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  1. mj0621

    MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

    Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block# *doesn't know whether to be happy or sad about that news* :lol: oh well, looks like imma go be content with what we have right now huh? :p anybody wanna play a Pac fic game? :D
  2. mj0621

    CSI books.

    :eek: i'm so sorry i missed that! (how DID i miss that :p) anyway, i'm sorry and mr. ken, that's awesome :D i can't wait for the new books! that reminds me... i havta buy Snake Eyes soon XD
  3. mj0621

    Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

    :lol: that's what i wub about EST XD so it isnt showing on your part yet? O_o :lol: overall it was exciting... SMacked is good, alotta screen times :p her worried about him... can't talk about spoily stuff, im lazy to use the spoiler box again :p Mr. Icky is number two on my CSI:NY hate list...
  4. mj0621

    Mac #4: Sexy When Wet

    ok, now imma happy gal :lol: that's exactly what i meant.. XD caps from officer blue is acceptable too :p JK! I WUB IT! ^_^ big thankies from ya LMH! i did tell you i wub you right? :D
  5. mj0621

    Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

    :D heeee! ^_^ Moie buddy, i think i got my wish :lol:
  6. mj0621

    MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

    Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block# welcome Meg! ^_^ :rolleyes: *ignore teh nut laughing* :lol: :lol:
  7. mj0621

    House MD shippers thread. *spoilers*

    Re: House MD shippers thread. *spoilors* ^ I didn't get/see all your post :( heeeyyy.. it's been so quiet here i can't even find the House thread! *rawr* :p the new season started peeps! ^_^ I'd say more about the eppies BUT i can't fint the House thread.. :confused:
  8. mj0621

    CSI books.

    ^ nat, it's a great book ^_^ seriously. ;) when is the new books for LV and NY coming out? and I heard that M.A.C. and SK aren't gonna write it right? oh wait, never mind about NY, i just saw the earlier posts :p ooh! good luck with it KRAD! ^_^ i like how the books aren't eppies.... they...
  9. mj0621

    Mac #4: Sexy When Wet

    eeh! neckporn comin' through! :devil: :p dark shirts.. no tie...shirtless...weapons.. okay, now i'm back in teh gutter :lol: :lol: i ain't american but I sure hope you'd share macky still :p CoTP is my fave eppie :devil: :rolleyes: i wonder what's one of the reasons :p does someone have...
  10. mj0621

    Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

    :eek: *squeals* i think i never been this happy :lol: thanks for the linkys! :eek: they're amazing.
  11. mj0621

    Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

    wait.. what caps? :lol: that wasn't me :p ate cate- :devil: yeah, I'm with fastfoodjunkie there :devil: fluffy Moie- :eek: I wub that smile she has! when she heard macky's voice... ah.. pure heaven. :D lynny well, whatever i owe you... can i just pay by not taking macky this week? :p i own...
  12. mj0621

    Nick/Sara - - #21 - - Nick knows Kung Fu

    *lurks in* i don't think i posted here before *shame on me* anyway... :D hi!
  13. mj0621

    Gil<3Cath #28: Love Is Sharing Water, Glasses and Everything

    Re: Gil<3Cath #28: Love Is Sharing Water, Glasses and Everyt *swoons* new foldie? yay! *looks at piccie* wow i didn't even notice that :p so they share everything eh? ;) why ship GC? well, i can't say more cause the previous posts explained it all.
  14. mj0621

    Mac #4: Sexy When Wet

    *thoomph* swoon. :lol: is it me or it's kinda hot in here? he's just so tense! somebody tie him up and give him a massage :devil: he needs to relax a bit. *looks at csiviper* ...can i hug you? :lol: nice last line :p careful though... i think peyton or stella won't mind us 'borrowing' him ;)
  15. mj0621

    Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

    ooh! me likey the shirt! :lol: what eppie is this for? (the picies i mean)
  16. mj0621

    MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

    Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block# :D *le sigh*
  17. mj0621

    Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

    ate cate nice! ate, i think they're a fan of your ffs XD gals who are asking about teh moments im not good in memorizing but there were quite a few heee moments XD. imma try lookin' for cappys for us. Lynny do you take credit cards? or check? LMAO why do i owe you anyway? :p *tackles CW cause...
  18. mj0621

    Mac #4: Sexy When Wet

    :devil: looks like our macky's hotter than ever with casuals :p
  19. mj0621

    CSI:NY Season 4 Spoilers: Hot Off The Press!

    wow that IS a nice question... would Mac actually lie to Stella? O_o ooh... we'll know if Peyton comes back (anyone know if she's returning at all -maybe in the mid season?)