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  1. beaujolais

    "For Gedda" Season Finale Discussion *SPOILERS*

    ITA. McKeen definitely went Soprano on Warrick. The first shot was a through and through to the neck, similar to the shot Bell took in ABRTI. And we all know what happened to Bell. Second shot was the killshot. That would have been through the head. The fact that McKeen stood back meant...
  2. beaujolais

    Attention: LV Renewed S-9, Contract Info *No Spoilers*

    Re: Attention: LV Renewed S-9, Contract Info Paul Guilfoyle
  3. beaujolais

    Birthday Wishes To LV Stars #2

    Happy Birthday to Paul Guilfoyle!
  4. beaujolais

    "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

    Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2 Chronic tardiness would be my guess.
  5. beaujolais

    "A Thousand Days on Earth" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    The guy lied to Catherine and Brass and lying to the police (and a CSI) doesn't go over very well. Maybe if he'd been up front with them from the beginning, they wouldn't have been so tough on him but like you say, he has no one to blame but himself.
  6. beaujolais

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 It was in print so I want to say it was in the CSI Companion but it could have been something I read on one of the now-defunct Brass sites like "Don't Make Me Ask You Twice". I'll have to hunt around and see if I can find it. I saved some of those interviews just in case the...
  7. beaujolais

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 Ok, you've guilted me into it. I might just have to watch one of them tomorrow--when I'm not trying to pretend to write.
  8. beaujolais

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 I bought it a few weeks ago and still haven't watched it. Haven't watched "September" either and I've had that one for years. I keep getting distracted by shiny things...
  9. beaujolais

    Brass/Sofia #1 - I've been thinking about you...

    I really liked this and hope you write more Brass/Sofia. Your dialog for both characters was perfect.
  10. beaujolais

    Brass/Sofia #1 - I've been thinking about you...

    I sent Brass and Sofia to Kansas to see the world's largest ball of twine ("Blood Brothers"). That was post WtG and a follow-up to "Playing the Hero", which was pre-WtG. And I like all of Sydne's Brass/Sofia fics as well as the new one by spottedhorse. Heck, I like fics from anyone who...
  11. beaujolais

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 Yup, he did, probably because Nick was getting a little peeved at Doc too. The episode was "Last Laugh" and what impressed me the most about that scene and the one in HB was how calm Brass remained. He gave it back to Doc in HB but in LL, he basically told him to quit...
  12. beaujolais

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 I could be wrong but I thought Keppler was from Trenton--just outside Philly. However, I had hoped they would play up the New Jersey connection between Brass and Keppler more. And on a completely different turn, I was reading the transcript for "Hollywood Brass" (a...
  13. beaujolais

    Brass/Sofia #1 - I've been thinking about you...

    Oooh, that's perfect! I never thought of that one before but it's so true!
  14. beaujolais

    Brass/Sofia #1 - I've been thinking about you...

    Absolutely! In my little universe she's not onscreen because she transferred to another precinct and is working nights. That way she and Jim can play together and still be on the same work schedule.
  15. beaujolais

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 It occurred to me that his first commendation might have something to do with bringing down the corrupt cops in Newark. Someone else might have mentioned it but I know I brought it up somewhere. If you watch "Burn Out", you can see that the picture says, "Graduating Class...
  16. beaujolais

    Brass/Sofia #1 - I've been thinking about you...

    I do love this scene too but the thing that I really love about it is how Jim shows her his not-so-tough, very vulnerable side. I love how he answers her with that not-so-confident, "No, I-I think I can handle it. I think. Thanks." I don't recall him ever showing either Catherine or Sara...
  17. beaujolais

    Brass/Sofia #1 - I've been thinking about you...

    There are some obvious choices (he's a cop/she's a cop, popping buttons, the diner scene) but my favorite Brass/Sofia moment has to be from "Rashomama". It's when they are in the parking lot, talking to Nick about his stolen truck. Brass and Sofia are standing together and then they turn and...
  18. beaujolais

    Brass/Sofia #1 - I've been thinking about you...

    I first noticed their chemistry and the way they look out for each other in ABRTI but the episode that really made me think there was something going on was "I Like to Watch". Even my brother in law asked if there was something between them and he doesn't watch CSI. I mean, seriously, how...
  19. beaujolais

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 Going back to this, I'm watching the episode now and what made me want to throw the remote is that Sara turns off the TV right when the voiceover on the TV is about to say what Brass's first commendation was (this was his 2nd). Now I'm curious... Also, after watching ABRTI...
  20. beaujolais

    Brass/Sofia #1 - I've been thinking about you...

    Watching ABRTI Part 1 today and the scene between Brass and Sofia after her interrogation was the first blatant hint to me that there was something going on between them: Brass: "Want a ride?" Sofia: "No, I'm just going to go home." Brass: "You sure?" Sofia: "Yeah." Now what comes immediately...