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  1. L

    New Mod

    CONGRATULATIONS SHARPIE:hugegrin::hugegrin::beer:!!!!!!! P.S. I like your numbers :lol:!
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    Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Part 2

    Re: Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Par As for Catherine and Vartillows, I'm not getting my hopes up :(, after what's happened, but I do hope when she comes back to visit, she and Vartann have at least some quality interaction, even just as friends. I guess I...
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    Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Part 2

    Re: Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Par :lol:,how can I forget Nick/Julie's ship name :lol:! I guess it all comes down to what kind of relationships fans like or prefer, and what they think is too corny and ridiculous when it comes to romance on any show.
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    Season 12 Spoiler Pic Thread

    That's really cool :):).
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    Don't know if I should be worried or not?

    That....really sucks :(:(:(:(:(. Well, I hope they give the show a really good, well paced closing, or some kind of ending that's satisfying.
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    Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Part 2

    Re: Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Par If Greg and Morgan's relationship does slowly build up into something more, then heck yes :):). Maybe we should put up "Branders" as their official title, if everyone else agrees :):). Well, I think George Eads has...
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    Season 12 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 3

    nice :); can't wait to see this episode; it looks kinda creepy!
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    Criminal Minds #4: We Take Care Of Our Own!

    I'm really loving this season so far :hugegrin:, last episode was wonderful, it was kinda complex and creepy, I was actually was convinced at first that the guy this woman kidnapped was just a victim. I also loved the Hotch/Emily moments too :D:D, I hope they continue to have great...
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    Season 12 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 3

    Unless he mentions it as a joke: [insert your funny line Sharp, :guffaw:], I really hope not! maybe it will end up meaning that Julie and D.B. just had a really strong relationship as previous co-workers and friends, like Grissom and Catherine did. So I guess, the writers decided to drop the...
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    Season 12 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 3

    Thanks Vegaslights :):)!
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    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #17

    yeah, I know what you guys, mean :), I'm not quite 100% optimistic, we'll have to see what happens, but it is a little bit of a plus :)
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    Greg/Morgan - You Still Owe Me One

    Either way, after what's happened with them during the first half of the season (especially in "CSI Down" and "Crime After Crime"), it would feel too weird if they just dropped their friendly/bantering relationship. . Well, here's to hoping they'll continue to share some quality moments :)
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    Ted/D.B.: Sam Malone Sees Dead People

    :lol::lol: OMG that would be priceless!!
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    Season 12 Spoiler Pic Thread

    YAY Sara and Greg pictures :D:D!!! Thanks for the update about Jorja btw Monketsharona :):) :thumbsup:!
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    Don't know if I should be worried or not?

    Seriously?? weird :confused:!
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    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #17

    :lol:, nice! one of my favorite episodes from season six :D!!
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    Past Episodes Discussion

    tell me about it :bolian::hugegrin:!!