in this episode :D I am still squeeing over the...
  6. Bella363

    Signature Banners # 5 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    Hi - does anyone have a Danny and Lindsay banner to donate :)? Not sure if this is the right place but would love to have a shippy banner for my signature. or if anyone can point me in right direction that would be great!! Thanks
  7. Bella363

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    Hallejulah - shippy moments galore! It must have been a birthday present for Stuffy - Happy Birthday to you :D yum - cake is my downfall. Anyway thursday is my unofficial hump day here in the UK as I can catch with the DL moments thanks Sugah on You Tube, Is it strange that I get so excited...
  8. Bella363

    CSI NY: First Times.....DL

    Loving the story so far Natty. I always wanted to see what happend when Danny showed up in montana as was a massive turning point in their relationship IMO. Can't wait for the next update :)
  9. Bella363

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    Wow - you guys have been busy since I was here last! There are so many posts to catch up on :eek: There seems to be great debate on our favourite couple so I will add my contribution - but I have only seen the DL moments on the wonderful Story of DL from Sugah so please feel free to correct any...
  10. Bella363

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    * runs into the the thread and inhales big gulps of the pink fog * That's better! Like everyone else, I got my hopes up for shippy moments in "Boo" so was disappointed that there was no kiss on the forehead :( But I liked the patting of the arm and in my mind Danny called her 'honey'. As long...
  11. Bella363

    How many non-US peeps here?

    thanks Elsie, from one shopaholic to another :D I thought there was a UK thread here when I first started lurking but was not sure. # Hope you enjoy Spooks!
  12. Bella363

    How many non-US peeps here?

    Well that explains why i love the two shows :lol: I watch Spooks on BBC3 (10.30 Tues) which is a week ahead of BBC. i cannot wait the week ;) And random fact - Ash the gadget guy from Hustle is the brother of the fabulous Gene Hunt from Life on mars :D And looking forward to the new year...
  13. Bella363

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    Mo - I loved your video! It was fab - I have never heard that song before. I may have to check out more of his music. And the scenes went really well with the lyrics. Great job :D you should be very proud of yourself!!!!! And I don't think we need to worry about any death knell for our beloved...
  14. Bella363

    How many non-US peeps here?

    Wow, the UN will have nothing on us soon! I have to say that I will watch anything American but also love homegrown British shows such as Doctor Who and Spooks. What i wanted to ask was if there will be another UK thread for Season 4 when it airs? I have only seen bits of the new season on you...
  15. Bella363

    Life on Mars

    Sorry Hankster, I just assumed that the dvds were available in the US. It was mean of them to show the first series but not the second!! Especially given the premise of the show.... what happened to Sam? They have bought out a book The Rules of Modern Policing - 1973 Edition: Life on Mars - DCI...
  16. Bella363


    I am not going to give anything away but just in case
  17. Bella363

    New CSI:NY Credits Love or Hate?

    I chose the "Love the video/Love the edited version of Baba O'Reilly" option but only because there was no option for Love the video, like the music!! I think the new images are great and the new music has grown on me. I like that it is different but had no problem with the original
  18. Bella363

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    Hey guys! Hope everyone had a good weekend. *begins to follows M&Ms and Dutch over to the dark side until ...) *is smothered in pink fog and wanders away from the dark side) :lol: So I am claiming the middle ground between the pink fog and the dark side. The maroon mist? But hey, I like...
  19. Bella363


    Tom was replaced by Adam, who is very easy on the eyes :devil: A new series has just started in the UK but not sure if it is series 5 or 6. But thankfully no major character has been dipped into a fryer so far :lol: which I know was not funny but it was a brave start to the first series.
  20. Bella363

    Life on Mars

    I cannot help with airing dates of Series 2 in the states. Are you able to get the DVDs? It would a be a worthy investment. I think Gene Hunt is fab! And they have started filming the spin off show :) but I am not sure where that is on here in UK. But cannot wait for that.