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    Humans to decipher the DNA of God and clone another Christ

    Re: Humans to decipher the DNA of God and clone another Chri ....................................... only one thing conjured up in my mind: Personality split :lol: You need a DNA sample to compare to the blood on the shroud, see if it's male, did he have 46 chromosomes??(that means he's...
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    Humans to decipher the DNA of God and clone another Christ

    Re: Humans to decipher the DNA of God and clone another Chri I know I'm a little late for this thread but don't you guys feel it's hilarious to clone God's DNA??? Basically I'm a atheist but sometimes I'm also a agnostist, the truth is we don't have evidence to support "God's existence", and...
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    Topic Of The Week: Animal Testing - For or Against?

    My friend volunteerd to be tested a new medicine last year, and they paid her about 500$.....she's fine. I'm against kill the animal cruelly,but yes, no death,no life.
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    Personality Type

    I'm an ISTP People of this type tend to be: logical, pragmatic, and matter of fact; quiet, unassuming, and autonomous; realistic, pragmatic, and aloof; impulsive and curious about the physical world; flexible and resourceful; objective and unemotional. The most important thing to ISTPs is the...
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    Topic Of The Week: Animal Testing - For or Against?

    I'm for it. :) Sometimes in medical field, we even test new medicine on human, and it's not a secret...when it's about saving more lives, I'm all for it.
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    If WP was to leave will csi survive?

    Didn't Billy said he would leave CSI after season 7 due to his heart condition?....He'll go back to Chicago theater......actually I think 7 seasons are perfect....we don't need 20 years CSI :rolleyes:
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    If WP was to leave will csi survive?

    As long as they keep Grissom ,Sara and Greg, I'll watch...but yes, No Grissom, No CSI ;)
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    Say NO to Homophobia

    Well said. :), I'm atheist and probably bisexual, who should you love is your own business as long as you don't obstruct other people's life, it's basic human rights.
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    Who's your idol?

    I don't have idol.....But I do love Jorja :)
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    Say NO to Homophobia

    Yeah, same here in China. I used to have a lesbian wallpaper, all my male friends said it was beautiful....but they also said if a man lies on another man's lap and hold each other's hands....well, it would give them the creeps....I still don't know why. :p
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    Say NO to Homophobia

    I don't get turn on by man-to-man fight....just pure fear :p.....I guess that's why many people think gays men are different from lesbians.
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    Say NO to Homophobia

    I prefer looking at "a bunch of naked women", that's why I like go to the public bathroom.... :devil:....*throws rotten eggs at pervert ancienttomb* :lol:
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    Say NO to Homophobia

    About should ask men :lol:....I don't know either.
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    Say NO to Homophobia

    Well, that's truth. people won't give a second glance when they see a girl sit on another girl's's if they're 2 get the picture ;) I guess it's because people tend to think that female are less capable of sexual activity......, and another number showed that the more...
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    Say NO to Homophobia

    Homo, hetero....whatever, it's genetic, you can't change, so respect everyone :) I used to heard a joke that: Handsome men(beautiful women) like cheating. Faithful men(women) aren't handsome(beautiful). Faithful and handsome men(beautiful wome) are gays. Faithful, handsome and non-gays are...
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    I Suck At Cooking!

    I never cook, not just "suck at"! :o, blame my mom, living with her I'll never learn how to cook :p
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    howmany/what langueges do you speak?

    Lol, I speak Chinese and I found English isn't hard to learn.... :lol:, I'm going to learn French next....then Japanese
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    Who do you think SARA should be with??

    I just wanna know who resurrect the thread?? :lol:, it died months ago.... BTW, I'm a GSR all the way
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    Grissom & Sara #11 - WE know what to do about "This"

    SPOILER > > > > > Yeah, I've watched that play a little. Life is definitely a dream, and dream always has an end.....Sometimes seeing other people's life can reflect ourselves....Maybe Grissom knows that life wasn't mean to him, not everyone has a perfect childhood. Sara made him realised that...
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    Grissom & Sara #11 - WE know what to do about "This"

    SPOILERS > > > > > Edited due to "Intellectual Property Rule