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  1. R

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions P2

    I am looking forward to the return of Lady Heather. Grissom’s relationship with her has always provided a way to see another side of Grissom. In the past (when he’s not forced to look at her as a suspect!), she has served as an intellectual sounding board for the character of Gil Grissom. LH is...
  2. R

    08 Presidential Elections

    Finally, John McCain tried to ratchet down the personal attacks on Obama. But, given he is a Washington insider, letting his VP candidate do the dirty work allows him to seem above that kind of activity. However, Palin hasn't made any outrageous statements in the past 24 hours (a record?), so...
  3. R

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions P2

    It's Las Vegas, with all its weirdness. You'd think they'd have put her on the payroll as a consultant by now! :lol: I'm not a GSR shipper, by any means, but I'd always hoped we'd get a chance to see some Sara/Lady Heather interaction when LH is not a suspect. I guess we'll never get that...
  4. R


    It seems to take us forever to get Britcoms over here, even with BBC America, so these are not current in the UK. Thank heavens for our PBS stations for getting us anything, though. My first love, years ago, was "To The Manor Born" (still love Penelope Keith). Also love "Waiting for God"- who...
  5. R

    Horatio/Yelina #9: If You Could Read My Mind....

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one who sees these possibilities. It's like TGTB are creating almost invisible strands that will lead to an inevitable conclusion, but they don't want us to be consciously aware of them, yet. Of course, it could all be in my wishful-thinking mind. I just keep hoping...
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    08 Presidential Elections

    OMG, what are we coming to? Foxnews big debate of the day: did Newsweek dis Palin by putting an unretouched closeup on the cover? :wtf: I looked at the magazine today and my first reaction was "Great photo; I wish I looked that good close-up." I think their real problem was the cover caption...
  7. R

    08 Presidential Elections

    Thanks for the link. It seems like a group of people who do their homework. I recognize the smears for what they are, so don't do more than enough research than to be sure of the facts. These guys go much more in depth. Great link for anyone who's not sure what to believe. Good find, desertwind!
  8. R

    US remakes

    The one that upsets me the most is "Touching Evil." What's the point of remaking it? It's not like the language is difficult to translate! :wtf: What a waste of money. The American star can't touch Robson Green (spelling?) as the lead. He's sexy and a fantastic actor! And, oh yeah, I'm from the...
  9. R

    Horatio/Yelina #9: If You Could Read My Mind....

    All "Super H" kidding aside, the more I watch the reruns on A&E, and Y's recurring presence in the newer epis, the more I think TGTB may have a plan re H/Y. After the she-who-shall-not-be-named fiasco, maybe they realized they'd made a mistake, but SM had already signed on to other commitments...
  10. R

    08 Presidential Elections

    What would Sunday be without the latest Saturday Night Live "Tina Fey as Sarah Palin" video, this time, the debate, of course. Queen Latifah plays Gwen Ifill, the moderator: (You can open this one up to full screen)
  11. R

    08 Presidential Elections

    Now that I've ranted, I want to provide a humorous link. And because I love Frances McDormand's character in "Fargo." Palin supporters might not like this, but it is not meant to be believed, just enjoyed:
  12. R

    08 Presidential Elections

    :( Sarah Palin has hit a new low. It appears 2004’s “Swift Boat Veterans” who lied about John Kerry’s decorated service in Vietnam, and helped win the election for Bush, are now writing Palin’s speeches. Her latest speeches maintain that Obama has a terrorist supporter. Looking at the facts, one...
  13. R

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions P2

    I don't get it. William Petersen is there, too, but there are no complaints about all his face time. The truth is all the stations are playing off the wonderful TV Guide story. And WP, I'm sure, chose who would be interviewed with him, because he is one of TPTB on CSI! And he and Marg have...
  14. R

    Horatio/Yelina #9: If You Could Read My Mind....

    Maybe we should keep a positive outlook here; they had long dark hair and were pretty. Maybe H thought of them as Yelina lookalikes. :lol: Has anyone heard anything about when SM will next appear? I know, I'm being greedy, but we get so little satisfaction here in this thread. I guess it's...
  15. R

    08 Presidential Elections

    In case anyone is interested in The Economist's ongoing (updated every three hours) worldwide electoral college, I'm providing the following link: Just hit "refresh" once you get to the page.
  16. R

    08 Presidential Elections

    Please, you only have a few days to register. Have you seen the latest ad with many celebs your age as well as older ones making the point if you don't vote you have no voice in anything. Doesn't matter who you support, it's the responsibility that goes with the privileges of living here. And it...
  17. R

    Season 9 *Spoiler* Picture Thread

    I, too, loved the article. And the initial photo was beautiful. They do have a great relationship on and off screen. Am I the only one who loves when they are on awards shows together because it's not a question of if they'll kiss each other but when? The first time they did that, I just...
  18. R

    NCIS thread #3 - Shutting up now, Boss

    Agree with both of your points. I hadn't thought about Keating until Tim started talking about how much trouble he was having getting into the system. Definitely agree about Ziva. Why would she be obsessed with Tony? She's seen too much of life and death already to be into the high school...
  19. R

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions P2

    Wojo, I thought about that before I posted, but decided because this is new information straight from WP, possibly a hint about this season, that it belonged here instead of in Shipper Central. Didn't mean to offend you.
  20. R

    NCIS thread #3 - Shutting up now, Boss

    Is it just me, or is this dialogue a flashback to Princess Leia and Han Solo, just before he was placed in carbonite? Do you think it was an intentional homage?