Search results

  1. catwarfan

    Wallpaper thread #5

    I saw those pictures of David Caruso last night on his site Katpin and I just had to make a wallpaper with them. I figured you would like the wallpaper since you are a fellow Horatio fan. I'm so glad that you like your Stella and Mac wallpaper CSI Willows. Beautiful wallpapers everyone. Keep...
  2. catwarfan

    Wallpaper thread #5

    Lovely new wallpapers Katpin I did a special one for you. It's our favorite CSI Lieutenant. Hope you like :) Click Here Screencaps are from : Texture is Appendix Squared again. I'm addicted to that texture csi_fan_uk. Well actually I'm addicted to making...
  3. catwarfan

    Wallpaper thread #5

    You are very welcome ::blushes:: fruitbat. I'm so glad that you loved your Mac wallpaper. ITA there is not enough Mac fan art out there. It was easy since wet Mac is well ::swoon:: I was planning on doing a wallpaper of him anyway from "Snow Day". I've had it on my desktop for a bit as well. No...
  4. catwarfan

    Wallpaper thread #5

    Re: Updated to add new Ducaine wallpaper O.k. just curious. I have the problem with the .abr extensions with my program lol. I know with PSP8 you can just import the custom brushes and usually that works. I guess there isn't a button like that in PSP7. ( Sorry for going off topic mods.) Thanks...
  5. catwarfan

    End Of Season Poll!

    Overall, I enjoyed the season myself. I loved the little H/C moments. Some of the cases were really good. Loved Rio, Going Under, Going Going Gone, Man Down ( Had me on the edge of my seat.) and a couple of others. I couldn't stand Jake though ( not a fan of his). I'm not sure about the E/C...
  6. catwarfan

    End of the Season Discussion - Favorites,Least Favorites,etc

    Re: End of the Season Discussion - Favorites,Least Favorites Favorite episode: Anything with Keppler, Built to Kill Part II ( even just a little Catherine and Warrick makes me happy.), Fannysmackin - good on so many levels. Lab Rats was about the only MCSK that I tolerated because it was cute...
  7. catwarfan

    Wallpaper thread #5

    Love the new walls everyone. Here's one more for me for now. It's Mike Keppler from CSI. I'm a huge Liev Schreiber fan so I enjoyed Mike. Keppler Variety of sources : Caps are from "Sweet Jane" and "Laws of Gravity". Caps can be found at Beyond Imagination. Texture is from Miss M. Gunshot...
  8. catwarfan

    Wallpaper thread #5

    fruitbat Here you go. I hope you like this Mac one. I had actually a lot of fun making it. Mac Screencaps are thanks to Modern Day Gallery. Raindrop texture is thanks to Baracuda Backgrounds Font is Shinji Blues from DaFont. Gunshot brush can be found here ...
  9. catwarfan

    Wallpaper thread #5

    Thanks for the feedback everyone. I love the new wallpapers. csi_fan_uk I love your new walls. I snagged a couple. Thank you also very much for the different websites. I had fun finding new goodies. ITA Fruitbat wet Mac was very swoon worthy. I'll take a crack at it for you. Thanks for the...
  10. catwarfan

    Wallpaper thread #5

    Love all the new ones everyone. luvincsi you did a wonderful job. Keep up the hard work. Nice to see you've found your muse again fallenthrough. I love your Sara wall. CSIWillows Hope you like it. It's a pretty simple Stella and Mac...
  11. catwarfan

    Grade 'Snow Day'

    OMFG That was absolutely brilliant. That is exactly what a season finale should be. I was at the edge of my seat the whole bloody time from the start onward. My heart is still beating fast. Darn commercials.....This would be incredible to watch without commercials. The hour just flew. It was so...
  12. catwarfan

    Wallpaper thread #5

    Thanks for the feedback katpin and csi_fan_uk I'm glad you liked my new one. I love all the new wallpapers everyone keep it up. Here are two new Ducaine (of course). Two different styles. Beg To Differ Just playing around with some stuff on this wallpaper. The starry background is a brush...
  13. catwarfan

    Episode #524 'Born To Kill' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I was telling my husband before the start of CSI Miami tonight that I was all excited. I had been for the last week. I was even counting down the hours today. I thought for sure with the promo that something was going to happen to Calleigh. ITA with whoever said the promos were false...
  14. catwarfan

    CSI : Miami Icons #4 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    Thanks for the feedback Athens. That last one is one of my favorites of H and Calleigh as well. I haven't done icons for a bit. Here's three new ones - H and Calleigh again of course :) ( I didn't know about the new rule. I'll make sure to follow it mods.) Credit me if you take any...
  15. catwarfan

    CSI : Miami Icons #4 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    Hey All, I'm back finally. Here are some new Miami Icons. All DuCaine of course ;) 1. Credit if you take one. Credit Random Scribblings for the Going Under screencaps. Other screencaps I made myself :) Take...
  16. catwarfan

    Wallpaper thread #5

    KatpinI love your new ones. You have done some stunning stuff since the last time I was here. I snagged a couple of your DC wallpapers. Thanks :) Here's one new Ducaine from me : Take Care, Dayna
  17. catwarfan

    Fonts, Resources & More!!!

    Thanks for all the great links everyone. I found this site a long time ago but Heidi does beautiful Paint Shop Pro Brushes. I'm addicted to her stuff. I just wanted to pass her deviant journal page along. There are a ton of brushes on it.
  18. catwarfan

    "Law of Gravity" Discussion **Spoilers**

    Just gotta see glad to see that I'm not the only one. I was shocked and stunned when Keppler was killed. All the emotion came out and I was done for. I never expected Keppler to be a murderer! I think Catherine liked him.
  19. catwarfan

    "Law of Gravity" Discussion **Spoilers**

    10/10 OMG Wow. I just finished watching this episode. I've been waiting for an episode since BTK to really hit me and this did full force. I was a pile of tears at the end ( still am if truth be told :( :( :( ( not enough of these little guys)when Keppler was shot and then pronounced. Like...
  20. catwarfan

    Season 4 of CSI: Miami on DVD

    Re: Season 4 of CSI MIAMI??? Add me to the list as well. I loved the cross overs as well. Felony Flight/ Manhatten Manhunt are one of my favorite sets of cross overs. Prey was really good as well. Actually the whole set with Walter Resden was enjoyable to watch. I love "Under Suspicion". I...