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  1. Country233

    Gary #8: Chicago's Finest

    yes I definitely checked out those jeans. Gary is so lovely. I was making yummy sounds during the show last night.
  2. Country233

    Grade 'The Ripple Effect'

    I agree. I am not big into D/L but not against them either. Loved Mac's scenes. Also how he brought the cops to Christine's restaurant. Very glad that Sid wasn't ill or something. Not sure if the pillow thing is plausible but cool storyline.
  3. Country233

    Grade 'Brooklyn 'Til I Die'

    True. The dad was an ass. No matter what riff parents should care about seeing his son's finger in a box.
  4. Country233

    CSINY Season 9

    I signed it. I hope we can squeeze another season out of cbs
  5. Country233

    Grade 'Brooklyn 'Til I Die'

    I gave it a b+. I missed Adam and the case reminded me of a previous Csi Ny episode as well as a Castle ep. Nevertheless, it was all right. I can see Top 41's comment because even as I think Gary is attractive, Mac's persona doesn't scream, "I need a woman." I also wondered if the woman's...
  6. Country233

    Season 8 Ratings

    I agree. I think that is a good way to show a decline when it might not be so dire. Who knows, with Gary being a producer, he might be getting a bit tired of the show. Though he doesn't seem to say that on Twitter. But he wouldn't either.
  7. Country233

    Grade 'Who's There?'

    I agree. It would be nice if they went over charges. Often on the CSIs they reiterate stuff that is obvious but here it would be more interesting. I watch a lot of cases on the real life First 48 and often accessories get charged just as the one who actually kills.
  8. Country233

    Season 8 Ratings

    Yes, I have watched A Gifted Man a couple of times. I think Patrick Wilson is quite sexy but I just cannot get into that show. I would rather see him in movies. He was quite hot in Morning Glory. Anyway, back to CSI NY. Glad the ratings were up :-) But while I am happy, I honestly feel like...
  9. Country233

    Grade 'Who's There?'

    Oh I see how that read like that. But I switched from daughter to wife in that post lol. I wonder what the charges would be for the daughter and boyfriend?Home invasion and attempted murder? But no, guess it would be capital murder since he died...hmm.
  10. Country233

    Grade 'Who's There?'

    I gave it a B- because of its similarity to the "All In The Family" ep. That being said, it was a pretty good ep. I enjoyed the Mac facebook scene. Hawkes reacting to the pricey suit. Which made wonder if they do make suits out of that. I could have figured the wife or daughter were in on it...
  11. Country233

    Gary #8: Chicago's Finest

    You make good points. I am thankful that I didn't get the urge to serve or met a guy who is in the military for fears of all of the above. Plus, I am more of a pacifist than anything and killing anyone is upsetting be them bad or not. My mom is one of those people who think the draft should...
  12. Country233

    Gary #8: Chicago's Finest

    That is the main thing I guess. It take a more courageous person to be a military, cop, etc. The threat of death is enough to make me squeamish. Though they tell me chance are they won't be deployed but the constant moving and other issues is just too scary. I worry a lot about military families...
  13. Country233

    Grade 'Clean Sweep'

    Yes the poor guy looked rough. I like AJ alot and feel bad for him losing his dad.
  14. Country233

    Grade 'Clean Sweep'

    It is all about frame of reference I guess. I only know 3 people in the military and it seems so odd to me to be entrenched in the military but I know it is some peoples' lives. As for Gary it is nice that he cares but it strikes me as a bit odd too.
  15. Country233

    Grade 'Clean Sweep'

    I agree. Why is Gary so interested in the troops when he didn't serve? It is almost like he feels guilty about not being a military man so he makes up for it by being an advocate.
  16. Country233

    Grade 'Clean Sweep'

    Yeah I agree very tedious. Plus idk I think Gary gets out of character a bit when he goes on those tangents. But Mac is an ex Marine so I guess he would spout off about it.
  17. Country233

    Grade 'Clean Sweep'

    I like the episode. The banter was good throughout. While I normally dislike Jo, I did enjoy her pep talk to Mac. He is hot and should be out there. The case was sad. Like someone else mentioned, I don't really like when Gary goes into his military stuff on the show. Though. "Cbs cares"...
  18. Country233

    Gary #8: Chicago's Finest

    Just an awesome pic. His eyes are amazing. Looks like it was from the Mission to Mars era because almost looks like he has eyeliner on. I love it!
  19. Country233

    Gary #8: Chicago's Finest

    *dies* SO hot!
  20. Country233

    Season 8 Ratings

    I agree.