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  1. Daquien

    Bones #2: The Jeffersonian Breakroom

    A couple more spoilers:
  2. Daquien

    Adam/AJ #2: The X-Factor - Must. Fight. Crime!

    Honestly, I don't see any romance between Stella and Adam, I see it like friendship, she doesn't treat him like the lab pet, that's all. I wonder what happened to Kendall, she just disappeared into thin air, not that I care much about it but I'd rather prefer an explanation for character's...
  3. Daquien

    Bones #2: The Jeffersonian Breakroom

    I miss more screentime for Hodgins and Angela and I miss Zach, he brought lots of funny moments to the lab, I think the new grad students are pretty boring. I'm sorry Baba, but I have to use some boxes now. No new episodes until January 15, nooooo !!! :(
  4. Daquien

    LIMS #6 Final Challenge!: 140x140 - Winners!

    Re: LIMS #6 Challenge 9: Textures ~ Results! Sorry to see you go MelC and NattyBatty55 !!! :( Congrats fo_poozle and FieldMouse !!! :) Wow, I'm so happy to be in the last round but scared about what Adzix may have prepared for us !!! :p
  5. Daquien

    The Official Pet Thread pt2

    Congrats Jacquie, nice store and your cats are huge !!! :eek: Nice to see so many fellow owners of orange striped cats. Here's a pic of mine in a box, oh how cats love boxes !!!
  6. Daquien

    Adam/AJ #2: The X-Factor - Must. Fight. Crime!

    On the Scarlett thing, we all took the bait, oh well. :p I don't remember if this pic has been posted. Isn't he cute with the toy guitar? It would be funny if Mac caught him playing guitar hero...:lol:
  7. Daquien

    [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #36: Leading Ladies ~ Now Open!

    Re: [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #32: Favorite Quote ~ Voting Open! b- 1/11/12. bc- 6. a- 3/5/10. bc- 3.
  8. Daquien

    Animation Challenge - #7 - Guns and Bullets ~ Results!

    Re: Animation Challenge - #3 Memories ~ Voting Open! b- 6/7. a- 3/4.
  9. Daquien

    NCIS thread #3 - Shutting up now, Boss

    Welcome luvspeed !!! :)
  10. Daquien

    Pin the Tail on the Birthday Thread #6

    Happy belated birthday speed_cochrane and cathwillows !!! :) Have a great day Audrey2419 !!!
  11. Daquien

    Bones #2: The Jeffersonian Breakroom

    I'm looking forward to watching the gravedigger episode too, I hope that'll give Hodgins more screentime, we barely saw him this season.
  12. Daquien

    Holiday Fan Art Gift Exchange

    Oh, a fanart secret santa, how cool !!! I'm in !!! My fav characters: CSI: LV- Grissom, Hodges, Greg. CSI: NY- Adam, Danny, Flack, Sid, Hawkes. A new wp would be really nice *hint, hint* ;)
  13. Daquien

    CSI: NY Icon Chal.Thr. 2 - Ch.#35: Danny ~ Results!

    Re: CSI: NY Icon Chal.Thr. 2 - Ch.#30: Adam and Sid ~ Voting! Oh, yay, my 2 fav guys !!! :) Beginners- 6/9/5. Advanced- 10/15/3/1. 140- 6/8/2.
  14. Daquien

    NCIS thread #3 - Shutting up now, Boss

    Do you read Rocky Carroll's blog at TvGuide? It's interesting. Btw, I read at EW that there may be a spin-off in the works:
  15. Daquien

    "Young Man With A Horn" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    ^^He also played Gibbs' dad on NCIS episode "Heartland" 6x04.
  16. Daquien

    Bones #2: The Jeffersonian Breakroom

    I think I'm the only one who doesn't like Max free but he's a bank robber and a murderer and I don't mind if he's Bones' dad, he should be behind bars. If they wanted to make him a likeable character, they shouldn't give him such a criminal background.
  17. Daquien

    LIMS #6 Final Challenge!: 140x140 - Winners!

    Re: LIMS #6 Challenge 9: Textures ~ Voting Open! LQ: 5- Too blurry. 6- Ryan's face is too orange. BQ: 4- Great composition.
  18. Daquien

    The Official Pet Thread pt2

    Awwww, so lovely pets everyone !!! :luvlove: Andunesilme, your dog is so beautiful, I love alaskan malamutes and Annwn your bunny is soooo cute !!!! Just in case, to be careful: Surprising dangers for pets.
  19. Daquien


    Spain defeated Argentina and won the third Davis Cup, wooooo !!!! :D And without Rafael Nadal in the final because he was injured.
  20. Daquien

    LIMS #6 Final Challenge!: 140x140 - Winners!

    Re: LIMS #6 Challenge 9: Textures ~ Now Up! Cool idea !!! :) I have a question, can the textures be altered? I mean change the color, opacity, clone parts, make them black and white...