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  1. M

    Your top 5 favorite shows!!!

    CSI Vegas Supernatural House Anderson Cooper Dirty Jobs
  2. M

    Characters You Would Like To Meet

    Greg's family. Nick's siblings.
  3. M

    Where did the dog come from?

    I hate cropping ears, not only is it mean, but they look so much better with floopy ears. Boxer have such great expressions, their ears are apart of that. I've also seen what happens when they get a poor ear job. We had one dog that had a very bad job done, they hurt him sometimes. I can't put a...
  4. M

    Where did the dog come from?

    Yep, and they're so loving. If you're good to them, they give everything they have.
  5. M

    Where did the dog come from?

    George's dog, Mavrick, was in Burked second season opener. Billy's dog, the one on the show, is a Boxer. Best breed ever!! (I have 3)
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    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

    It's getting sad. Why isn't he getting more time?
  7. M

    "Living Doll" Season Finale Discussion *Spoilers*

    I've never been that bored during CSI. That blew.
  8. M

    Season 8 Wishlist

    Re: Season 8 Wishlist I agree with all of these! Mmm, pool. :devil:
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    Gary Dourdan & Eric Szmanda CMA awards

    It really hasn't changed in a long time. It's just gone from long to short. But this, shorter, soft spikes. Oh god, it's perfect.
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    Season 8 Wishlist

    Re: Season 8 Wishlist No more GSR. More fun story lines. Who Shot Sherlock, Kiss Kiss. More Greg! I want him to be lead, give him something to really work with to show off how great Eric is as an actor. More personal lives. I'm not talking lovelife, but lets us know what they do for fun...
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    Gary Dourdan & Eric Szmanda CMA awards

    Yay. If I find video I'll post it over there. And try to link it here. If someone find video of Eric could you please u2u me. I would love ya forever.
  12. M

    Gary Dourdan & Eric Szmanda CMA awards

    If you guys head over to Eric Szmanda on LiveJournal there are a bunch of pictures up of Eric. I'm hoping video will be up soon since I wasn't able to tape it.
  13. M

    "Living Doll" Season Finale Discussion *Spoilers*

    Um, there are how many other cast members? The show can go on without her. I think I would like it if she left. I can't stand GSR. I could never stand her whining over him.
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    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

    Hang on, I just saw that there is a new secret fun time? Can someone link me, I haven't seen it! NEVERMIND! Just found it. Ohhh Eric in a suit!
  15. M

    Gary Dourdan & Eric Szmanda CMA awards

    It just so doesn't seen like Eric's thing. I see him leaving as soon as he can. *sigh* but I'll be watching. Kelly Clarkson will be there, so it's an extra thing thing for me.
  16. M

    Season 7 Pictures P2 *Possible Spoilers*

    You have a boxer? Awesome! I have 3. We've always had boxers. I love them so.
  17. M

    "Ending Happy" Discussion *Spoilers*

    I hated last night. You make me happy... GAG!
  18. M

    If You Could Interview A Star Of LV

    Eric Szmanda. I can't really come up with questions I would want to ask. Subjects that would come up would be his home life, music, his dog...just random things.
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    "Leggo our Greggo!" - Greg/Eric discussion thread # 9

    That's how I thought about it. He wouldn't want his mother to deal with that kind of pain.
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    If you were a GUEST STAR, which role would you choose?

    I'd kind of want to be a victim that in Greg and Nick's case. Or a lab rat. I think they have fun roles.