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  1. chocolate_bunnys

    Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

    Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight That is how un-GSRy my mom is. Like after WTG my mom said: 'Well I guess they cant kill off Sara now.' ... This is why my parents dont know about my CSI/GSR adiction. My mom hates sara and my dad thinks Grissom is the MCSK. :rolleyes...
  2. chocolate_bunnys

    Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

    Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight Oh and right about now I think I should be bringing out the lists to verify and crap...But I became smart! Soooooo I now have the lists up at my LJ and I even wrote a breif history to go with each list(yah I have to much time on my hands)But...
  3. chocolate_bunnys

    Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

    Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight Dude the apostrophe(sp?) thing is misplaced in the title. 4 more minutes! We better get GSR tonight That was 3 lines, thank you and good night!
  4. chocolate_bunnys

    Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

    Yaaay New thread! Edit: Ohhhhhhhhhm so first one here. Oh Yay! Party ! Party! Ha! 10 more minutes. Edit again: Turt, your icon is making me crack up hytericly and i dont know why! *Bad spelling due to the fact that CSI is 9 minuted away. .....Great my mom is having uses trying to tape GA. I...
  5. chocolate_bunnys

    One on One challenges! Challenge #12 ~ Results Up!

    Re: One on One challenges! 2nd Challenge - Voting! A:2 B:1 C:2 D:2 E:1 Great work!
  6. chocolate_bunnys

    Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

    Noooooo! Jeez, I watch Greys because the people are hot, I watch for McDreamys dreamy hair not ecklies non-existent hair. Traitor! I *think* I saw him on NCIS too. I know, when I get asked I want to be like; 'No. They are just coworkers, nothing more.Dont mind the pinning down, taping up...
  7. chocolate_bunnys

    Grey's Anatomy #2 ~ The McThread, Seriously!

    I kinda thought the spin off took over Greys a bit to much for that ep. Izzie/George; this story line is intriguing, like a car wreck, I have to keep watching it, even though I feel horrible for callie. I have a friend who literally screamed "no george,No! Bad george." at the TV during the G/I...
  8. chocolate_bunnys

    Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

    Cant.Stop.Laughing. LMFAO I will vote for that one! LOL Ok now the real reason I am posting: How many more episodes do we have? I know I should know this, but... Well I dont, In my defensce I never do, I mean I thought Greys was over untill I saw a promo saying there was 2 more episodes. Ok...
  9. chocolate_bunnys

    Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

    LOL Great minds think alike ILB, and I agree it was Hawt! Im suprised Sara didnt run into the room and jump on him after reading it. Mabey she did :devil: how would we know? I think they live together, because sara's 'I wont wait up' and 'how would i know what keeps grissom up at nigh'...
  10. chocolate_bunnys

    Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

    I had more time on my hand so I decided to come back and write more. Ok, I had to watch LL with my dad, and he is now convinced that Grissom is the MCSK. ... Then he is all; do you think he is the killer? I wanted to say:'No because he has sara, and the complete each other so he would...
  11. chocolate_bunnys

    Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

    Yay Thread titles Grissom & Sara #28: She makes him 'Happy' Grissom & Sara #28:To heart's and eyes' delight Grissom & Sara #28: Geek love now with Geek-Dog Jeez I left for a little while and you guys go through 8 pages. Yay GSR
  12. chocolate_bunnys

    Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

    Adzy! Your back! lol, SSR8, I would never be that GSR-y around my parents, they would send me to a mental hospital. But I did go off on naming all the episodes and quoting Grissom once, and they stared at me.
  13. chocolate_bunnys

    Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

    Ok So... Just saw the promo... the other promo. And... I am still spoiler free...didn't see this on purpose
  14. chocolate_bunnys

    Grey's Anatomy ~ Shipping Thread

    I am with you I want their marriage to survive. OK. WTF. My ship was canonized and un-canonized. In one episode! First, Can I say I simply despise this whole spin-off thing? Now I am disappointed how they handled the Addison/Alex. They built it up real nice, with tension and not having them...
  15. chocolate_bunnys

    Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

    I do love GA, and I am addicted to it. But I did watch CSI on Thursday, so SSR8 cant hit me with her bug on stick. But with GA the ships are so short and...short! My ship got canonized and un-canonized(is that a word?) in 1/2 an hour! egg, *sigh* you scare me. I practically gaged when i saw...
  16. chocolate_bunnys

    Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

    ^^^SaraSidleRules8 you crack me up! In this moment...I hate Greys Anatomy! With that out of the way: Welcome!Im spoiler free as well as Adzix cherryxoxoxo7 Cynthia_Sanders Emul_webs fallenthrough GillianSGrissom grissoms_gurl katjo MissDee mrb105 sienna ziggy onlyvegas wings23 . Ha...
  17. chocolate_bunnys

    Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

    Alright, I'm back I think I already posted, but I don't really remember it. *Stares at TV* Is it bad that I want to beat-up my TV, my ONE TV. As in I can only watch ONE thing at a time. Stupid TV. Why? Why? Did GA move to Thursday, A-holes. Quick, some one convince me to watch CSI this...
  18. chocolate_bunnys

    Grey's Anatomy ~ Shipping Thread

    I love how Ava teases Alex about Addison and him. Speaking Ships: SPOILER ALEART Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 Pic 4 Pic 4 Sorry they are crapy quality, but I am SOOO watching Grey's this week!
  19. chocolate_bunnys

    Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

    I just came back...and thisd is the first thing I see. You guys are hazordus to my mental health. dude I just got back after week, and now you leave? Why?...Ok too much sleep depravation one of my roomates would not let me sleep on my 'vacation' *sigh* just ignore me. Ok please dont tell me...
  20. chocolate_bunnys

    Grissom & Sara #27: Intimately

    You have pink kitty socks 0.o I personally hope/want to believe that they got together mid season 6. Maybe this is ridiculous, but that is the way i want it.So: *sticks out tongue*. ... Great so now I see sarah's post saying that someone posted a spoiler so now I am siting here closing my...