The second Episode of CSI at the part where Grissom is seeing if the guy fell, and is using Dummies:
Director: Billy...You might wanna move!
William: Why?
*Dummie flies off of roof and Hits William*
William: I'm hit! I'm not gonna make it!
This one is for the episode stalker when Gil and cath are on th roof.
William: (He begins to slip) Oh S**t!(Slipps of Roof taking Marg with him)
Marg: me.....I tihnk I broke a few of my ribs...
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!
Yeah, if your getting in this line you hsould bring food,. something to drink(Water or Maybe vodka...) And maybe Camping Supplies!
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!
I was taqlking to my friend on MSN and she was like: Hodges how I'd like to sail with you in the sky and sea. or somethinfg, and I'm like...Get In line Sista
Re: The Hottness of Wallace/Hodges!!!
My dad is weird...I mean when I was watching CSI and it was talking about somne sexual he would say: Do you know what that means. I just gave him a weird look.