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  1. mati

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude #5

    Well then, looking forward to it :). Louise has posted a few nice pics about herself and family on her twitter account. :) And it seems that her ongoing project is doing good :thumbsup: and will be hopefully aired soon. Take care mati
  2. mati

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    I don't know if at the moment you could buy it. Maybe it's too early? Didn't read anything about a DVD or a TV schedule. I'm hoping it will be aired some time here in the UK/Europe. But I^ll be looking out for a DVD. Take care mati
  3. mati

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    and this one poped up just now :) take care mati
  4. mati

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    Oh yeah ! Easter will be a blast with this one :thumbsup: Looking forward to it and hopefully to a successfully TV show. Take care mati
  5. mati

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    Yeah, totally cool thanks and that news came in a few minutes ago: Louise Lombard, on THE MENTALIST, Thursday, Feb. 23 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. How wonderful :). Take care. mati
  6. mati

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    Well, Here some news :) and yeah, hopefully it will be aired world wide bing a great success. take care
  7. mati

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    Me either, but these flew in yesterday :thumbsup:! Good news, I think :) Take care mati
  8. mati

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV Check out, she's credited (madame Dozin) but otherwise I don't have a clue what this movie is about and what role she has in it. Sorry in breaking the role, but I found it interesting and maybe you'll find some more information because for now there is...
  9. mati

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    Slight OT, but it's about our lovely Louise :drool:!!! Sorry; I know I'm breaking a rule but........ at the moment ITV 3 is running daily "The House of Eliott", European Time 7.50 p.m. and tonight at 9.40 p.m. on BBC Entertainment (European Time) movie version of "Kiss of death" (rerun tonight...
  10. mati

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    How gorgeous :drool: !!!!! If yuo google "Angel awards" and Louise's name there are a few articles that show up. Did she perform or something like that at the event? I'm not sure, if I misunderstood an article written about the event. I do so hope to see her soon on TV. Take care. mati
  11. mati

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    Sorry, no, at the moment I don't know a thing about her future projects in any shape or form. She is kinda very private :) and although I appreciate that fact 99,9 % of the time, sometimes it's a little bit frustrating ;). I'm sure there'll be other peple here in the group who are able to offer...
  12. mati

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    It was fantastic to have Louise Lombard back as Sofia Curtis :drool:, but frankly they didn't do her justice (and you know I hoped to see THE Walk ;), but alas, it wasn't possible) !! A wasted opportunity to reintroduce her role. Although I hope she will return to the show, now that Fishburn...
  13. mati

    "Father of the Bride" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Hi gang I just was able to see the episode. I just remembered anew allt the reasons I loved that show and also why I'm not watching it that much anymore. Louise Lombard's appareance was 1. way to short (and she did so well ) and 2. from a story line viewpoint not really plausible (the writers...
  14. mati

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    Well, the didn't say a thing after she left - and she was credited- so it wouldn't surprise me, if they wouldn't say a thing now that she's coming back ! For me it's :drool: that she's back and I do hope they^ll do her justice (and Sara too!) ;). Take care.
  15. mati

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    Yeah! I'll sure restart my CSI collection should she return on season 11,although lately I was tempted, because Jorja Fox returned to the show. Now, that would be could!!! Looking forward to it.
  16. mati

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    Tuning in about the awesome news :cool::cool: Looking forward it. Thank you for all the posts. :) Take care
  17. mati

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    Thanks! Lets just hope for a Louise Lombard on TV in a new and successful show!!
  18. mati

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    Thank you for posting a reminder of the lovely Sofia Curtis :)! Well, I did watch CSI every week since season 1 and expecially when Luoise was on the show :drool: ;) ! And I watched until season 8, but after that I just couldn't stand it anymore. So just at the moment At the moment I can't...
  19. mati

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    Hi, thank you very much for your answer. As for CSI I don't think she'll ever return (but that's my personal opinion) to the show. I also believe that the show itself is running out! So, I don't see a big future for her on CSI. Take care mati
  20. mati

    Louise/Sofia: A Lady With Attitude Part IV

    Does anybody know if and when she'll return on TV after her pregnancy stop? It would be great to see her in a TV hit on a weekly basis. Take care mati