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  1. Country233

    Grade 'Keep It Real'

    I agree with all of this. Saves time for my review :thumbsup: Preachy Mac is annoying. no one is perfect. Yes, the guy caused his friend's death through his actions. But then again I find it hard to believe Michael wouldn't have noticed Josh was up to something. As for D/L "lunch" moment. I am...
  2. Country233

    Grade 'Indelible'

    Yeah, it is all about perspective. I see why they did the episode and for the people it related to most, the tribute was nicely done. And for the rest of us who are waiting for the regular CSI NY experience, we will just wait until next week. It's all good :thumbsup:
  3. Country233

    Grade 'Indelible'

    I agree. The episode didn't really do it for me. I am not the most emotional person and I felt that CBS was trying to make people cry. I would feel more upset about 9/11 is I had known anyone involved but I just feel very cut off from that tragedy. But I watched and was left longing for a...
  4. Country233

    Gary #8: Chicago's Finest

    No, IL. aren't strong just different. Living in the south I am used to strong accents. IL. is pleasing. Not sure why but enjoy it. People I've met from IL. earn point for their accent ;)
  5. Country233

    Mac #9: We Are Oatmeal People

    Quite cute indeed :drool:
  6. Country233

    Gary #8: Chicago's Finest

    Yes, his accent is very hot. I have had a thing for IL. accents for about 4 years now.
  7. Country233

    Mac #9: We Are Oatmeal People

    I am so keyed up for season 8. Right now watching season 1 for the first time. Mom enjoys watching the show too but I constantly get mocked for my Mac obsession. But I can't help it Mac/Gary rock! I love when he gets mad at suspects and stares them down.
  8. Country233

    Gary #8: Chicago's Finest

    I agree with Taylorgirl. I think I remember reading one another thread that he wears a hair piece for CSI NY. In real life I believe his hair is just gray and thinning with no noticeable bald patches. Interesting topic to discuss though.
  9. Country233

    Mac #9: We Are Oatmeal People

    Indeed, indeed. Counting the days until season 8
  10. Country233

    Gary #7; Baby, You can be my Breakfast

    the shirt raising gif is great. loves me some silly Gary
  11. Country233

    Gary #7; Baby, You can be my Breakfast

    True, because what's the point in posting in a language none of us recognize?
  12. Country233

    Mac #9: We Are Oatmeal People

    That would make a fine poster :drool: It was s5e15 No Good Deed
  13. Country233

    Mac #9: We Are Oatmeal People

    ^The giant pic is quite nice! I watched a season 5 episode yesterday and he looked so good! He had some goofy eye expressions too
  14. Country233

    Mac #9: We Are Oatmeal People

    That is one thing, I never saw Stella and Mac having a romantic spark. Sure they smiled at each other and had some chats, but nothing to me that made me think there were feelings on either side. But that's just me. As far as Jo goes, she is warm for his form and it was obvious in episodes and...
  15. Country233

    Gary #7; Baby, You can be my Breakfast

    Ahh! so jealous that you got a Gary hug!
  16. Country233

    Gary #7; Baby, You can be my Breakfast

    Good comments. I cracked up about Tom Hanks' butt shot. Yeah he just phones it in. You make a good point about the fake Gary smiles. I do remember a few instances where he had more a grimace than a smile. Not so cute.
  17. Country233

    Gary #7; Baby, You can be my Breakfast

    Aschatria- Interesting comments back. As for Gary's real or acting smiles. I'm good either way. Were you angry about my Tom Hanks comment? I was confused. I know Pattinson is a love or hate type guy. My only comment was that a lot of guys have intriguing eyes that switch color.
  18. Country233

    Gary #7; Baby, You can be my Breakfast

    Great concert pics. I so want to see him in action! The biting lip pic is my favorite!
  19. Country233

    Mac #9: We Are Oatmeal People

    Lovely eye shot!
  20. Country233

    Gary #7; Baby, You can be my Breakfast

    Ohh yes he looks fine in that. I like that he is well tanned :thumbsup: