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  1. S

    Danny/Flack song thread: Even They Listen

    I wondered when this thread would kick off. I have two songs that always make me think of this pairing. "Superhero" - Jane's Addiction You were smiling by my table Had to call up everyone that day A beautiful mind and body What a happy ending I see My mind had been enabled In a memory you...
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    Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Thread

    Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa Since I'm convinced that the whole D/L thing was written by the teenage work experience kid, I'm guessing "the next level" is second base. Dude. Whatever. Like, totally. Etc.
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    Why Lindsay Must Go

    JDonne, you have hugely hurt my feelings there. I'll have you know I spent a good TEN minutes on that theory, which is at least TEN TIMES what the writers put into Lindsay's dark!!sekrit!!111 story. *offended*
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    Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

    AHA! *pointpoint* I knew you didn't really think my serial killer theory was bunk! *squees in triumph* Otherwise, I'm pretty much crapping out my internal organs with laughing at Top. Evil woman, you. Actually, I'll add one : * Danny discovers that Lindsay is, in fact, a golem, and has no...
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    Eddie Cahill to Participate in Live CSI Files Chat Wednesday

    Re: Eddie Cahill to Participate in Live CSI Files Chat Wedne I'm agreeing with you on the unlikey-she's-inked him, but she does do other things than portraits. Anything with a lot of detail tends to be handed over to her, mainly because she's astonishingly good at small, intricate tattoos...
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    Why Lindsay Must Go

    ...which is total proof that the writers came up with the "secret" storyline on the spur of the moment, and it was NOT defined well in advance. Had they actually bothered to check back, they would have realised that her reactions in Manhattan Manhunt were totally at odds with what they'd have us...
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    Eddie Cahill Chat Transcript Now Available

    He likes Miami Ink! *lol* Eddie, I love you even more than I previously did, just for that remark :D
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    Why Lindsay Must Go

    I have the opposite problem. I see the posts from pro-Lindsay FMs and read all of the reasons why I should like her and I find it hugely difficult to relate to what they're saying. They see chemistry where I see awkward posturing, they see true!love where I see a badly-written teenage...
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    Why Lindsay Must Go

    Michelle think LA. Home to CSI filming across all series. It doesn't sound like any of you are partcularly optimistic about where this ship can go. I guess we'll have to hope it's handled more like Grissom & Sara, but let's face it, what we've seen so far doesn't bode well, does it? I see many...
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    Dr. Peyton Driscoll/Claire Forlani Thread #1

    Macpeyfan - thanks for bumping the thread back up! I love the dynamics between the two as well... and Peyton is just a beautiful, classy lady and I think I'm developing something of a crush... <3
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    Worst Movies Ever

    NikkyJamez - I'm with you, Dazed and Confused is an awesome film <3 Slater is just... the most adorable thing ever. It's one of my favourites.
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    Dear Writers... (Have something you want to say?)

    JDonne - that post was awesome (and props to Mrs G) - but oh my - I think I'm going to have to jump on your freshly-baked Amy Acker bandwagon. Get her in there! Or at least, make Peyton a main character, then TPTB can romance themselves up to the eyeballs and Danny remains intact. Mac/Peyton...
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    Worst Movies Ever

    Are we talking the English or Japanese version? Because the English one is horrible, definately. Get hold of the book - it's a thousand times better. And just for the record, I hated hated hated "From Hell". I don't care if it had Johnny Depp in it, it was a horrible film.
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    Will the REAL Danny Messer Please Stand Up?

    Make him wish he'd actually took Nixon Suicide up on her offer, if nothing else :lol:
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    Why Lindsay Must Go

    We bought one of those terrible "true crime" books the other day - the ones you get for dirt cheap because they're so bad? And it stated that murderers are not like normal people, they are demonic. I thought... well damn. That's where we're going wrong. So we should be looking for the horns &...
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    Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

    The wazoo is going to come from keeping the damned thing flat. I don't believe for a second that my sucky postal service won't crush everything horribly, or lose bits. This would royally suck a fat one.
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    Why Lindsay Must Go

    Showtime, while I'd love to agree with you, I fear they're going to drag it out over several more eps before we see a full Lindsay meltdown. I'm sure it'll happen, though. I predict chainsaws.
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    Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

    Now see, I'm wondering - for those of us who live overseas... would it be possible to to a digital scrapbook page, and then send it to someone for printing?
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    Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

    You start these things and then wonder why you're in charge? :lol: And you know I'd start a Fay fan project, but it'd probably be banned, due to its obscene content... :D
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    Why Lindsay Must Go

    *LOL* Me too, which is why I mentioned it. It has the same level of schmaltz to what we're currently being "treated" to. I'm half tempted to PM you now and talk Bollywood :D Danny dancing... hmm. They DO spend a lot of time with their shirts off... Back on topic, I'd hope they made Danny and...