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  1. Axatullux

    'Miami' Gets Fewer Viewers, Earns Series Low In The Demo

    This does not bode well at all for Miami. While I long rejected it but WOW! I'm very suprised that the viewership has plummeted this quickly. I knew moving it to Sunday night was a bad idea especially with NFL Football which is among the most watched programming in the U.S. I mean, I wonder...
  2. Axatullux

    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    Ah man, if they pair Mac & Jo up, I hope at least half of La Palma Island breaks off, crashes into the Atlantic Ocean AND wipes Mac and Jo right off the face of the Earth before that happens! :mad::rolleyes::lol::guffaw::rolleyes::guffaw::lol::rolleyes::mad: Then again, I seriously doubt that...
  3. Axatullux

    Season 7 Spoiler Discussion part 2 - Fighting Crime In Gotham

    OMFG that is so true! He really does. It's like the physical and spiritual entity of Mac went to New Orleans and left a cardboard impersonation or hologram to fool the others into thinking he's actually there! :lol::guffaw:
  4. Axatullux

    Cancellation of a CSI series

    I would say Miami should be cancelled. Even the sheer grief over Melina leaving NY, and the ranting I've made, I'd say it pales in comparison to the absolute stupidity that has wrecked Miami, almost beyond redemption. It makes me so glad I rejected it years ago.
  5. Axatullux

    Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

    Amidst all that went down in the second half of this year, I WILL say this: Even as a hardcore Mac/Stella fan, I have been very reserved, that's right, RESERVED about putting them together until right at the very end of the show. The others who expressed opposition to pairings like this have...
  6. Axatullux

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    Dear mom/friend/brother: Please get off the cell phone when driving and DON'T HAVE IMPORTANT PHONE CALLS when behind the wheel especially when you don't have your seatbelt on!! Sheesh!
  7. Axatullux

    Cancellation of a CSI series

    Of all the three, contrary to a large percentage of posts, in terms of which one I'd choose to cancel, I'd go with Miami. That Horatio has gotten on my nerves every time and it turns Miami into a stillborn show, a great show that never took off to begin with. I don't know why but whenever...
  8. Axatullux

    Season 7 Ratings

    You hit the nail RIGHT on the head! Personally, even from a SMacked perspective, I am totally aware that Mac is too mature a character to degrade via love triangle which they had the intelligence to drop like a hot potato. For the time being, I'd rather Mac remain single as he strikes me as...
  9. Axatullux

    Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:NY

    Was gonna post this on CSI Files News but instead decided it fit here instead: *Gets the barf bag ready, just in case*:rolleyes::angryrazz::rolleyes: You gotta be shitting me! Thanks a lot Pam! :scream:
  10. Axatullux

    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    You are right Curiosity. It's just that I recall many times I truly cringed at the thought that hearing that MK would leave New York one day. That day of infamy came on July 12. :( It truly hurt like a S.O.B. but sometimes, I truly am wondering if it really is because she knows that CSI:NY could...
  11. Axatullux

    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    That's why we're keeping hopes out that Stella can have ocassional guest appearances are at least Mac and others ask or mention her from time to time. I would be overjoyed beyond belief if Stella AND Jo actually met, perhaps for a case involving a suspect with ties to New Orleans and Stella is...
  12. Axatullux

    Season 7 Spoiler Discussion part 2 - Fighting Crime In Gotham

    Please oh please re-unite Jo with Russ. Jo can absolutely stay in New York. I'd rather Mac be with somebody off-screen or remain happy and single. Mac strikes me as someone who is very inert, at least from a romance point of view. Very much like the worst of D/L, I see Mac/Jo turning into a...
  13. Axatullux

    Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

    Tell me about it. I have not watched ANY new episodes of ANY of the CSI's since the news of MK leaving broke. Truly heartbreaking even nearly five months later. I was right: There was no way I could imagine the heartbreak I would feel if I heard Melina would be leaving CSI:NY. While the analogy...
  14. Axatullux

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When... [#2]

    ...when you are awake at night, and the Army Time is 3:33, not 15:33 and wondering if the cell phone will ring.
  15. Axatullux

    Where Did You Get Your Username?

    My username was completely made up. Most people come up with user names based on objects, places, other people, you name it. I wanted to go in a completely different direction and come up with a name that perhaps few others would come up with. "Axatullux" is the end result here. :D
  16. Axatullux

    Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

    Tell me about it. Perhaps there is protocol that was never mentioned where the head is FORBIDDEN from having relationships with 'subordinates' and perhaps now with Stella in New Orleans, this obstacle is potentially removed and Mac is now open to head to New Orleans. I can only imagine a...
  17. Axatullux

    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    Yes, Stella is a completely irreplaceable character, no matter what TPTB keep saying. Sorry Jo, but you have a long, LONG climb through the Himalayas and the trek through dangerous war torn landscapes before you can enter Stella's league. :) As for me, I wanted to share something incredibly...
  18. Axatullux

    Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

    I hear you CSIz_4_H! The idea of a 'possible romance' between Mac and Jo just pisses me off to no end! I mean come on! We saw the fire getting brighter with "Grounds for Deception", we've dedicated 19, that's right, NINETEEN Mac/Stella threads so far! That's REAL dedicated fanbase to...
  19. Axatullux

    Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

    I hear ya Aspirine. The way this all went down, TV-Wise, just has left me in sheer grief. These writers pondering the idea of a Mac/Jo romantic paring just makes my blood boil and hurl the TV straight out the window! The total disregard for the long-term bond that Mac and Stella HAVE warrants...
  20. Axatullux

    Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

    *Sigh* I hear ya Aspirine. Stella not being mentioned since the premiere has pissed me off to the point that with the decline in TV-viewership, even taking into account thee Friday Night Slot, convinces me that the loss of the Mac/Stella dynamic, even non-romantic, or totally platonic, has...