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  1. C

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    Why we love Greggo! Greg! He's amazing, we've watched him grow from Lab Rat to CSI man. I love the character, he's fun and has the best quotes ever... in my opinion! Please leave pictures, quote and reason on why we love Greggo!
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    William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

    I love Grissom... it's kinda annoying, I don't think I love him as in "luuurrrrve" him but if I was stuck in a room with him it would be like "So... you like bugs, books, nery-ness and other cool thing like that?" "Yeah..." "I can relate to that" :) He's such a cool character...
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    Wallace/Hodges: Full Experience #3

    I love Hodges character, he's just so fun... and he's a believable character too, there are people out there like Hodges... there are several people who I know who are like Hodges but if I go ahead and say a Hodges quote they look at me like "WTH?!" lol I love Hodges, he rocks!
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    Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

    Genius Rattie- Hendy sounds more... well, Wedges sounds kinda funny :rolleyes: ... but Hendy is like... ARGH! I love the Hodges & Wendy relationship- that Astro Quest episode was made for the two characters... yay, :p
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    Danny/Lindsay #23: Because it is a big deal to us!

    I love the mummy/daddy relationship you see after Lindsay has had the baby- and Anna ddin't do the giving birth thing OTT not like most actress's do... though she's got like 2 kids right?? hey ho !!TEAM MESSER!!
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    Danny/Lindsay #23: Because it is a big deal to us!

    Thank-you for making this thread! I have found so many "We hate the D & L relationship" threads and "We don't like Lindsay" etc etc, it's just sad :S but I love this couple- they are perfect for each other, my most favey-o message for D&L is Snow day and ... grr, can't remember the name of it...
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    Crossover : Horatio and Stella

    I remember watching that episode, I was lil' and didn't realise they were differentv shows so I was angry when I didn't see them together :( but I'm sure the relationship could work out if there was another pair up... they're in the same job, Horatio would never hurt Stella like angry, now dead...
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    Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

    I love the Hodges & Wendy relationship- in Atro Quest... that was a great episode for the both of them... and what's great is that, at the end of that episode, Wendy had a fantasy about HODGES... hahaha, yesss- Hodges and Wendy have to be together, they are perfect for each other and make me...
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    Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:NY

    Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY I love this pairing, I don't know why people are dissing the D&L shipping thing... they rock together, they are like the perfect couple in many ways, Danny helps Lindsay ahve funny and Lindsay keeps Danny more... grown up! :) D&L 4 EVER!
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    Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:NY

    Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY Danny and Lindsay rock together! Check out Snow day (Season 3) and Great Good (Season 5) Amazing Messer & Montana Moments!!! I know some people don't like them together bt they just seem to click, in the first episode that they were in together I just thought...
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    Favorite Episode of Season Five?

    I voted Greater Good but it was a choice between Greater Good or Yahrzeit... they're both amazing episodes!
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    Who is your favorite character on CSI:NY?

    Argh! Too many- Danny, Lindsay... those two go with out saying, they both equally rock! Stella & Mac... though Mac can be too serious sometimes... Sid- he's just so... SID! Adam & Don... awww, soo cute!
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    Adam/AJ #2: The X-Factor - Must. Fight. Crime!

    I'm about to watch 5x06 for the second time because... I don't want Adam to leave, how can they make the character go, just like that! he's an important member of the CSI: NY team and with out him... well, CSI:NY will probably loose ratings, less fan mail etc etc... they can't get rid of a...
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    Hodges & Wendy!

    It has to happen! I'm sorry but it just has to- in the Star Trek/ Astro Quest episode there was which was mainly about Hodges and Wendy I was really happy & annoyed at the same time; Hodges tells Wendy they were made for each other in another lanuage, it anyones book that's cute, and they...
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    CSI: The Movie

    In a way I really hope they dont make the movie CSI because, look at the facts-ish, they've made movies from TV shows and they haven't really gone down well have they? They either make this movie and it's incredible and 4-5 stars or they make the movie and its a flop... I really hope they make...
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    CSI: NY & CSI:Miami Cross-over

    Hey! So, I don't know the exact date but I know there's a cross over between NY & MIA now, I think Mac made a dig at Stella about how she got along with Haratio, now I probably know nothing happened but can you imagine if they did get together in one episode, I don't watch CSI:MIA , sorry...
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    when will season 6 start

    Looking at when the others started I'm thinking around September/October time-ish!
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    Funniest or Weirdest Moments on CSI: NY!

    One of my favey-o quotes is Det. Mac Taylor: [about mosquitoes] Only the female of the species bites. Det. Stella Bonasera: Good for her! I can't remember what episode its from but tee hee funny!
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    You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When... [#2]

    You know you watch too much CSI: NY when... You watch all the episodes, back to back, on until the little white bar doesn't load!