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  1. chocolate_bunnys

    QUIZZES--How much do you know?

    Star Wars: 9/10 <- Oh Yeah, I used to be obsessed w/ these movies :p Harry Potter: 9/12 , only watched 2 of the movies and read 1 of the books.
  2. chocolate_bunnys

    The Secrets Thread

    That dose suck. Every time I wright a long paper the side of my left hand is silver from the lead smearing! :eek: *cries*I dont wana die! :eek: :p Another secret, I believe I had a touch of OCD as a child I can remember feeling like I had to do something so many times, or doing 2 related...
  3. chocolate_bunnys

    The Secrets Thread

    :eek: That is horrible!That is one messed up woman, I cant believe someone would do that just cuz they didnt like the hand they were wighting with! Us left-handed people need to ban together and take over the world!:lol:
  4. chocolate_bunnys

    Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

    Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight ^^^^Saras mom killed her dad then she went to foster care where she was bonced from foster parent to foster parent. I would rather this whole ep. be about sara, then her family.
  5. chocolate_bunnys

    Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

    Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight Yah, Adz, but we know nick was close to his family and sara is...well...not so much, as far as we know her mom is in jail and he brother was a drug addict, and they have made it pretty clear that sara is not close with her family, and I...
  6. chocolate_bunnys

    The Secrets Thread

    Wow, I have gotten more sane coming in here, I thought I was borderline mental with my little fantasy world, but like people say, it gets you through the day, I would most likely be somewhat depressed w/o it. Ok my secret, I like the sound of Ice machines in the hotels. Every time I got to a...
  7. chocolate_bunnys

    Pirates Of The Caribbean

    Re: Pirates of the Caribbean Dont know if anybody watched the MTV movie awards but: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Mans Chest won at the MTV movie awards for Best Movie and Johnny Depp Won for Best Performance . Cant wait for the award show for AWE next year. Oh, the little guy, he...
  8. chocolate_bunnys

    Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

    Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight 1. 'Pin Me Down' 2. WTG 3. Beard being shaved No Change. I have no clue why, I go around one day after the living doll so happy that people think i am on somthing. But LDis not near my top 3. WTF? Even i am confused. lol.
  9. chocolate_bunnys

    Grey's Anatomy #2 ~ The McThread, Seriously!

    I did not like how they ended this season, they ripped apart almost all the relationships in one way or another(except for the chiefs) and as of right now we dont even know if 1/2 of the characters will be back. I am very disappointed with this season.
  10. chocolate_bunnys

    Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix

    Re: Melinda Clarke/Lady Heather: The Dominatrix Did anyone else notice that most of the cap sites have almost all of the episodes except for tGtBatD? Coincidence? I think not! lol. jk.
  11. chocolate_bunnys

    Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

    Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight You didnt deny it eggsy! OK, me no likey GSR marrige, me no likey GSR baby unless TPTB would like to show us how that baby came to be :devil: OK. Too much chocolate for me. I saw jorja on the cover of some magazine today, and my mom was...
  12. chocolate_bunnys

    Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

    Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight To quote her: "I'm not anti-wedding. I'm just anti-stupid -- you know, people who do things for the sake of tradition with no clue as to why." ~6x21 , Rashomama I don't believe she is really against marriage or anything, she is...
  13. chocolate_bunnys

    Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

    Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight *Stares at adzix's icon* I LURVE James Bond! Ok, randomness buddy, i like you optimism, but i am sooooo anti-marriage it isnt funny, plus if i was sara, and he had just proposed to me and then a week later he went off and spent the night...
  14. chocolate_bunnys

    Other Fandom Fanart #2 - Showcase & Requests

    Re: Other Fandom Fanart #2 Of course! Im just glad that i made decent ones! Just curious what greys board do you go to? i have been looking for one, but they are all unorginized and under-moderated.
  15. chocolate_bunnys

    Other Fandom Fanart #2 - Showcase & Requests

    Re: Other Fandom Fanart #2 Made some Greys Anatomy, PotC 1&2 , and Goldfrapp(now there is a random combination!) At My LJ Teasers:
  16. chocolate_bunnys

    The Fan Art Forum Guide - Rules/Tuts./Questions *updated 10-05

    Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide OK, Ive got another question, 2 actually. Teh first; I have a chance to get PhotoShop and I have no clue what to get. The choices I have are: ~Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended ~Photoshop Elements 4.0 ~Photoshop Elements 5.0 ~Photoshop Elements 5.0 Premium Edition...
  17. chocolate_bunnys

    Pirates Of The Caribbean

    Re: Pirates of the Caribbean ^^
  18. chocolate_bunnys

    Pirates Of The Caribbean

    Re: Pirates of the Caribbean Well if they have a 4th one I will only watch :
  19. chocolate_bunnys

    Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

    Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight My randomness buddy? Ok, you and everyone else is on the teams they asked for, and so far we have no one on the 'OMG! Sara is going to die team' come on, I worked hard on that name! lol. You beter not be thinking what i think you are...
  20. chocolate_bunnys

    Grissom & Sara # 28: To heart's and eyes' delight

    Re: Grissom & Sara #28: To heart's and eyes' delight Ok, who voted: Fess up. Who voted? Adz? Me I voted Sara dies and after the autopsy we learn that she's been a couple of weeks pregnant. Poor Grissom. He deals with it somehow and continues to work but looses the spark in his eye. Cuz i...