^ Thanks for posting that, interesting read.
You know, at first I wasn't keen on Finn, but actually now I quite like her. I still like and miss Catherine, don't get me wrong, but I do like Finn. I also like DB as well. I would like to see a Nick centric episode though, that would be nice, but...
I've gotta say, Mac and Christine has grown on me. I've always been a Mac/Stella shipper, and still am, but Mac and Christine have started to grow on me. I wasn't sure at first about them, but yeah, I like them a lot more now, and I'm happy for Mac.
Thanks stokesmyfire and Smokey, I may have to watch that ep then. I'm not sure what I was expecting but it wasn't that, I think I like D B even more then I did before, and I liked him a lot anyway. Out of all the supervisors, including Catherine, D B is my favourite. I didn't, and still don't...
OMG, Is D B's name really Diebenkorn. I always wondered what the D and B stood for, but I didn't realise it was that, has that actually been mentioned in any of the episodes. I'm not sure whether I've seen his first episode, might have to watch.
I'm from New York now haha, although I'll actually be in New York in 2015, WOOHOO, sorry, anyway, lets hope we can get the word out and help save it.
I already had Stargate Atlantis cancelled, I don't want CSI NY cancelled too.
Yeah, it must be the IP address, because it's been over 24 hours since I voted and I got the same message, about not being able to vote again. It's a shame cause I'd be constantly voting. I might post this on my twitter though, or even on my tumblr.
Yeah, although on the first page it asks for what state your from but like I mentioned above I just picked one at random. It's not like they'll actually know that you're not from that state let alone from a different country.
I'm from the UK and I still voted, it only lists states in America, but I just picked a state at random and it worked for me. So you should still be able to vote. At the end of it it asks you some questions and it asks for your name for publication and email and state, I think that's optional...
Re: Locker Room #19: Danny/Carmine--Everyone's Favorite Danny-in-Distr
Was she asking for spousal support before or after filing for divorce, because if they're getting divorced I don't think it's fair if she's asking him for money, it's a bit of a slap in the face. But that's just how I see...
I still love Supernatural just as much as I did when I first started watching, and I'm loving this series, especially with the addition of Amanda Tapping as Naomi, I absolutely love Amanda, she's one of my favourite actresses. As for Dean making friends with Benny, I actually don't mind that to...
Re: "I still have a question about an episode" thread #2
Ah cheers for that. Also is it mentioned in any episodes whether he has brothers or sisters or if he's an only child. I'm working on a mainly Nick centric fic and wanted to know a little more info for it.
ETA: Never mind, just answered...
Re: "I still have a question about an episode" thread #2
In CSI, in the episode where Nick is kidnapped and almost buried alive, when his parents turn up at the lab. Is it in that episode that goes into his history and you learn a bit more about him. I'm sure it was that episode where we learn...
Back again after being away for awhile, just thought I'd pop in and say hi. And NY is my fave one as well, followed by Vegas after that. Might even get round to finally writing a fic or two and posting it. Anyway, I will see you guys around.
Re: Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Par
I've never liked Grissom/Sara, mainly for the fact that I don't like either character, but I've just never really liked them as a couple. I'm not really sure who I ship in CSI, although I did ship Warrick/Catherine and I...
I kinda miss the old Nick as well, but then again like Sookie says, he's matured over the years. Not to mention the experience he had with nearly being buried alive had to have changed him in some way. But I still love Nick, I feel bad because I've not watched CSI properly for so long, and I do...