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  1. Crumbs

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    I don't think anybody's having a go at you NickyFan. You rightly pointed out that Greg appears to get a lot of Old Vegas stuff and I agree that there are elements similar to A Kiss Before Frying. But Dizzney is also right in saying that it's true to his character and pointing out there are...
  2. Crumbs

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    I agree that the writers need to think up something new for Greg but I'm also a big fan of the Old Vegas episodes so I'll take what I can get. Besides, we still got a good one last year with "Genetic Disorder" even if it was a last-minute alteration. Saying that I think this case sounds more...
  3. Crumbs

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    From the usual Spoiler site... 13.05 will be called "Once Bitten" (I think it was originally going to be Episode 6?) and involves the death of a hated divorce attorney as well as the death of a police officer who leaves behind a dog as a witness. Smells like a 2-case episode to me... :)
  4. Crumbs

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #17

    Although I'm happy to hear there's a planned Greg-isode so early on in the season, I can't help but feel slightly disappointed that it's yet another Old Vegas one attributed to him. Judging by the wording of the spoilers 'Unfortunately for Greg', I'm thinking this could be an emotional one for...
  5. Crumbs

    Season 13 Spoiler Pic Thread

    Just a few things from the 'Karma to Burn' promo pictures: DB/Sara pictures: I know the term 'conflict of interest' is largely ignored nowadays so I'm looking at this with two mind-sets. Scenario A: DB and Sara work the scene. *groan* Can't they at least send DB to Ecklie's scene? Scenario B...
  6. Crumbs

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    With all due respect: CBS cut Miami for another 18 episodes of NY. The fact that CSI has 22 episodes is not going to have an effect on the number that NY get. You might as well blame every other show on the network. People aren't going to take you seriously if you post statements which...
  7. Crumbs

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    Okay, here's a few of my thoughts from what I've read. First of all... Good. This is something I wanted to hear. I'm pretty sure the writers' version of "balanced screentime" is different to ours, but the first thirteen episodes of last season gives me confidence that they are capable of...
  8. Crumbs

    Pamela Reed Will Return To 'CSI'

    Agreed with the above, we barely know anything about Nick's family and a lot of his character development is based on the nitty-gritty cases. On the other hand, Greg seems to get a lot of family background but hardly any exceptionally tough cases, so that kind of reversal would be nice to see...
  9. Crumbs

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    Yep, the only thing I'm worried about is whether Ecklie will survive or not. I'm hoping the thing with Moreno's partner is just a red herring or something, because a) I don't care about Finn and b) I have this horrible feeling that if the partner does go after her then she'll end up warding...
  10. Crumbs

    Game of Thrones

    Best hour of television ever! :eek: Perfect would be an understatement, the whole episode was a masterpiece from the calm before the storm to the big battle itself. THIS is what every viewer was waiting for and it did not disappoint. The combat scenes were wonderfully done and highlighted the...
  11. Crumbs

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    I think CSI's in a pretty good position in terms of its timeslot for next year: - It's biggest competitor, Revenge on ABC, has been shipped to Sunday. - More importantly, SVU has been scheduled at 9 next year so there will be less audience overlap between the two shows. - This means that...
  12. Crumbs

    Renewed/Canceled/Info shows

    To be fair, Miami survived two seasons in the slot (almost getting renewed for a third) which would bring The Mentalist up to a 6th season which is pretty good for most shows. I honestly don't know how they'd extend the Red John storyline beyond then, I got turned off by it when it only came to...
  13. Crumbs

    CSI: NY Renewed for Season 9

    Eh, I don't buy the whole NYC-Friday-fest reason at all. Surely people watch a show for the content/characters more than the city it's set in? :rolleyes: It just seems like a dumb reason to cover-up the fact that it all came down to money.
  14. Crumbs

    Renewed/Canceled/Info shows

    I'm pretty happy with that schedule. CSI stays put, Person of Interest stays put with Big Bang Theory and 2.5 Men feeding into it. I'm also tempted to check out Vegas if it initially gets some good ratings, I was always a fan of the 'Old Vegas' episodes they did on CSI so I think it would be...
  15. Crumbs

    CSI: NY Renewed for Season 9

    NY has a time change, now on Fridays at 8pm ET.
  16. Crumbs

    CSI:Miami cancelled, CSI:NY renewed along with CSI

    ^Not sure what you're talking about, Person of Interest was renewed along with Vegas in March, before the finale of Miami aired. From what I recall, the show has been very strong in terms of ratings (and in my opinion, quality too).
  17. Crumbs

    Season 12 Review

    I thought the Season got off to a fantastic start, the introduction of a light-hearted character like DB was a brilliant move and the dark, depressing years of Seasons 7 – 11 seemed quickly dusted under the carpet within the first quarter hour of the premier. I am certainly missing neither...
  18. Crumbs

    CSINY Season 9

    Likewise, I don't think you need to be an ass towards people who are happy about NY being renewed. I didn't sense any gloating with any of Geeno's posts, simply stating that they were happy that CBS chose NY over Miami. It's not like anyone's posting in the Miami forum going "haha your show was...
  19. Crumbs

    CSINY Season 9

    ^^Miami was likely more expensive to produce as well, weren't they already cutting the number of episodes actors appeared in due to financial constraints? I'm happy for New York though, I never did get into Miami and it gives NY another chance to rewrite their (imo) rather shoddy finale. ;)
  20. Crumbs

    Season 12 Review

    Another year gone and yet another season has come to an end, and it doesn’t feel so long ago since it had only just got started, the season really has flown by. So what were your thoughts overall about Season 12? Which were your favourite episodes, which ones did you dislike the most? Any...