Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!
New fanfic fodder from tonight's episode: David used to live in a sketchy neighbourhood!
Grissom: What do you see?
David: My old neighbourhood?
All right, I just have to jump in here with something. Did anyone else think that the guy Greg saved was really creepy? Especially when he was talking to Greg? Am I imagining this?
Re: Episode #501 'Rio' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***
Hm, alright, I have a slightly different take on the Ryan-being-harsh-to-Natalia thing. While I think his personal comment near the end of the episode was based pretty much in his feelings of betrayal, I took his stern attitude to be almost a way...
Here's the quote (hopefully not too hard):
"This is an accident, a forgotten, perpetual public works project. You think anybody wants to ask questions? All they want is a clear conscience and a fat paycheck."
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25
12 - animation is jarring and unnecessary, text is difficult to read, picture is pixelated
17 - overly sharpened, too dark
07 - bad cropping (her nose looks weird), uninteresting/unnoticable colouring, plain
Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25
I think you have a mistake in the instructions, Tuesday:
Are we voting off 2, or 3 icons? And do you we put them in any particular order (i.e. worst first, or worst last)?
In terms of saving Elle, I remember that the window directly behind her was open. I'm hoping that someone will randomly pop up and shoot him. But, that would be way too easy I suppose. :p
The clues also include the written notes, which I guess someone will have to rewatch the epi to find out. About the guy's weird hands, as soon as my mom saw them she practically shouted 'vampirism!'. Not sure if she's right or not, but if she is then the book might be Dracula. I think I'll rule...
Hm, well my guess about the book is that it's going to be a piece of medieval literature, and that Reid's mom will somehow be involved in trying to find it. In fact, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it's the one Reid gave her as a present. Can anyone remember what it was called?
Re: Episode #422 'Open Water' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***
I know we're supposed to be on Horatio's side and all, but dude, the Feds have a point. The lab hasn't been the most stable of places this season, and Marisol's involvement with Horatio has been suspiciously rapid. Horatio's downright...
Just thought I'd pop in here and contribute one of my own favourite moments from this ep that I haven't seen mentioned yet. The part where Brass is interviewing someone, and right behind him the waiter chugging champagne. I didn't see it at first, but when I did I couldn't help but stare and...
Name: Raven
Pairings you beta: Anything with Greg, Ryan, or Danny, including slash
Beta specialty: Grammar, spelling, tenses
Also, I think that maybe added to this little form should be something like..
Beta weaknesses: Pr0n, humour
Where did the hoodie come from anyways? :confused: Did Reid bring it with him? Or the others? Or did blondie lend it to him? And why would blondie have a guy's sweatshirt?? Oh, the illogicity of it all!
But yeah, definitely hot. :devil:
Re: Without A Trace
Oh man, that's hilarious. Martin looks a little hysterical - his smile is so obviously one of those 'see how happy I am smiling for the camera' ones. Danny, though... Mmmmmm..
I'll comment on the actual case later, but first...
Next week's episode = 'Squee!' :D I grinned like an idiot for a full five minutes after seeing the preview. My parents think I'm crazy.