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    CSI Bumpersnickers

    That one cracks me up. ctx :D
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    CSI Bumpersnickers

    On Ecklie's bumper ---> 'I ruin all the fun!' ctx :D
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    CSI Bumpersnickers

    'Lab Rat or Field Mouse' <---In honor of Greg. ctx :D
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    CSI Bumpersnickers

    *honk honk* (Reply to Synergy's post) "Don't tell a CSI to find proof, they will!" <--- v. rubbish. ctx :D
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    Carmine Giovinazzo To Participate In Live CSI Files Chat

    OMG! I'm here and waiting! ctx :D
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    CSI Bumpersnickers

    'What goes around comes around, and usually hits a CSI in the face'. ctx :D
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    CSI Bumpersnickers

    That one sounds slightly scary, nicksbabygurl. ctx :D
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    CSI Bumpersnickers

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    CSI Bumpersnickers

    'Give me a DB over bugs anyday' ctx :D
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    CSI Bumpersnickers

    No...'Don't uspet me...I'm running out of places to hide the bodies', but it wasn't as nicely put! ctx :D
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    CSI Bumpersnickers

    JayneEmilysRealm, that used to be my username on MSN! ctx :D
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    CSI Bumpersnickers

    *giggles like crazy* I'd love to actually see some of these made. Hey! Maybe I can open a business...*goes into thinking mode* HEY! I am doing business at college. '*name* & *name*: My Own Personal Ship.' You'd enter your favourite CSI ship characters in the name spaces...obviously. ctx :D
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    CSI Bumpersnickers

    'CSI's Can't Stop Investigating!' ctx :D P.S. I haven't put this for a while - *giggles*
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    CSI Bumpersnickers

    'Las Vegas - where I wanna be' ctx :D
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    CSI Bumpersnickers

    Awww. ctx :D
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    CSI Bumpersnickers

    I'd also have: 'Don't Play With Fire - you'll only get burnt.' Lame, I know. The creative juices aren't flowing yet. It's too early! ctx :D
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    New Actor To Join The Cast Of 'CSI'?

    I don't see the point in adding another actor to the opening credits. It's just stupid. All the recurring characters are noted afterwards. Why add someone to the credits? ctx :D
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    CSI Bumpersnickers

    I'd have mine say: "Don't P*** Me Off: I Know How To Hide The Evidence." Or... "May The Lab Techs Rule The World!" ctx :D
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    Favorite CSI Merchandise

    Oh no. My friends have bought me 'Sin City' and 'Body of Evidence'. I love them both already. I have too much merchandise to choose from now. ctx :( :(
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    Warrick & Nick - Las Vegas's New OTP?

    I understand completely about the NickGreg thing. There are some ships' I don't get myself. ctx :D